Wednesday 7 September 2005

big time bad mood

just feeling a little pee'd off today...
i say a little, i mean a lot
and i don't know why
anyway my heads not really into the whole blogging thing too much today so i'm just going to prattle on about something or other and see where the random stream takes me

i've turned into a bit of a phantom comment leaver type person at the moment...i keep clicking on the "next blog" button and reading things and from there i sometimes leave a comment and other times i don't...and if i really like the blog i go back and look again, and maybe leave another's all good though

there are a few people at the moment who have a lot to answer for...
woja...for sending me a link to a stupid burger game which i get stuck on level 4, that's if i make it to level 4 that is...once i managed to get to level 5...but it was way too scary and i ended up dying very quickly
Evel...for getting me into Su Doku...number are now evil

am really bored again today at work, sometimes i wonder why i do this job, other times i realise without it i wouldn't have so much time to surf the internet :) although i definately need more money so i might have to take a second job, not sure what though...suggestions please?

just had my lunch...smoked salmon sandwich and then a cheese and bacon one as well, think i preferred the latter one, not sure why though... still hungry though, might have to head off and raid the local shop for more food at this rate...

apparently the lunch time hacky sack session is calling for me...i'll be back

right that's the post lunch session out of the way...spanish wanted to name all the different kicks that we use, but no-one could actually be that bothered to do it...and everytime we got a double and were heading for the triple someone would say "that's the double" (usually spanish) and then we'd fluff it before we made the next full loop

the 34 effing fume cupboards are being changed again so i'm stuck not being able to work on them...which is fine with me at the moment, but seeing as i've got 4 days before the quote is due, i hope that the problems get sorted out...

i'm so bored at the moment

and i've got a headache coming on now too
great :(

still not sure what i'm pee'd off about, but i feel better now after the lunchtime hack...bizarre huh!

right to clarify...bobbins means "of no conceivable use" from the ever useful woja, so i hope that helps you linny...ain't english great?

i guess i should get back to work, but i still have nothing to do...ho-hum
guess i could go back to randomly reading other peoples blogs and leaving little comments on them

laters peeps, take care now


Natalia said...

Breathe in and out... lest youbecome an angerball like I did.


Px said...

an angerball...
you're kidding right?
and i am and out, very slowly, although angerball status would be good about now

Lindsey said...

You've already seen that I'm in the same mood today. I just keep rubbing my ears and saying "Woo saaaaa."

P.S. When I hit "next blog" I always end up on every blog that isn't written in English.

Princess Pessimism said...

ME TOO linny...i'm TIRED of next blog = advertisement....And the ones that arent in english usually have an english Blog title...i fine it entertaining.

PX...Awww...poor you. Go home and take some advil with a glass of'll feel MUCH better LOL Kidding..i never do that...well, not on purpose anyway.

Px said...

why do you keep saying "woo saaaaa"? i prefer to say "get stuff" when i'm in a bad mood...

i don't like taking pills unless i'm really ill, but needless to say i did pop a few bottle caps last night and chilled in a nice beer induced relaxation

both of you
there are a seriously large and stupid amount of adblogs, and other bobbins, and i came across some that were written in differet languages, including one written by a bloke here in the UK...dodgy

Px said...

or even "get stuffed" as get stuff would be pretty pointless

Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

Do you find that hitting next blog gives you a Winfixer malware download box? I am thinking that this is where it came from, but I can't be sure. I like your blog a lot!

Px said...

a what box?
i'm lucky if i get a cardboard box...most days :)
glad you like the blog though, i hope to hear from you again sometime soon :)

Lindsey said...

"Wooooo saaaaaaa" It was in the movie "Bad boys 2"'re supposed to rub your earlobes and say it as a sort of relaxing mantra.

But I like the "get stuff" too.

Px said... i geddit...
it's been a few years since i saw bad boys 2, hence the blank expression and noding and smiling serenely