Saturday, 24 September 2005

something new?
but i have nothing to say
it's too early on a saturday morning for me to be thinking about something new to post about
besides i'm trying to think of a witty and cutting comeback for pp on the other blog and it's just not working for me
supposed to be moving things today, but alas, plans changed last night while out and now i'm stuck moving things on my own again...which to be honest i prefer, because there's less hassle of telling people what's supposed to be where and all that kinda junk...besides some of this shit needs to go into storage
btw roxi...i did a few of the things on your site...
apparently i'm "tin man's johnson silver" as a rejected crayon
i'm an "expert kisser" but that's only according to the thing
the underwear oracle had me spot on
and my porn star name is larry loverod
i'm hungry and i want some breakfast, but i used all the bacon and eggs yesterday and the day before, and that only really leave toast for breakfast this morning and i don't really want toast, i wanted a bacon buttie :(
anyway i'm struggling with things to say now so i'm going to cut an run
take care peeps


Princess Pessimism said...

Ive noticed that you have been slacking on a witty comeback on our page....LAZY LAZY LAZY....

Lindsey said...

Awww. Princess take it easy on him. lol. He's been sick....

Poor Px.

Princess Pessimism said...

LOL!!! Ya, sick.....If that's what he calls it...LOL

Princess Pessimism said...

Clarissa...Ya, I know he was sick...I was sick to death of him complaining about it all week...LOL

Princess Pessimism said...

Clarissa...LOL..he wasnt...He only told me 2 times LOL....but it was because I was complaining that I was sick....And it was over 1 email something like "ya, i'm sick too" and then "i'm going to bed, I dont feel all that well"...

And it was in response to the email I sent him over the post on pppx.

He didnt complain. Sorry, its just my sense of humor....I totally exaggerated.....

Natalia said...


Px said...

sorry natalia and roxi
i didn't realise my life was actually that interesting
i have been posting on the blog that me and Princess Pessimism share though
I'll try and update tonight though or you