Friday 28 July 2006

friday funtime

ok i can't believe it's been a week since i last blogged
i'm getting really bad at this ain't i?
that's a rhetorical question before any of you start to answer that! (and no i didn't use the spell checker on rhetorical :oP)
i've been driving around in the beast for the last week, which is why i've been a bit on the quiet side of things, you know how it is, you look for pretty much any excuse to drive when you're got new wheels ;)
it's awesome
although it's a little gay because it's an automatic and i'm used to manual gearbox, but it's all good
i found the diff lock for the 4WD the other day, i've not had a chance to have a play off-road yet, but trust me i'm going to soon :D
made the big error of running it dry the other day, i thought i had enough to get to the petrol station, turns out i was almost right...but not quite, i broke down about 100m from the garage forecourt and had to be pushed the remainder of the way lol...yes i got pushed and didn't do the pushing, i might be stupid for not filling up sooner, but i'm not stupid enough to push the bloody thing! but thanks to my bro and some friends of a friend and not the police, even though they pulled over and asked if everything was ok (it obviously wasn't)...i got the beast to the forecourt and filled her up with £60 worth of diesil (think it could've taken more though)
still she's running nicely now and i know not to believe the fuel gauge when it says it's got between none and 1/4 of a tank left...

other stuff;
i've got my first wedding anniversary thing to DJ tomorrow (at £80 for the night it can't be sniffed at right...especially as it's music i like too) looking forward to it, and i'm feeling more comfortable doing this than i was hosting the quiz...not sure why, but hey...who cares!
been looking online for a vivarium set up (or even some plans to make one myself...yes i can do DIY...just not very well!) FYI the vivarium is for the pending family member Errol...Errol will be a boa constrictor snake, male hopefully as they only get to 8ft in length, females can get to 12 ft...and she'd probably get a complex from being called Errol all the time!
moving in just over 2 weeks, we're looking forward to it, just not looking forward to having to sort through all our shit and get rid of the stuff we've doubled up on or that's too old/too manky/just plain nasty...and believe me we'll have stuff from all them catagories!!
not managed to sell the little pug yet, holding on to it for a little while, no idea why though, but i know that at some point i'll want to get the stereo out of it and put it into the beast! (might do that the week we move as i've got the week off that week)
been applying for a few jobs again, i'm tired and bored of this one, i feel it's time for a change again and so i'm looking at various things at the moment. applied for 2 yesterday and sent my CV off to another one today, hoping to hear back from at least one of these positions, this time if i'm offered the job though i'm going to take it...well probably. applied for one the other day which offered a fully expensed car...nice deal except i've just been and got a new one myself...still doubt i'll get that one anyway so it doesn't matter!
spanish has been out of the office all week this week, it's been busy without him, most irritating thing is that the sales team seem to think that they all have priority over each other and as such seem to think that's it's ok that they can jump the queue all the time
last night it was busy in the pub, but a couple of friends came in and that was cool, one i've not seen since easter, one i've not seen since christmas and one i've not seen since school (or there abouts) it was good to see the 3 of them, just a shame that i couldn't sit with them more and have a decent chat and catch up. i managed some time with them though because the landlord went out earlier in the evening (while it was manic), so when he came back i went out for a little while and chatted to them while i ate something
right well i guess that was the week that here's a song for the weekend:
something new
something chilled
something that i only got yesterday!
Trouble by Ray Lamontagne is an awesome song, i'm really enjoying it (i'm enjoying the whole damned album at the moment to be honest) it's got a very chilled feel to it and the lyrics for this song in particular are very meaningful at the moment


Natalia said...

Woohoo sound in good spirits, love...I am happy for you.


Miss Ash said...

Sounds like an interesting week. Make sure to keep the beast at least 1/4 full at all times from now on LOL.

Lindsey said...

I coasted into the gas station today purely on fumes. I'm sure of it.

Unfortunately I used to have a shitty car and I actually had to push the little fucker up a hill, by myself when the transmission went out.

Princess Pessimism said...

AHHH HAHAHA. I would have loved to see your monstrosity being pushed into the gas station by a bunch of guys, and you standing on the sidelines watching.

This is why we should all carry cameras at all times