Tuesday, 31 January 2006
Saturday, 28 January 2006
hey hey peeps
it's a saturday songday and the song for the day it drop dead gorgeous by Republica :)
seeing as it's saturday and i think i successfully managed to get about 6 hours sleep again last night (not counting how many nights it is now since i had more than that) i'm in a cracking good mood
i also got my sexy new image today...oh yes people your Px is changing...out are the glasses, dropped in favour of my nice new contact lenses!!! picture will appear at the bottom of the post, story behind them first!
ok so it's december, mother has suggested that i get lenses again as now i'm not working in a swimming poll i can wear them when and wherever i please...she's even willing to pay for them. (bonus!) right, well the first pair of new lenses arrives on the 23rd of december, just intime for christmas :) but alas i'm told that they don't fit my eye very well, which is why they were slipping all the time, a new pair would be ordered and should arrive in a couple of weeks. second pair arrive and the fit is perfect, i mean they are spot one fit wise, but driving to work in the morning i noticed that the road signs were not as clear as they were when i was wearing glasses, so i wisely choose to take them off and go back into the opticians and complain, new eye test is done, and new lenses are ordered. now your normally placid Px is starting to get a bit narked about this having paid some £150 for contact lenses in december and by mid january still having nothing to show for it! a call came yesterday to say that my new lenses were in, so i called them this morning and made an appointment to have them fitted and check that the prescription was right this time. the earliest available appointment...2 weeks time. Unimpressed Px books said appointment and wanders back off to bed. not long after i get a phone call, it's the opticians saying that they've had a cancellation and that i needed to go down right away to get my new lenses so i could put them in and go back 2 hours later for the appointment. Done
went back in for the appointment and the nice lady got me to read the lines on the chart, first with each eye singularly (read the middle line each time) then with both eyes (read the bottom line...quite surprisingly as that line was pretty small and well above the british standard set for lenses) comfort wise i've had them in over 5 hours now and they are feeling fine still, although i'll probably take them out before i go out tonight. sight wise, they're better than my glases :)
i'm a happy Px and i'm a sexy looking mother trucker too now :D...want the proof?
here you go! (i'm squinting because it's sunny and i know i need a shave, but it's the weekend so what you gonna do about it :P)
Thursday, 26 January 2006
Back to the foot again this week (was a little preoccupied to set something up last night apologies) this is the same foot as last time, only this is a bit of a dodgy side view to show off the scar which is about 8" long and hides underneath it a calcaneous (spelling) plate and 7 screws which are holding my heel together.
I'm also going to be posting on here today, some bad poetry... so please head there and have a look (10 dodgy poems posted, but please go and look)
Wednesday, 25 January 2006
really interesting and "honest" facts about Px...i'm liking the licking idea though...and the kissing...any offers?
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Px!
- If you lick px ten times, you will consume one calorie.
- Px will give a higher yield if milked when listening to music.
- The original nineteenth-century Coca-Cola formula contained px.
- If you kiss px for one minute you will burn six or seven calories.
- It takes more than 500 peanuts to make px.
- A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but px can not.
- Px, from the movie of the same name, had green blood.
- Px was the first Tsar of Russia.
- If you chew gum while peeling px then it will stop you from crying.
- If you break px, you will get seven years of bad luck.
then i used the alterego shadowfish and i got this...anyone wanna come and count my dimples?
div style="padding:8px;margin:15px;background-color:#CFCF95;color:#1A0A13;font-family: georgia, helvetica, trebuchet ms, verdana, sans-serif;">
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Shadowfish!
- The Aztec Indians of Mexico believed shadowfish would protect them from physical harm, and so warriors used him to decorate their battle shields.
- Ninety-six percent of all candles sold are purchased by shadowfish!
- You should always open shadowfish at least an hour before drinking him.
- There are 336 dimples on shadowfish.
- Some people in Malaysia bathe their babies in beer to protect them from shadowfish.
- In Japan, shadowfish can only be prepared by chefs specially trained and certified by the government.
- The blood of mammals is red, the blood of insects is yellow, and the blood of shadowfish is blue.
- You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching shadowfish.
- The Eskimos have over fifty words for shadowfish.
- In Chinese, the sound 'shadowfish' means 'bite the wax tadpole'.
Monday, 23 January 2006
for that woja, i'm tagging you with every tag i've done in the last 6 months 1 2 3 4 (that takes us back to july '05 and should give you something to do while you're trying not to work...
anyway on with the tag...
Apparently, I need to write down 5 weird habits I have, then tag 5 people to do the same...
here goes...
1) i hate having dirty finger nails, anything else about me can be dirty, but i hate having dirty finger nails! i'll use anything i can get hold of to clean them as well...i;m not saying my nails are in immaculate condition, i've never had a manicure, but i just don't like the idea of them being dirty
2) no matter what time dinner or lunch is, within 5 minutes of starting it i have to get up and go pee
3) i store rubbish in my car for ages, i rarely clean out the interior. there is usually a bag behind my seat which everything gets stuffed into
4) i never call people on my mobile (cell) phone, i'd rather send them a text message, at least that way i know that they've got the details written down if we're arranging to meet up or something
5) if i cook dinner, i loathe the idea of having to wash up afterwards, if i'm cooking for osmeone else then there is a simple rule, i cook, they wash up...if i'm cooking for myself i've been known to wash up only the things tht i need to cook with (usually just before i start to cook)
ok so 5 people that i'm tagging
Akanksha...you love your tags
Autumn...you love it too
Kt Mae...it'll give you something to do
jennifer...come on, give us some more info about you
PP...i'm trying to shame you into doing a tag...and if you don't i shall organise a boycott of your blog :P
and woja...you've got your tags, they're all pretty simple so do them
laters peeps
Sunday, 22 January 2006
ok i've been tagged, i'll deal with it tomorrow while i'm at work...woja (in the sidebar) has finally got round to updating his blog (ok he got tagged into doing so...) BTW dude, i'd been refraining from tagging you as you'd been too lazy to update anything for ages, but seeing as you're doing tags, i'm tagging you for every tag i've had in the last 6 months!!! (that's not that many though)
i'm now officially debt free, went into the bank yesterday and spoke to someone there and cleared my loan, my credit card and my overdraft in one foul swoop :)
i'm trying to develop my own website, so far i've registered the domain name and well have a look...it's here...but there's nothing there yet apart from the coming soon bit lol (suggestions of what i can put online will be appriciated
went out last night, had a few drinks with people i've not seen for ages. some bloke wanted to fight me for some dumb ass reason (think it's because i'd slept with his girlfriend, but that was months ago and they weren't together then) but i don't actually know because he wouldn't sit down and talk to me about it...like i care
and yeah, that's about it for the moment, life is trotting along fairly well
laters peeps
Thursday, 19 January 2006
i took this while i was driving home from work the other day, lacking in inspiration as you can tell, i thought it was interesting though because it's part of me i only ever see in the mirror, the underside of my chin. and as you can see, the beard's back, so my lady's happy :o)
sorry jennifer, no scrotum pics heading your way, besides the piercing has since been removed ("i had my scrotum pierced" past tense)
take care peeps, and HHNT!
EDIT: i forgot to mention that my mate Tochy is playing HNT for the first time, please go and visit her and make her feel loved (link in the sidebar)
Tuesday, 17 January 2006
not my fault
A - Age you got your first Kiss: proper kiss, with the girl i was seeing when i was 14
B - Band listening to right now: nothing as i'm at work, but in the car i've got Kayne West, Kaiser Chiefs, Niplozi, Linkin Park with Jay-Z and Pendulum
C- Crush: my lady (obviously), Kiera Knightley (i don't care what you say), and i'm sure there are a few others
D- Drink of Choice: Coke for when i'm driving, other (usually the guest ale if it's any good) for when i'm not driving
E - Easiest person: erm...i'm taking this not to be anything too rude...i know lots of people and they're all fairly easy
F - Favorite band at the moment: see B
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: i'm a fan of all sweets, but i prefer worms to bears, there's more to chew
H – Holiday: got to be Cyprus (sept'00) for the place, dublin (nov'04) for the beer and cornwall (nov'05) for the company
I - Instruments: have a clarinet which i don't play anymore, can play the piano and i'm trying to learn the guitar (last years resolution STILL unfulfilled)
J - Juice: orange, apple or pineapple...but if i'm feeling extravagant blood orange all the way baby
K-Kids: love to have one of my own one day, i'm good with kids of all ages
L - Longest car ride ever: through yosemite and death valley to las vegas
M - Major: would've been maths if i'd stayed at uni
N - Nicknames: punk, pixy, evil pete, shadowfish
O - One wish: my lady is all i want
P - Phobia[s]: mid range heights (like being up a ladder or scaffolding) i've been up the eiffel tower and i was fine then, i'm ok ish in planes depends on the turbulence and i'm more than happy to abseil from platforms as well, but ladders, scaffolding and diving boards are not cool
Q - Quote: "There's something i like about the clitoris, but i just can't seem to put my finger on it" - George Carlin
R - Reason to smile: finishing something, my lady holding my hand, a decent gig (flogging molly was the last one), having nothing to worry about
S - Song you sang last: Golddigger - Kanye West
T - Time you woke up [today]: 6:15
U - Unknown fact about me: too many people read this and know different things about me...lemme see...i had my scrotum pierced
V - Vegetable you hate: Brussel Sprouts
W - Worst thing to have happened to you: all sorts of bad things have happened, i'd rather not dwell on the really bad ones, those that know me know the worst of them
X-rays you've had: loads
1) heel/foot (i think the total for that including the CT scan is in the region of 30 from 2 different breaks [heel and 5th metatarsal])
2) wrist (various times totalling around 20 from 2 different breaks [scafoid and wrist])
3) chest (10 i think, [ribs and sternum])
4) knee (2 not broken, but checking for burrs and cartilidge damage)
Y - Yummy food: pretty much anything, although i'm not a fan of fast food places like McD's and burger king
Z - Zodiac sign: Scorpio
I'm tagging the newbie-Toch, Kt Mae, Jennifer and Autumn Storm (i was going to tag PP, but as we all know she won't do it anyway) if anyone else wants to do it go for it! take care peeps
Monday, 16 January 2006
I've had to have my remaining rattie put down today, so i'm feeling a little upset about that, especially as she was my favorite of these two. that means i've lost both my little girls within 2 months of each other.
they had a good run though, living to about 2 years old (average age for a rat so i'm told) but they both got lumps (which they are susecptible to) not sure if they were cancerous or absess' but either way they're not pleasent for them.
my rats were great, all four of them brought me happiness and good memories over the years. pinky and the brain were the first two and kept me sane while i was in uni and they were sorely missed when they passed away. fudge and snowball, although being a constant reminder of an ex-girlfriend, also brought me entertainment, even if i had to go and buy a few plasters lol.
i'm not going to be getting any more rats now though, out of the 4 that i've had over the years, 3 have had lumps, both the girls and one of my boys.
it's a shame i haven't got a picture of them that i could post.
so here's to my ratties, pinky, the brain, fudge and snowball
btw, i posted like 3 times yesterday so go read them!
Sunday, 15 January 2006
this is the newsy post, after this there are another 2 posts that warrant reading...and commenting on dammit!
after lat weekend's bust up with the folks i came back on the monday evening for a long discussion with them both, voices were raised, tears flowed, things were cleared a little and more importantly help was offered and accepted.
that's right, during the row with my folks i confessed to having a loan, credit card and overdraft totalling over £4000 worth of debt. the first offer of help was to clear that for me, which after a battle with my pride and my conscience i have accepted the money from my mum. the second offer stems from the line "i can't live here anymore, but i can't get out anywhere either" so basically if i can prove to my dad that i can be thrifty and save some money over the next few months (i think we're looking at 3 to 6 months) he's offered to stump up some money to help me put a deposit on a property. now i don't earn a great deal do the properties that are feasibly in my range are...mobile homes or places that need a lot of work doing to them, so it looks like i'm going back to my roots and become trailer trash (my folks lived in a mobile home when i was born) and please don't get me wrong and thikn that i'm being ungrateful by putting down the possibilities, i'm not, i'm loving the idea of having my own space, i'm loving the idea of having a trailer, in fact i'm loving it all!!!
other news
i'm ill, i've got a cold (please ladies note, this is a man with a common cold) i'm not dying, i'm not whinging and whining all the time, i'm trying to get on with it. the worst bit is the sore throat, it's been a pain swallowing for the last few days (please no rude comments i can make them up myself ;o) ), friday it moed into my head and threw my balance off a little and today it's finally moved into my nose. but hey, the biggest drawback is that i don't want to pass it on to my lady, which means as much as i want to kiss her, i'm refraining from it at the moment...
i've been making money by selling some of my old furniture, i know i've just said that i might be moving fairly soon, but hey, i'm thinking i should be able to get some more stuff anyway, and it's not like i'll want that much in a trailer anyway due to the room, so that's all good :o)
work has been dead quiet since christmas, but the sales manager i'm currently prepping a quote for still managed to piss me off. i requested that the changes he was about to make to the schedule of works be done in a different colour so i could identify them quickly and easily, seeing as he was re-typing a load of it anyway, you'd think this would be easy, but when the new work came through it was all still in black, so i carried on thinking it was all the same. i came across something that needed querying, so i called him about it, he told me that he'd made the changes on the new list and was i blind for not picking them up, this narked me as i then turned to him and said well it wasn't in a different colour, so how was i supposed to know, seeing as i'd specifically asked for it be in a different colour as i'd already started his quote. so he started swearing at me...the moron...anyway that bugged me, i asked him to do one simple thing and he couldn't be bothered!
last thing, if you comment hasn't been published, it doesn't mean always mean i've not approved it, sometimes it just means i've not had a chance to deal with it yet...ok? :o)
right all dealt with peeps
take care Px
this is a tune!!! and i can't get it out of my head at the moment...it's brilliant and i recommend it to everyone, in fact i recommend the band to everyone too
"Everyday I Love You Less And Less" - kaiser chiefs
Everyday I love you less and less
It's clear to see that you've become obsessed
I've got to get this message to the press
That everyday I love you less and less
And everyday I love you less and less
I've got to get this feeling off my chest
The Doctor says all I needs pills and rest
Since everyday I love you less and less
Unless, unless
I know, I feel it in my bones
I'm sick, I'm tired of staying in control
Oh yes, I feel a rat upon a wheel
i've got to know what's not and what's real
Oh yes I'm stressed, I'm sorry I digressed
Impressed you're dressed to SOS
Oh, and my parents love me
Oh, and my girlfriend loves me
Everyday I love you less and less
I can't believe once you and me did sex
It makes me sick to think of you undressed
Since everyday I love you less and less
And everyday I love you less and less
You're turning into something I detest
And everybody says that your a mess
Since everyday I love you less and less
Unless, unlessI know, I feel it in my bones
I'm sick, I'm tired of staying in control
Oh yes, I feel a rat upon a wheel
I've got to know what's not and what is real
Oh yes I'm stressed, I'm sorry I digressed
Impressed you're dressed to SOS
Oh, and my parents love me
Oh, and my girlfriend loves me
Oh, they keep photos of me
Oh, thats enough love for me
Oh, and my parents love me
Oh, and my girlfriend loves me
Oh, they keep photos of me
Oh, thats enough love for me
after chatting with a couple of people this week about various aspects of the L word, i've decided to post my thoughts on the matter...
there are a couple of things that i want to clear up, and i'm going to break it down nice and simple (so i can understand what i'm saying more than anything) we have 3 areas:
1) lust
2) love
3) being in love
now some people might argue that the last 2 are the same, but they're not and i'll explain that later.
lust...one of the 7 deadly sins, and who can blame them, right? different people have different ideas as to what lust is and what it entails, the following is just my take on it. when i lust after someone they are in my head a lot, i'm usually thinking about the things i'd like to do to them, and yes, we are talking about sex here. i'm not thinking lovey dovey things about them, i'm not looking at them and thinking 'i would love to hold your hand, and walk in the park with you' i'm thinking ''i wonder how quick we could get naked and make the beast with two backs, i wonder if there's anything i could do to make you quiver'. and although i do think about feelings and getting involved with that person, it would never last unless i could get over the whole lust thing with them, and that's not easy.
love...not a dealy sin, just an emotion. you can love someone without being in love with them. it's easily done, i love a lot of people, love to me is an extension of the feeling of friendship, i have my friends and the i have the people i love, and then i have my lady who i am in love with, and that's the difference. i love my best mate, but there is no way in hell i'd ever be in love with him (he's not my type for a start lol) and that's the biggest distinction, i love him as a mate, i know that if there's something wrong i can turn to im for a chat and advice and to be someone who i can rely on. now i can get all of that from my lady too...but there's a difference...read on
being in love...now i am in love my lady, i know this is true. i know this because if i wasn't in love with her, i wouldn't still be with her after the last couple of months and the other things that have happened outside our relationship. things that have had affected us in a massive way. so to me, being in love is doing everything and anything in your power to be with someone, including waiting, taking a step back into the shadows and wading through the shit that sometimes comes along with it, through no-one's fault. being in love is the feeling that, even though life has dealt you a rough hand, everything is going to turn up trumps. being in love isn't about knowing everything about a person or a situation, being in love is about the discovery. when i see her i want to cuddle her, i want to hold her and be touchy feely with her, i thinking about taking her places and sharing things with her. yes i think about her in the lustful way, she's fucking sexy as hell and i'm making a lot of people jealous by being with her. but being in love with her means that i'm not just thinking those things, it means i think about her in relation to every aspect of my life. and i do mean ever single aspect, because she means that much to me.
anyway, that's my take on things, discuss?
Thursday, 12 January 2006
this is the foot that has caused me most trouble...apart from having weird toes (note the length of the two toes next to the big toe and the stumpy ness of the little toe which also starts in a weird place, also not the gap between the big toe and the one next to it, that's all natural, i'm not stretching my toes out), a burning ring of fire tattoo, this foot also has the disticntion of having forced me to go to hospital, not once, but twice, the first time resulted in me staying in for 2 weeks, having an operation to put 1 metal plate and 7 pins in the heel, using crutches for 3 months, having 6 months of physio and dropping out of uni...why? all because i got drunk and fell off the library drain pipe, to quote my blog title...it seemed like a good idea at the time! the second time was when i broke my 5th metatarsal, a common football injury, it's the one Beckham did 4 years ago and the one Micheal Owen did a few weeks ago...it's a fairly minor break, i was walking unaided after 2 weeks and running again after about 6, although i've not really played football since, but then i rarely played football before, so it's actually not that unusual for me not to be playing.
Right Nuff Said...HHNT peeps
Tuesday, 10 January 2006
1) paperboy
2) cleaner/lifeguard/swim teacher/duty manager (all at the same leisure centre)
3) estimator
4) barman
1) living dead films (night of the living dead, dawn of the dead, day of the dead, land of the dead, return of the living dead, return of the living dead 2, return of the living dead 3...need i go on)
2) the crow
3) Seven/fight club
4) pirates of the wotsit (can't spell it)...keira knightley is truly the woman of my dreams
1) didcot
2) leeds
3) different house in didcot
4) another different house in didcot
1) red dwarf
2) lost
3) simpsons
4) cartoons and wrestling (rarely watch either these days, but thought they were similar and i love to watch them both if i can)
1) california and las vegas
2) germany
3) cyprus
4) dublin
1) steak, rump, sirloin, fillet, i don't care which, but i love it
2) bacon buttie
3) tuna a la pete (marinated in white wine, red chillis and lime juice, flash fried, served with a green left salad, foccacia bread and the marinade reduced down and drizzled over the tuna)
4) home made chips
1) in bed (tired)
2) with my lady (i miss her constantly)
3) cyprus (with my lady)
4) in a pub in dublin (preferrably with my lady)
1) natalia
2) kt mae
3) daisy
4) akanksha
Monday, 9 January 2006
why is it that whenever my parents argue, i'm the one who gets stuck in the middle?
yesterday was a bad day, up until then the weekend had been going ok, but yesterday, well have a look and see for yourselves.
sunday lunch, everything's ok, pretty normal to be honest, after lunch i head upstairs to mess about online for a while and stuff like that while my folks get themselves organised to go and visit my nan.
dad let's the dog into the front room (he's only allowed in there if someone's with him as he can be a bugger at times) to wait for me as i was looking after him for the afternoon. this starts off an agrument with my mum, as she said the dog should wait in the kitchen, in his bed, like he normally does. lots of swearing and shouting ensues, the end result being mum heading off to nan's on her own, on the train. it's raining and we live 30 minutes walk from the station, and my nan lives further than that the other end.
andway, i head off out at about 4 to get my wages from the pub, have a drink and see the lady. told her all about what had gone on earlier in the afternoon. left the pub at 6 and headed home. spoke to dad, suggested that maybe he should call mum, find out where she is and offer to pick her up. another argument ensues, this time between me and him. at some point i told him that i thought the pair of them were acting like children and that they should both grow up, slammed the door and headed off upstairs, more shouting followed, with me getting the last words in "well maybe i should just fuck off, then you'll be on your own you miserable bastard" or words to that effect. i headed upstairs again, packed a bag very quickly and called my bro to see if i could use his flat for a few days until things calm down. so that's where i am, in a flat with no food, very few clothes, no other belongings, nothing.
last night i went back to the pub for my dinner, probably end up doing the same tonight, not sure yet, then went back to the flat, ran a bath and chilled for a while. mum called to find out where i was and ask me to come home so that we could gang up on him and i said no, and that i wasn't interested anymore, i wasn't going to get involved and i'd be home when i was ready and things had calmed down.
the plan is to stay out of it again tonight, pop round tomorrow night and see if things have calmed down any and if not then i'll be picking up some more things and heading back to the flat...so we'll see
until then though, only have access to the net via work and i'm trying to work out what i'm going to do if things haven't calmed down...
take care
Thursday, 5 January 2006
HNT in 2006
half nekkid and "hard" at it...heh heh heh
not sure it i like this pic as you can see what looks like the beginning of a roll of fat...but i blame the position of the chair in relation to the laptop...
and don't ask why the matress has been up-ended...it's a long story!
that's my infinity tattoo by the way, on my skinny arm (that doesn't mean i've got one skinny and one fat arm, they're both skinny)
and the beard is growing back, i made the mistake of shaving it off just before Christmas and someone didn't like it, i got into trouble and so i've had to grow it back for her, but then i'd do pretty much anything for her :)
make your HNT a happy one and go and visit the home of hnt to see everyone else
Take care peeps
Wednesday, 4 January 2006
thanks to the advice of a certain lovely lady (natalia) i believe that the comments section should now be alive again!!!
but beware people i have the power to remove your comments before anyone else can see them, how cool is that.
it means that all the people i know and love, and all the other people who comment in a lovely harmless fashion are welcome to comment and we can have fun again, however any spam or "other" comments that may be submitted can be deleted before they are seen by everyone, so anything that i deem to be unfit WILL be removed
no it's ont me chickening out of an argument, it's me trying to move on without the ghosts of my past making p. poor attempts to haunt me...
yay natalia, three cheers to the saviour of my comments section!!
loves ya N
Tuesday, 3 January 2006
can you believe it?
but with that joyous news i bring sadness
due to someone being overly abusive and childish with their comments, i have had to disable my comments section to those people who are not members of this blog, namely everyone but me...i could invite you all to be members, but that might be a little excessive, even for me
it is a sad day as i usually love reading peoples comments to me
anyway the following are the answers to the challenge
song - artist/band
words - boyzone or the beegees
only - Nine Inch Nails
down - Blink 182
hit or miss - new found glory
will you - POD
girls and boys - good charlotte or blur
motivation - Sum 41
remember - disturbed
time - hootie and the blowfish
loco - coal chamber or fun lovin criminals
crazy - britney spears
all i want - reef
follow me - uncle Kracker
it doesn't matter - wyclef jean featuring the rock
believe - chemical brothers
loser - beck
whatever - liam lynch
broken - pantera
low - foo fighters
clumsy - our lady peace
break stuff - limp bizkit
one week - bare naked ladies
nothing - A
good time - A
attitude - alien ant farm
lady - modjo
nookie - limp bizkit
freedom - george micheal or robbie williams
the middle - jimmy eats world
always - saliva, bon jovi or erasure
without me - eminem
never ever - all saints
outside - staind
ich bin ein auschlander - pop will eat itself
aeroplane - red hot chili peppers
fly away - lenny kravitz
prayer - disturbed
fly - sugar ray
every morning - sugar ray
holiday - madonna or green day
seven days in the sun - feeder
7 days - craig david
everybody's free to wear sunscreen - baz luhrmann
red - elbow
turn - feeder
cars - gary numan or fear factory
one - metallica
numb - linkin park
faint - linkin park
shock - fear factory
bad day - fuel or daniel powter
just a day - feeder
it's been a while - staind
the memory remains - metallica
falling in love again - eagle eye cherry
complicated - avril lavigne
just a girl - no doubt
trouble - pink or cypress hill
paranoid - black sabbath
here to stay - korn
game of love - santana with michelle branch
the one - foo fighters
someday - nickelback
just because - jane's addiction
alright - east 17
don't know why - norah jones
control - puddle of mudd
it feels so good - sonique
too bad - nickelback
ends - everlast
my way - limp bizkit or frank sinatra
lose yourself - eminem
blurry - puddle of mudd
dream - dizzie rascal
american girls - counting crows
chillin' - modjo
have a nice day - stereophonics
party hard - andrew wk
time is running out - muse
remember me - blueboy
perfect year - dina carroll
i'm with you - avril lavigne
i think that was all of them
anyway, thank to those who played along
and once again, sorry about the comments section
take care