1. My roommate and I once: made cakes for the litlun and ate them all before she had chance to have one.
2. Never in my life have I: enjoyed eating brussel sprouts.
3. The one person who can drive me nuts, but then can always manage to make me smile is: her.
4. High school was: something I had to do.
5. When I'm nervous: I feel sick (sometimes I am).
6. The last time I cried was: a few weeks ago, things just got on top of me.
7. If I were to get married right now, my bridesmaids/groomsmen would be: I'm having a small wedding, the people that count will all be invited.
8. Would you rather run naked through a crowded place or have someone e-mail your deepest secret to all your friends? Either wouldn't really bother me to be honest.
9. My hair: is a mess.
10. When I was 5: I was shorter than I am now.
11. Last Christmas: made me want to get away this christmas.
12. When I turn my head left: I see the spanish guy in the office.
13. I should be: working on a quote.
14. When I look down I see: my belly…I'm slouching I'm not fat
15. The craziest recent event was: buying that truck...which I'm now selling
16. If I were a character on "Friends" I'd be: one in the background that doesn't say much and likes it that way
17. By this time next year: I'll be in a new job on more money and living with the most important people in my life right now
18. My favorite aunt is: I have too many aunts, none of whom I see, so I have no favourite.
19. I have a hard time understanding: (I think that says it all on it's own).
20. One time at a family gathering: there has only really been one family gathering in recent history and that involved my ex-father so that can be ignored.
21. You know I like you if: I say so.
22. If I won an award, the first person (people) I'd thank: depends on what the award is for and who chose me to receive it...probably thank her though
23. Take my advice: eat, sleep and be merry.
24. My ideal breakfast is: one that I don't have to do anything for.
25. If you visit my home town: you will be bored beyond belief.
26. Sometime soon I plan to visit: the bathroom…I need to pee.
27. If you spend the night at my house: bring beer and food, we'll have a laugh and probably end up talking all night or watching stuff on tv, but generally having a good time.
28. I'd stop my wedding if: it didn't feel right.
29. The world could do without: so many negative things in this world.
30. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: eat it.
31. The most recent thing I've bought myself is: apart from petrol for the car and food…my snake vivarium
32. The most recent thing someone else bought for me is: a pint.
33. My favorite blonde is: I don’t like blondes…and I don't have a favourite either.
34. My favorite brunette is: her.
35. My car must have a sign on it that reads: pull out in front of me…I need to test my brakes.
36. The last time I was drunk: was a long time ago
37. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds: bats
38. I shouldn't have been: able to get up this morning, I'm way too tired.
39. Have you ever shaved your pubic hair? Yes...
40. Last night I: did the pub quiz, won 2 bottles of wine and a 4 pack of beer, got home and made the bed.
41. There's this girl I know who: loves me just the way I am and tells me so everyday.
42: I don't know: why I do this job.
43. A better name for me would be: I don't want a better name.
44. If I ever go back to school I'll: be skint (or rich).
45. How many days until my birthday?: 96 I think…maybe
46. One dead celebrity I wish I'd met is: dead now so it doesn’t matter.
47. I've lived at my current address since: I'm currently between homes as it were. We're moving on Monday though
48. I've been told I look like: the giant in big fish…not sure about that myself though
49. If I could have any car, it would be: I have 2 cars at the moment and I’m not happy with either of them to be honest…I still want a viper, although i'm also tending to aston martins and tvr’s at the moment.
50. If I got a new cat tomorrow, I would name it: I don't like cats…they make my eyes go puffy, however when I get my snake, I’m calling him errol.
I tag woja if he can be bothered...not that he's posted anything in about 8 months and PP because we all know she'll never do it, even though she keeps promising that she'll do a tag if i tag her with it...