Monday 6 June 2005

Ich Bin Ein Berliner*
right then peeps, this is my last offering before i head off to Germany, land of beer and sausages. I have no idea what to expect when i get there (hopefully not DVT from being cramped on a Ryanair flight for a few hours) and seeing as i can just about say hello in german at different times of the should be an experience!!!
I've as always left everything to the last minute and with under 5 hours until i'm supposed to be at my parents to be taken to the airport, i've nearly finished my packing! once the packing is done i've then got to tidy the flat up, including doing some washing up from earlier yesterday, and sleep...sleep is for losers though and so i'm going to go without that essential until i'm on the plane and it's taken off...or until i fall asleep when i crawl into bed with 3 hours until i've got to be at my folks place...
"so why" i hear you ask "are you inline and blogging?"
well, i'm bored of packing, i've just finished ripping some more cd's to the hard drive and i wanted to make sure i had all the names of the songs and everything, so i came online to get them. also i thought it would be just downright rude of me not to have blogged before i left, seeing as i may not be able to blog for a fairly long time (ie about 4 weeks)
well with the stress of packing and everything like that, i've forgotten how bad a day i had yesterday...when i lost my bank card in oxford, only to realise that it didn't really matter as i have no money in the account anyway...this month my money seems to have evaporated into thin air! (or bills, tax, insurance, tv license, food, rent, the list goes on) but thankfully mother came to the rescue with a sub into my account which i have got the card for, which also has no money in it, and a loan of cash as well...ain't she great? hell yeah she is!
wish i'd gone to see SOAD this evening, but alas if i'd have done that then i'd never have packed...
went to my nan's 90th birthday, only to have hernot actually remember who i am anyway, i can forgive her, she is 90 after all. but since getting back from the party, i seem to have developed an upset stomach and have been in and out of the bathroom more times than it's comfortable for you to read...needless to say it's just adding to my worries of flying tomorrow.
had a panic this morning and decided that i wasn't sure if i really wanted to go, but having not spoken to anyone and having to listen to my parents argue over how bad my dad's driving was...and i was sat in the car, it was bad...i thought it wooud be far worse to have to stay here and listen to them for the next 4 weeks, than spending 4 weeks in germany, where i don't speak the language, don't really know anyone and can't afford to do anything anyway!
i'm going to miss you guys...and i mean it, hopefully i'll be able to blog while i'm out there, i'm going to take my trusty laptop with me, mainly so i can play games and watch dvd's on it in the evenings...but never-the-less i'll see if i can plug it in somewhere and update you all.
besides, just because i'm not around, it doesn't mean that you can't email me people, i still want to hear from everyone and all that stuff, i'll be right pissed off if i don't hear from you...but if i've not got a connection then i guess i won't know until i get back anyway...hmmm, more thought needed there me thinks!
well i suppose i should finish everything off...not sure i'm going to be able to shut my case yet :(
take care peeps
(*I am a donut)

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