Tuesday 10 April 2007

disjointed ramblings

lots of little bits and pieces today i guess

i got one easter egg...that was nice :) not eaten it all yet, in fact i only just started it today
(there's a pic of me and it over at the 365 place)

had to work yesterday even though it was a bank holiday and all of the independent places that i should've delivered to were shut, hell half the other stores weren't prepared for me either! everywhere i went yesterday didn't have any returns, nor did anywhere i was at today either apart from 2 places...

i spent yesterday afternoon on the beach...it was a stoney beach though so i didn't get sand anywhere thankfully :)

keep driving past heathrow airport, it's really making me want a holiday! (suggestions still welcome)

i miss doing the quiz :(
but work takes precedence

i've got that cold again :(
it looks like i'm not going to shake it until hayfever season kicks in with avengence and then i'll be plagued by that too...

i move this weekend, i've not even thought about packing anything up, gave the ex some boxes for her to pack my stuff into, think it pissed her off a little that i'm moving and want all my furniture and saucepans and crockery and kitchen stuff and all that...but she knew i'd find someplace eventually and that i'd want it all when i did.

got sent a sound clip of a friend of mine singing a song by paulo nutini last night, it was really good, although she'll hate me for saying that, she's made me promise that i won't play it to anyone. i keep my promises
sorry, i want people to hear it

i bought season 2 of lost the other day (didn't watch it when it was on the tv because the ex couldn't understand it and wanted me to tell her what was going on or change channels all the time) started watching that last night in the hotel (the rooms have all got tv/dvd players :)

also bought myself a PSP yesterday, i had some spare cash sloshing around and though it would be something of a treat and it'll keep me entertained while i'm away for work...which is did this morning while i waited 45 minutes for a shop to open...

apart from being ill again, life isn't doing too badly :)
hope everyone had a great easter
i promise to be over ot everyone's blogs this week if i can...


~*Jobthingy*~ said...

you went to the beach? i am jealous. we got snow up until yesterday. they arent calling for anymore, hopefully this is the end of it.

Natalia said...

Ahhh beach season is upon us. I like stony beaches. I like beaches with cliffs best. Ick cold...but that's just what comes with the change of seasons. The ex should just get over it. Really. Good that life is not too shabby.


Jen said...

tee hee I'm getting excited about the house, hurrah! :D will call sometime this week to sort moving in stuff... x

Miss Ash said...

Umm why is your ex packing your stuff and not you?