Sunday 1 April 2007

sweet release

it's sunday and i've lept really well the last two nights
it's been bliss
and better than that i've managed to go out both nights and have a good time while only having 2 pints...

so friday night i was supposed to be going out with mates from the pub, we were going into abingdon...but at the same time we were starting in abingdon...which is confusing i'm sure.
anyway i've been taking all sorts of tablets to try and ease this cold away, none have really been working much, but it is getting better... so due to this and the fact that i wasn't really in the mood, i drove over and thought that maybe if ihave a few drinks then i'll kip on the sofa again, or i could drive home later. i chose the latter
i got called weak through facebook because i didn't go out all night...which is fair enough, i called the guy weak last weekend for the same

then last night i met up with my soon to be housemate and had a drink with her
she's getting very excited at the prospect that we're becoming housemates, and to be honest i'm looking forwad to it too. she's going to help me find a woman by vetting any that i introduce to her, so i think i'm going to add that into the plan!
we also joked about having dinner parties and things like that, you know, generally being civilised and cultured adults...yeah i can hear you all laughing from here...

get this too, i spent 3 hours emptying the loft yesterday, rooting through years and years worth of rubbish, or treasure depending on how you look at it. i found records, vinyl 7", 10" and 12" stuff dating back to the early 60's if not a little older. i found a record player from the same era that i'm dying to fix and see if i can get it working again...think of the money i could make from these things!!!
i also found my old school reports from when i was like freaky is that? according to one report at the age of 7 i have a reading age of 9 and a half...see i was intellegent at one point!

anyway, seeing as it's sunday, i've got roast dinner today :) and it's not going to be long, so i'm going to sign off in a minute...
just a warning, because this driving job is proper rubbish, it's unlikely that i'll be blogging on a daily basis any more :( and seeing that this week i've agreed to do a stupid amount of cover at the pub as well, i'm not sure when i'll be able to blog...however when i get my new home (under 2 weeks now) and get it up and running and will likely blog whenever i can...

right, hope you're all enjoying your weekend
take care

i forgot to say that even though i'm not going to be blogging every day i will still take a pic of myself every day and post them over on The 365 P(roject)X in bulk when i next can get online

one last thing, i found this on was done for comic relief the other week, and because i missed it, i searched youtube for it and now i'm going to share it because it's AWESOME!


Natalia said...

It looks like you are having a good time overall. I am happy for you.


~*Jobthingy*~ said...

glad you had a good weekend. not having time to blog sucks.. i know that personally.. touch base when you can and if you dont get on before you move.. good luck moving day! hope it goes smooth