Tuesday 21 August 2007

job details

in brief
i'll be working in an office for a telecommunications company, that provides businesses with solutions to their phone, internet and other telecoms needs. i'll be doing basically small project management and helping customers with setting their systems up
the money is about what i'm on now
but i'll be working less hours for it :)
and getting more holiday time
and a mobile phone with £30 a month
so that's basically it

it does mean that i won't be making any more 5.30am starts, no overnight stops in places that i don't know very well, no more hotel rooms...
i can't wait

laters peeps


Miss Ash said...

Sounds like a promising job, congrats!

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

grats on the new job doll! hope your summer was grand :)

Lindsey said...

I'm excited for you!!

I couldn't deal with the long drives every week and the traffic you're always stuck in. That sucks.

Natalia said...

Sounds good. Yaay for you.


Alicia said...

Great news!
When do you start?

Alicia said...

Good luck at work today!

Lindsey said...

No posting? :o(

Lindsey said...

Ok sweetie...you have no officially become a worse poster than I. Shall we have an awards ceremony? :o)