Tuesday, 13 September 2005

i'm going to take my time over this post, it's not that i've got a lot to say, although i probably will end up saying loads, but i want to make sure that i get everything down on "paper"

i can't actually remember when i last posted, think it was thursday, how bad is that?!

well since thursday i've not been feeling too great, saturday i hardly ate anything, same sunday and yesterday, been feeling as though i'll throw up if i do, although yesterday i did go for a curry, managed to eat 2/3 of it, but that was pretty much all i ate yesterday.

lemme see
what exciting things have i been up to
well sunday morning i had an audition in London for a new tv game show called Deal Or No Deal, it was pretty cool and if i get to go on it i could win up to £250,000, which would get me a nice house and a dodge viper :) how cool would that be!?!?!
during the audition i had to do a 30 second piece to camera...great fun...so i stood there and said "i'm pete and i'm tall and that's about it, i;m heavily into music and films...basically what you see is what you get." which illicited the question "does being tall give you delusions of grandeur?" my response was great and totally off the top of my head " no...everybody already knows i'm great" much laughing was done and that was it my 30 seconds in the spot light were over...i think i may have made an inpression with the last comment
the only bad thing about it was that i had to be in central london for 9.30 on a sunday morning and yes that time really does exist!

luton's been busy the last few days with work, but she's off all week and she's taking me to see Offspring at the weekend, so that's cool, i'm looking forward to that, so's she. nd i'm looking forward to here cooking me dinner sometime soon

THIS IS MY 200TH POST CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? i didn't think it'd make it past about 20! so i wanna thank everyone who reads this thing, i wanna thank everyone who's commented on it and i wanna thank everyone who has given me something to write about. as for starting it, i blame woja as he got me started on it when i read his many moons ago now...

and although i have 3 blogs now, the latest being a new one which hasn't had anything done to it yet because i'm waiting for pp to link herself into it...this one will remain my blog and will have some of the random and personal stuff in it, the storys will continue to be sporadic and when i feel like it and the new one will be completely random stuff that's going to bounce either side of the pond

there's not much i can think of to say at the moment because my brain has turned to jelly and is dribbling out my ears
take care peeps
Px (NOT Pixy...please take note pp)


Princess Pessimism said...

I love curry, and the majority of Indian cuisine...but hate cilantro....you can see my dilemma

Px said...

i make a mean curry, without cilantro/coriander

sout out's will be done if i make it on there
eat and hurl mainly
only knew it was 200th because it says so on the blogger dashboard
as for rocking with my cock out...well

Lindsey said...

200 posts? Good for you PX!!! You are the ultimate blogger!

I hope you make it onto the show..that would be so cool. Our own local celebrity.

Px said...

200 isn't that many and when you consider most of them are bobbins it doesn't really count...but to add to the 200 on here, there is also 4 on another one and 2 on the new one
as for being local...well i wouldn't say that was entirely true, but the 'net does bring people together and make the world a smaller place

Princess Pessimism said...

True enough PX...true enough. God bless the advancement of globalization!!!!

Px said...

it's all good

how did i make you want a PB&J...?

Katie said...

great jod on the 200th post.

Andwhat show are ya'll talking about or am I just slow??

Px said...

i'll get round to it at the weekend, although maybe tomorrow...not sure yet

it's a new one going to be on over here called deal or no deal

Natalia said...

Yaay for the 200 post :)

Famous PX...can we deal with that?

Hehe :)


Px said...

it's all good huh?

shame i can't get motivated to do post number 201

Nanette said...

Wait, man natalia knows everyone!

I am a big fan of curry and cilantro, but please no cilantro in chinese food.