Monday, 31 December 2007

another year over

a quick look back over the year leads me to conclude that although i started really strong with a lot of blog posts...i've ended it really badly!
oh well, such is life i guess!
i've also had several different jobs, some good, others not so good.
i've had a holiday (the first in ages) and it was really good

next year i'm sure will mark a strong improvement in my life
i've set myself a couple of challenges, i've had a couple forced on me
and i've put things in motion that are now up to fate to decide the next step
2007 wasn't quite the year of Px that i'd hoped for, maybe 2008 will be

btw...for those who are still interested, the job front hasn't changed, i'm still possibly being made redundant. although i did have an interview and i've had the call back for it, but i'm not sure it's really a job that i can see myself doing, or even wanting to do to be honest...
here's to hoping you all have an amazing new year and celebrate it however you choose to
raise a glass for me, i'll be raising one for all of you

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

My heart be still.

You posted.
