Wednesday, 23 July 2003

Day 3 in the pete's blogger thingy
today the housemates have taken it upon themselves to actually try and do something interesting, but i get the impression that'll never happen
Big Brother this year has been the most boring one yet, although i never got into the first one that much either, the second one was good, not too sure about last years one with that ginger pillock in it
Roger will be home this weekend, maybe, it'll be good to see him again, it seems like he's holidaying in this country and spending the rest of his time everywhere else at the moment
I've come to the conclusion that I've spent far to much time downloading stuff, so far i've got something like 2500 minutes worth of music on the hard drive, i was going to write it all to cd, but i keep forgetting to buy the cd's, i did a couple of cd's worth, 6 i think, but it's going to take ages to do them all, and i keep down loading more stuff in between times
i found some funny stuff when i was downloading the other day, south park versions of wwe (formerly wwf) wrestlers, well it made me laugh, if i work out how to do it, i'll see if i can post one on here
I was at work last night, surprise surprise, and leigh came in, me and himm did some work using the boxing pads at the end of the night and well, he won't thank me for this, but he hits like a girl, i'm hoping it was because he didn't want to hurt me, because he's got the build that should mean that he could punch a lot harder than that...Leigh i'll give you some more pointers next time
I have a lunch date today, still not sure where I'm taking her yet though! I have less than an hour to work it out too... i'm such a lazy so and so, well i don't think its actually lazy, i think it's more that i want to make the right impression and i don't want to put her off, admittedly this is something like our 5th "date" and i've not put her off yet so things are looking good, but knowing me I'll cock it up some how
right enough with the random ramblings, i'm going
take care peoples

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