Monday, 21 July 2003

right well this is it
this is the first post
and if i know anything about me it'll probably be the last, but i'm going to try, you never know, maybe one of my pearls of wisdom...shyeah right...might save your life, by the way, if they don't, it's not my fault you did it wrong!
btw i don't care if i make a mistake with my spelling, i don't profess to being a genius, although i like to think i am.
i'm guessing that all i'm going to do on here is sound off about stuff, which is fine with me, and if you want to read it that's cool with me, if you don't, then that's your choice
i'll try and regale you with some funny stories ever now and again
it feels really weird writing this, because i don't think anyone will ever read it
ok i'm going now because i have to go to work in a bit, but next time i'm on i'll try and fill in some details for you, at least that way i won't remain a randomite
take care peoples

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