Monday, 28 July 2003

Turn On, Tune In, Blog Out
"a great philosopher once wrote..." practically everything has been said before so why waste time repeating something that wasn't heard the first time?
wow i'm a philosopher now
and a great one at that
i think that my cold has finally gone, apart from the few phlegmy coughs, hurrah!
i've got a wedding reception to go to on friday and i'm going to look stupid because it says and guest and i don't have a guest to take, i hate going to things like that without a guest, but i think i'm resigned to being a sad loner kid again, i suppose at least if i go alone, i've got a chance of leaving with someone
played Age Of Mythology for the first time last night, i got it a xmas, it's funny, very cool too, i was some atlantean blokey, who had an american accent, and couldn't die, it was great, i also took charge of 2 cyclops, a minotaur and something else that i have no idea what it was, but it was a cool way to beat people up and take over the world, more fun than age of empires
anyway I've got nothing to do again today so i'm thinking i'll play some more and that's probably about it
take care peoples

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