Tuesday 1 November 2005

the 4 baths of man
double post today, please read both...
i heard this on a "soap" the other day and i wanted to use it in a post because i thought it was accurate and would make other people laugh after i'd put it in my words...and for those people who recognise where it's come from...yes i am sad, but then so are you!
the principle for this is based on the 7 ages of man, but seeing as i've only just read what that's about and i didn't really pay much attention to it either i'm sticking with the 4 baths of man

the first bath is when we're little...i mean really little...when baths are fun and you can splash around and laugh and giggle get everything wet, including our mum/dad who's bathing us at the time, we'd do anything to get in the bath and just get water and bubbles everywhere. including bubble beards and big bubble hairdos

the second bath is when we're still children, but older, the stage where we want to be as dirty as possible, avoiding getting in the bath for as many days (or weeks if you were lucky) as possible. it wasn't so much about avoiding getting wet, but more about staying dirty. with mud on our knees, jam on our faces and who-know what in our hair.

the third and longest bath is an adult bath, this is the relaxing bath, one where we have it hot, with plenty of bubbles, some have candles, some have wine, some have books, some have other people. these baths have gone beyond just getting clean, these are about unwinding, these are about relaxing, these are about "me time". this stage is about climbing in the bath and not thinking about anything for as long as possible, sometimes these baths can last hours, and we love it

the final bath is the bath for the older person, the bath where we worry about slipping and breaking something, where we no longer enjoy staying in there for hours in case we can't get out again afterwards. where we only get in there to get clean. where we have to use all manner of things to help us get into and out of the tub, from baths with doors to things we sit on which lower us and raise us back up again afterwards.

i'm very glad to say that i'm in the third bath at the moment, i'm happy to sit in there with a good book for a couple of hours, ossacionally topping it up with hot water. sometimes i enjoy a nice cold beer while i'm there, other times it's a glass of wine, always it's hot. and on the odd occasion it's not alone ;)
i love my bathtime, and i'm dreading moving into the final bath.

anyway that's just me...what do you think?


Princess Pessimism said...

PX - You still have about 45 years of baths until you have your last bath. I wouldnt worry about it now, worry about it in 40 years. LOL

Katie said...

px i'm with pp on this one...you have a while be4 you have to worry about that last bath..but the list is pretty funny...;o)

Natalia said...

Whatever happened to showers??? :)


Px said...

you reckon? that's ok then ;)

glad you liked it

it's all about the bath baby...only the bath, showers is a whole other post

Lindsey said...

I take showers just out of lack of time but when I'm not feeling rushed I love to sit and soak in the bath tub.

Akanksha said...

i didnt kno guys took long baths!
sounds a lil girly! ;)

berly02 said...

I think I may need a bath right now.

Px said...

i normally have a shower because it's easier, but i love to soak if i feel the need to unwind

there's nothing about me that's little...trust me

any particular reason...or are you just feeling dirty ;)

Autumn Storm said...

Like this post, interesting.
Glad to note, you have moved past stage 2 :-).

Nanette said...

That's deep pete. It's good to see the opposite sex enjoying the pleasures of a fancy bath. I always like to see someone enjoying themselves.

I love a good bath, but I take showers more because I'm usually skeptical of the cleanliness of the bath. Also my mama always told me the story of the frog in the sauce pan that slowly cooked to death. That's me the in the bathtub. Oh sweet slowly rising heat.

Px said...

thanks...i like this post too, i think it's very me
someone told me i was still in stage one, there are days when i do revert back to that stage though :)

you want to see me in the bath? that's a little forward!
but yes i love my bath
not sure about the dead frog senario, that would involve someone heating my bath up while i was in it...

Miss Ash said...

I love to take baths....i have tried to soak and enjoy them with a book however it usually ends up with me all wrinkled and the book somehow gets wet and then i get angry and it's not very relaxing after all. I still like to take them though sans reading.

Px said...

there's nothing wrong with being a little wrinkly, but getting my book wet, well just bugs me, but it's usually my fault as i've usually fallen asleep