Tuesday 29 November 2005

it's been a couple of days
and i just want to say things seem to be looking up
i'm feeling much better health wise
work is going well
and well life isn't going too badly either
there are still things going on which are very not cool and causing problems, but i've come to realise that they are out of my hands and as such i'm not able to do anything about it
other things
like i said health wise things are better, IBS is still playing me about, and i'm not going to the doc's because there is nothing that they can do for me about it anyway without putting me on a course of meds which i'll either have to keep taking or run the risk of getting ill again and again and again
lifeguarding...get this i went in on saturday to hand in my uniform and the dm on duty didn't even know i'd walked out last week...just another reason why i'm happy to be shot of the place! still waiting for the call from the manager there though...doubt i'll be getting one now though, not that i care about it anyway
still like i've said life is getting better and so many people have commented on my face fur that i might actually post a smiley face this HNT...i might even post a pic of all my face...not sure yet though...if there are any requests...let me know and i'll see if there's anything i can do for you...people wanting something "rude" should be very nice to me
laters peeps


Princess Pessimism said...

You said:

"there are still things going on which are very not cool and causing problems, but i've come to realise that they are out of my hands and as such i'm not able to do anything about it"

THATS what my "Fuck it" New Years resolution is for.

Autumn Storm said...

Good to hear :-)

Miss Ash said...

Good to hear things are looking up or at least they are not as bad. Hmm as for your HNT pic, i would like to request a pic of your neat and tidy area...as you commented on my blog....i need proof ;)

berly02 said...

Yes, hands.
You can really never get enough them I say.

Glad to hear you are feeling better.

Lindsey said...

I'm glad you're doing better. I've missed you!!!!

Akanksha said...

hi px.. am glad u that u r feeling better.. when r u goin to get over the hnt thing..

Jen said...

eeshk mr pete, what's been a-going on?! I don't read for a coupla weeks and all hell breaks loose! Well glad things are looking up anyway, things aren't all off again with the lady are they? ach well hope you're ok. chin up lad!

Katie said...

glad your doing better px. missed ya!

Akanksha said...

i am even less brave than u r so i would just like to see ur face!