Monday 3 April 2006

monday morning randomness
why do batman and robin both get rubber nipples on their suits in batman forever and batman and robin?
in the same film (batman and robin) why doesn't batgirl's suit have any nipples?
why is the first disc of the red dwarf series 8 pack a PG when the other two discs are rated 12?
why do lives become very complicated very easily?
what was the best thing before sliced bread?
why is it i can pick up on the smallest of plot holes in a film or tv show, but in reality i can't pick up on something until it's glaringly obvious?
why are Reading festival tickets going on sale at 7.30 pm? surely an earlier time would be more beneficial!
why do these things bother me?
who will pick up on what i'm really getting at?
am i really getting at anything?
who want's to see me totally nekkid (fuckkit remembered that i said when i'd sorted the camera issues out i'd post an FNT as opposed to an HNT)?
will i really do it?
come on people, provide me with answers...
that is all


Fuckkit said...

Head hurts. Need cake.

Px said...

new questions
what sort of cake?
where's the cake?

Natalia said...

Hehehe...I don't think you'd do it Petey. But it would be an interesting FNT :)


Fuckkit said...

I thought you were bringing the cake?!

Px said...

natalia...interesting indeed...i think i could get round it by posting a pic of my hand and saying i was totally butt nekkid...would that work?

fuckkit...i've got cake, i've got carrot and walnut, victoria sponge, chocolate slices and bakewell slices

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see you naked :)

Jennifer said...

I want to see an FNT!

Jennifer said...

Do it!

Jennifer said...

Dooooo it!

Jennifer said...

Awwww come on....

Jennifer said...


Fuckkit said...

Really? Well you know where I work, I want the cake on my desk by the time I log into my PC tomorrow.

Lindsey said...

First and foremost...what is a reading festival?

Miss Ash said...

I've already seen your bits :)