Tuesday 4 April 2006

stir crazy
it would appear that yesterday's post caused a bit of a stir!
not least with the comments about a possbile FNT...hmmm...in particular the comments from jennifer who seemed set on posting as many as possible!!!
why? i don't know...you tell me!
but no-one helped with the other questions, so i'm posting them AGAIN
why do batman and robin both get rubber nipples on their suits in batman forever and batman and robin?
in the same film (batman and robin) why doesn't batgirl's suit have any nipples?
why is the first disc of the red dwarf series 8 pack a PG when the other two discs are rated 12?
why do lives become very complicated very easily?
what was the best thing before sliced bread?
why is it i can pick up on the smallest of plot holes in a film or tv show, but in reality i can't pick up on something until it's glaringly obvious?
why are Reading festival tickets going on sale at 7.30 pm? (linny click the link it's not a reading festival, it's Reading Festival...Reading is a town near to where i live and they put on an annual music festival...weekend tickets are sold out already and they only went on sale last night!!!)
surely an earlier time would be more beneficial! why do these things bother me?
who will pick up on what i'm really getting at?
am i really getting at anything?

other stuff...who's the anonymous person who wants to see me nekkid? (yesterday's comments)
next time leave clues as to who you are...makes it easier for me!
last night was the pub quiz...we didn't do very well again, not that iwas really bothered last night, i was having a distinctly non-plussed evening and i really could've done with heading home early to get some sleep. as it happens when i did head home i got told off for not saying bye to my ex (she was working the bar) but i couldn't find her when it came to leaving, besides would any of you really want me to hunt you down and say bye when i'm feeling remarkably pissed off for no real reason? although i didn't tell her i was in a foul mood, what's the point, she can't do anything about it and if she sulks with me it's only going to make me feel more pissed off
i had a really good day at work yesterday, i got a few little quotes done in the morning, but in the afternoon the server here went down, so i couldn't do any work, i couldn't get online either though, so i resorted to filing...shocking i know!
it's april (like you didn't already know) but it's april means i've been able to turn the page on my bath uni cheerleaders lingerie calendar...i'm enjoying april ;o)
right i guess that's it
laters peeps


Anonymous said...

How about a nekkid-but-for-pink-gingham-boxers shot?

Px said...

i may work in a pub
and i maybe a pete
but there is NO way i'll be caught in pink gingham boxers!

Anonymous said...

and that's a damn shame for womankind :)

Px said...

for a start i don't any...and i hope i never will!

Px said...

ok woja...why do you want to tweak batman's nipples? surely you'd rather tweak batgirl's...

yep series 8 is a pile of crap

maybe a little boredom is good though

unsliced bread would be logical

it's not always several years though...what about the films that take place over the space of a day or a week?

that would be cunning, i didn't get a ticket, but then i'm not that interested in this years line up as it stands anyway

...i'm complicated?...

pink gingham...i can't think of anything worse...oh yeah i can...check below!!

ok, you don't wanna see me nekkid...fair enough, can i borrow them roobarb and custard pants that you've got and flashed me in...

Px said...

mmm...batgirls nipples ;o)

so it there some sort of subplot to life then? wish i'd read the book for that one first, the film's been such a disappointment!

and i swear they were roobarb and custard, we are going back a far few years though and i was a little squiffy at the time, admittedly i wasn't drunk enough to flash my mum while sitting on the floor in the bathroom attempting not to vomit in the floor. so it amazes me how you can remember what they were considering your state :oP

Px said...

everything? bugger

yeah...true it's not like your mum's never seen you nekkid...but you were 19...

Fuckkit said...

When I lived in Reading I was told that no one bought tickets for Reading Festival.

More disturbing was the fact that I was living in Reading.


Px said...

yeah when i last went you could get tickets as easy as anything, but apparently this year, both Reading and Leeds sold out in under an hour...although there are still some day tickets...but who wants them?!

Fuckkit said...

Jump the wall? Just try not to catch your testicles on the barbed wire.

Px said...

yeah i could...but i actually ain't that bothered about it this year...i mean, the line up isn't that great as far as i'm concerned. it's not like the chili's are playing, with offspring on before them, beastie boys and prodigy both on the night before...that was awesome