Tuesday 3 July 2007

if curiosity killed the cat
and a cat has nine lives
you think it'd learn not to be so curious after the first couple of times
unless of course it's more like a buddist thing...a cat that believes in re-incarnation, so it actually has nine lives rather than metaphorically having nine lives...but even then, the buddhist monks believe that when the dalai lama passes on to the next life the new dalai lama remember certain aspects of his previous incarnation, one that springs to mind is the walking stick that the previous incarnation used.
so based on this, if a buddhist cat were to get curious and therefore die as a direct result of it's curiousity, the next incarnation of the cat will (hopefully) remember that whatever it got curious about last time killed it...
i guess that wouldn't stop it from being curious, only from being curious about what killed it the first time.
now consider over time the cat become curious about something else, and subsequently dies as a direct result and gets re-incarnated...it'll now be wary of two things
consider overtime the cat does this several times...
you'd think that it'd learn to be less curious about things

oh well
that was pretty random wasn't it

there's still the issue of the wedding as well (below)
laters peeps


Lindsey said...

I just got totally dizzy from reading that. LOL

Miss Ash said...

That was extremely bizzare.

Kat_womanx2 said...

You're losing it man...LOL