Monday, 12 November 2007


today I'm 29
it's not a big deal to me
maybe it should be
it's my last year of being in my 20's

next year i'm supposed to grow up
yeah right
like that's going to happen!

anyway this is just a little post for anyone who wants to wish me a happy birthday to do so :)

but if you have the time
i'd like you to read the next post down too
it's important to me


Lindsey said...

You've got a big life ahead of you.

I'm a fortune teller. :o)

Happy Birthday.

Miss Ash said...

Happy 29th!!!

Alicia said...

Happy birthday!

JM said...

Popped over from Lindsey's page because she told us to say Happy Birthday! So Happy Birthday!

Autumn Storm said...

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Peee-teeeey
Happy birthday to yoooou!

All the best for the year ahead. :-)

Professor Fate said...

Happy Birthday with all Lindsey's love.

29 always sounded like such a "fake" age, but enjoy the year.

tsduff said...

Enjoy the last birthday of your young adulthood. 29 and counting...

SaffronSaris said...

Happy Birthday!!!
Came over from Lindsey's :)

Natalia said...

Oh Pete, please...I am 30. There's nothing to it. And please don't feel that because you are close to thirty you have to hurry up and settle down, have kids, etc. Or that you have to have your career all set.You become more picky as you get older, and that's a good thing. You don't want to rush into the wrong thing. Enjoy the 29.


Katie said...

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear peeeet
happy birthday to you

and many more........