Saturday, 31 December 2005

A Year In Review - the challenge
so i'm doing a "quick" review of some of the bigger things that have happened this year, my year in my words. but not everything is as it seems, i've decided thati want to hide some song titles in the text, and i'm challenging all my blogging buddies to find as manay as they can. It's only for fun, so don't get down if you find yourself struggling to spot any. so the rules are simple, i've put in some song titles, you need to find as many as you can and if possible, list the artist/band that did it, now i know that some of these titles have been covered and some of them have the same name as other songs. and i know that i've also probably put in some titles without even realising it. i can be a bit hit or miss like that. so come up with as many as you can. So will you girls and boys play? or do you need some motivation? don't be fooled by the answers other people have given, just remember to take your time, and dont worry if it makes you loco, i went a little crazy myself trying to work it all out. It's just for fun, i can't stress that enough, this is all i want you to do, have fun and comment about it. So follow me people, it doesn't matter how you do, believe me, no-one is a loser, anyway whatever, lets go!
At the start of 2005 i had a broken foot, i was living with my parents and signed off sick from work, which was pretty dull anyway. it was a pretty low start to the year, but things could only get better. back to the injury, it happened in december 2004, while playing football, it was just a clumsy accident, but i often tend to break stuff, i think it was the 5th or 6th different bone that i'd broke. but it was only one week before i was back at work. although soon after starting back i was looking for something new as like i'd said, work was pretty dull.
nothing much happened over the first few months, not sure if that means i had a good time or not though, but tha's not the attitude to take now is it! in april i moved into my brothers recently vacated flat, it was empty because he'd moved in with his lady friend (incidently he's still living there and his flat is empty again...) there had also been a few omen in my life by this point (i thikn it was something like 4 or 5 year to date) but don't get me wrong i didn't do it ALL for the nookie. the flat allowed me to regain some freedom in my life, i was able to do what i wanted, when i wanted and with whom i wanted. and it also meanti was no longer in the middle of my parents, which had unfortunately always been the case in the past. well, without me there all the time things in their house settled down too...a little!
in may, i called it quits on the leisure industry, after over 10 years working in swimming pools i'd had enough and decided that changes were needed. i hung up my lifeguard whistle for the last time with the intention of never ever having to pick it up again. and for the first time in my employment history i was working outside a swimming pool, outside my comfort zone.
the new job started in june, i took a weeks leave to sort things out, but it started in germany of all places, the only german i knew was ich bin ein auschlander and ich bin ein berliner, neither of which were very helpful. obviously starting in germany meant getting on an aeroplane and having to fly away over there on a wing and a prayer, i'd have preferred to have driven as i don't like to fly. i was out there for 4 weeks nearly, and everymorning we were late for our training sessions, not very late, maybe one a few minutes, but we were always late. the training went by really quickly and to be honest the time out there seemed like a holiday, with seven days in the sun, except there were more than just 7 days, it was sunny nearly the whole time we were out there. and yes i got burnt, although everybody's free to wear sunscreen, i neglected to do so and as a result i went pink, then red, then blistered and peeled. but it was cool and i made a few friends out there and had a good time, sampled a few nice beers too, but no women (well i didn't sample any)
when i came back though things took a turn for the worse as i had a crash in my car and wrote it off, meaning i went to hospital, meaning the police got involved and i ended up spending a few days looking at cars until i found one that i wanted, that didn't take too long though. the actual crash caused me to break yet another bone and left me feeling numb and faint, apparently these are side effects of shock. some might consider this to have been a bad day, but to me it was just a day, and although it's been a while, the memory remains.
life plodded onfor a while with very little happening. i was in a relationship with someone who was ok, we got on well, but didn't see each other as often as we'd have liked. while i was with her though i bumped into an ex who i'd not seen for a while, i ended up going round and cooking for her one evening, which then led to us kissing. that kiss started something inside both of us and i realised i was falling in love again. but it wasn't until september thati was able to tell her this when i saw her again. we started seeing each other more and more, but things were complicated, and i knew they would be, with me still kinda with the other girl (but that's all she was by then, just a girl), and her still supposedly with the father of her little one. we both split from them and we're still together now, but things have gotten difficult and there has been a lot of trouble with her ex. it got to the point where we only see each other at the pub where we work because we're both paranoid that he's going to show up it i'm at her house. i need to let her know that i'm here to stay, that in this, the game of love, the is the one for me and that someday, just because it will, everything is going to be alright, i don't know why i know this, but i do. unfortunately at the moment i have little control over things, all i know is that when i'm with her it feels so good and when i'm not it's too bad to describe.
and so ends my review, i know i've missed out loads of things, but i've been trying so hard to fit in song titles everywhere that it's been a priority, but this past year have been done my way, and that's the most important thing. so lose yourself in the words, find the titles, but don't stare at this too long or everything will go blurry and it'll seem lkike a dream.
most of these song titles are singles, maybe not from the last 12 months though and there are probably a few that you american girls and boys (and canadian ones too) might not get as i don't think they crossed the ocean and are truly british.
anyway, i shall probably be spending my new years with my family, just chillin', so i hope you all have a nice day and night, and for those of you going out, party hard, because time is running out on 2005. remember me tonight at midnight as i'l be wishing you all a perfect year next year when my clock strikes 12. i'm with you all in spirit
Take care
the titles run from the first word to the last word, but not in this've been warned...have fun

Thursday, 29 December 2005

my favourite HNT of the year
it's just too hard to choose, i want to say the sunset that i put up in my second HNT because it's beautiful, but it's not me and it's not nekkid
i want to say my tongue, because it was a weird pic and i just loved it
i want to say the post about me cutting and the pics that went with it, it was hard to post and not many people commented so i think i made people a little uncomfortable with it, but it's not about living in your comfort zone, it's about being honest
but i thikn i'm going to plupm for this's the mirror that does it for me
so here you go, my favourite HNT of the year, hope you like it

in other news i've not managed to start the something special i was going to post, but fearnot it will be up before the end of the year

and my laptop is fixed, although i've lost everything i'd put on it over the last year

take it easy peeps, and for those who are just here for the HNT...happy new year to you all


Saturday, 24 December 2005

Just a quick one
it's christmas eve
yesterday i had a really good day, worked both my jobs and had fun at both
today i'm doing nothing :)
absolutely nothing
well i say nothing, i've still got 2 presents to wrap up and i've just updated my storyboards blog with two new bits (i would call them installments, but seeing as there is no storyline what-so-ever over there and they are merely just paragraphs of something that could one day be a bit of a book, but not a whole one...i can't really call them anything)
and well seeing as tomorrow's christmas day, i doubt anyone will be about to read them for a couple of days anyway.
have yourselves a merry little christmas
eat plenty
drink plenty
be nice to each other
love your family
and spare a few thoughts for the loved ones that you don't see as often as you should (loved ones like me)
take care peoples

Thursday, 22 December 2005

Festive HNT time
ok so the rules are that i've got to think of presents for 3 fellow HNT'ers...but i'm not sure who or what (i'm also doing this for my peeps in my list as well)
so starting with the HNT'ers we have:
Freiya: (because i love the name and you're a fellow brit) i'd get you a mini, a proper one, not one of these big mini's that are about these with a checkered roof
Scotty: (no idea why, but when he comments it makes me smile) dude, i'd get you a pimp suit, not sure why, but i think a crushed velvet and fur lined suit would look cool on you, with a pimping hat and cane and zebra print platform shoes too
awaterpixie: (because i can) you get a snake, so that it can hiss at the people who walk past your desk and save you the breath, you can just look menacingly at them instead

i was thinking, a rare thing, but i'd give EVERYONE some time off...especially over the holiday season, time off from family, time off from work, time off from keeping up appearances, time off from this crazy world, time off from being themselves. everyone needs some time off to relax and enjoy themselves, so that's my gift to everyone who reads today.

ok my list of peeps: (links on the left)
Natalia: you're the first person outside my circle of friends who i started reading and commenting on, so for you i have nothing but love...and a nice new fountain pen so you can sign a copy of your first novel and send it to me
Linny: i told you already that i'd get you laid...question is who do you want?
PP: my lover...i'm buying you a first aid kit, and possibly sending a good looking paramedic for you too...i'm also giving you a morph doll and dvd's
Miss Ash: sweetie, i hardly know you, but i'm still thinking i should get you a little something, thinking maybe a waxing kit, or a set of clippers, to assist you with your landing strip/disco bush quandry
Jennifer: like Ash i hardly know you, but i'm in a giving mood this year, so i'm giving you the Dr Seuss collections, i have no idea why, but i love them
KtMae: my gift for you isn't really for you, i'm giving you a babysitter for whenever you need one
Berly: i'm giving you the little book of insults, so you can have more fun with you pseudo boss at work by insulting him without having him realise
Fu: i'm giving you the Fu-Manchu back catalogue of books and films, by sax rohmer, i might also be tempted to give you the Fu-Manchu (band this time) albums...but i'm not sure you'd like them
Roxi: sweetie, as much as i'd love to give you a good hard going over (as would most people who read your blog) i'm giving you and dan a holiday, to paris, city of romance
Akanksha: not sure what to get you, been thinking about it for a while now and still no idea, so i'm thinking something fun and stupid (bit like me) so i'm getting you a naked mole rat
Autumn: my singing blog-buddy, i'm getting you a karaoke machine loaded with our favourite tunes
Nanette: i haven't got the faintest idea what to get you, so i'm thinking i'd cook for you and as many house guests as you want
Osbasso: the HNT man...i'm getting you pipe-cleaners and things to pour into your 'bone so that you don't find half decomposed moths down there again (that's trombone for those of you sick puppies who thought i might be referring to something else)
Daisy: i'm getting you a fella...anyone you want in particular?
Woja: dude, i know you've been busy with moving and all, and i know it's also your birthday soon, so let me know when you've moved if there is anything you need that i can get
Kate: i'm not getting you addict perfume, that's for sure! sweetie, i'm thinking you need tickets to see maddy prior as she's on tour again
Jenfer: i'm getting you a skiing holiday so you can go away with the nameless chappie and not have to worry about him leaving his phone behind

right peeps, in other health seems to be marginally improving, i've not had any pains for at least 36 hours, so i'm thinking the colofac tablets may be working now (although i think part of it is psycho-semantic and i believe that i should be getting better because i'm on meds now...) also the personal life is calming down a little, it's still not how i want it to be, but i'm in a better place now

in other news i think i's acquired myself a weirdo stalker, PP and Ash both already know this story, and i'll post about it maybe tomorrow properly...needless to say it's funny in a weird way...bit like PP's bloke from the other day who after striking out told her that jesus loved her!

finally...i've broken my laptop...proper style! it's got to go and see the computer doctor soon so i can get it fixed, but alas that means that the home computer i'll be using over christmas will be a 5 year old desktop jobbie which crashes everytime my dad touches it...great fun :(

laters peeps (and for those who don't pop back between now and the new year) merry christmas and happy new year, i hope that the holidays bring you joy and happiness and everything else your heart desires

Tuesday, 20 December 2005

just so as you guys all know
i'm feeling more upbeat this week, even though the tablets are failing at the moment, which is causing me some discomfort, but life goes on and it's nearly christmas as well, although i'm still feeling a little grinchy... i've got most everything now though, just need to spend some time wrapping it all up (think that's tonight's job though)
in other news, i'm planning something special for a coming post, bit of a challenge for everyone who wants to participate, bit of fun for me too :)
as advertised on Osbasso's blog there has been a change to the HNT for this week, so i'll not be posting a picture of me being half nekkid (because it's too cold) but i will be posting something about what i'd get people...(i think that's the idea this week)
so basically yeah!

Saturday, 17 December 2005

ibs and the mebeverine hypochlorite
so this is the meds that the doc has put me on, it's an anti spasmodic which is supposed to supress the nerves in my large intestine and bowel area thus not causing large amounts of pain when i get even slightly stressed out...and it's supposed to work pretty damned quickly. i'm on 3 tablets a day and i'm just starting my third day of the course of tablets today (had the first one of the day about an hour ago now) and so far they've pretty much done nothing...
i know i need to take them for a while to see if they are going to help me out at all, but at the moment it feels as though they are having the reverse effect. last night for example i took my final pill for the day at about 8, and by 9.30 i was in pain, a lot of pain, and it wasn't good, it wasn't good at all.
various people have suggested that there may be a trigger food for me, and although i know it's stress related and there isn't a known trigger food for me, i'm trying to exclude certain things. not so i can turn round to them and say i told you so, but more because they may actually be right, i may have a trigger food, hitherto unknown to me. so this week i've been excluding carbonated soft drinks (i say soft drinks because i had a pint yesterday lunchtime) a week without coke never did anyone any harm, right? well i can rule out carbonated drinks as being my trigger food as i've been in pain a fair amount this week. someone has suggested that dairy might be my trigger, so i'm thinking that maybe next week i go without dairy, which will be a lot harder than going without carbonate drinks...
i've a little worried to think that maybe it's not ibs at the moment. there are 2 other things floating in my head at the moment, the first being a stomach ulcer, this is being ruled out though by the pain being in my lower abdomen and not heartburn/indigestion type of pain. the second is something that only came to me yesterday and i might suggest it to my doc if these pills carry on not working, this is a gluten allergy (can't spell the proper name for it) i had a work mate who had this and she suffered from similar symptoms as i'm currently having. i'm not sure if you can develop this though or how you get it, but the only food i can think of having every day is bread, and gluten is in, amongst other things, it's a possibility
anyway i'm going to give these pills another few days, if i'm still not feeling good, then i'm hauling myself back to the doc's to try the other meds or suggest the gluten thing (although a gluten free diet is a bit of a nightmare for everyone else i think)

Friday, 16 December 2005

word verification
i've left off my word verification for a few days (actually about 2 weeks) and it was going ok for a while, no spam comments...but this week i've had about 10 of them, so i'm thinking that i might have to put it back on, i'm going to give it a few more days and if i get any more then i'm putting it on, if not then we'll leave it a while longer
sound fair?
sorry for not playing along with HNT this week, i was feeling particularly uninspired this week and on top of that i had the doctors yesterday, i'm back on some medication for my IBS, which isn't working yet, but then it's only been a few days and things have been a bit hectic too
that's all for now

Monday, 12 December 2005

Sexy Handsome Adonis Deftly Offering Warm, Fantastic Indulgence and Sensual Hugs

stolen from osbasso (they call him MISTER HNT) who stole it from other people

do it and post it, it made me chuckle (the PX name came out with "paramour of xperiences" which is kinda cool too)

Saturday, 10 December 2005

i had a really good post about why i'm not the biggest christmas fan in the world, but i don't want to upset people at this time of year so i'm just going to say that i'm not the biggest fan of christmas for a lot of reasons...
that's it

Thursday, 8 December 2005

hnt playtime
some more of my ink work for you to have a look at :)

the first pic, of all my back (and shoulders for berly and linny)
this is of the 3 tattos i've got at the top of my back (obviously) and they are all original inks

the chinese down my left shoulder (working down from the slightly obscured one) means love, honour, obey and respect. yes i have the chinese symbol for "and" (it's the one that looks like 2 y's upside down)

ok in this other pic it shows a decent detail of the two other tattoos i've got on my shoulders/ upper back.

both of these are my designs, the one on my shoulder was the very first tattoo i designed (it was about my 3rd or 4th actual time in the chair though) it didn't take very long either

the one down my spine is the newest one i've got, i had it done just over a year ago while i was visiting a friend in sheffield. again it's my design and i was really worried about having it done across my spine because i know how painful it should've been, but it was relatively painless. it's only an outline as i'm still trying to work out what i want to have done to it, i don't really want it all black

well there you go...HNT all the way baby! YEAH!!!

Tuesday, 6 December 2005

bad things
it's been nearly a week since i posted again
and although i was all smiley on thursday things ain't so great now
and i'm seriously considering running away

Thursday, 1 December 2005

Happy HNT
this week i'm giving you a quick double (again it's more than one pic)
this week you're all going to see just what i look like...we have an actual face shot (which took ages to get right with the timer and getting the mirror just right, but when i saw this shot i thought...perfect! but i've since seen just how dirty the mirror check it out!!! i'm even kinda smiling! you can also see my very first tattoo, with just a hint of another one underneath it and my black earring (which i've not changes now for about 18 months) for berly we have a hand in there too and for linny and natalia we're hinting on the beard, but i covered it up a little... and ignore the dust on the mirror!

second pic is of my "washerboard" style abs...and that's definately a tongue in cheek remark before you this shot though you can see that's i'm truly a hairy monster and in need of a trim... also you can see both my nipples are pierced (i told you they were) and that (for once) my belly button is clear of the usual grey/blue fluff specially for you...

hope you enjoyed this weeks HNT..have a good one peeps

and thanks to everyone who left a suppotive comment last week