Monday 13 December 2004

break it like beckham...
it was the company's 5-a-side football tournament last night...and normally you'll all know that i'm not really someone who goes in for the physical stuff of any sort, but this once i thought i'd make an exception, just once mind...
well the tourney started ok, we lost 4-0, then 3-0 (we were getting better), then 1-0 (better still), then we were 1-0 down in our penultimate match when i committed to what would be my last tackle of the match. i went in to take the ball away and stood on my opponants foot, rolled my ankle underneath me and as a result fractured my 5th metatarsel, much like wayne rooney and david beckham have both done. initially i thought that this would not be a problem, yeah it hurt, but i though i'd just sprained my foot, when i couldn't stand on it i was a little more concerned and when i took my shoe off i realised that something was wrong. Normal i'd have not bothered with it, but the swelling on my foot was just in front of the metal plate which i've already got in my foot (long story, maybe another time), this was a bit more of a concern. I did my own first aid on it and got someone else to sign it off for me, because i'm that sensible that if i'd done something wrong someone else would get the blame for it! I thought that looking at it i'd maybe broken it, but i wasn't 100% sure so i asked a couple of people what they thought, not mentioning the metal plate, because i didn't wnat to have to explain that away too...someone said that they thought it was probably just ligament damage. Still i couldn't drive home like it so i had to call my mother dear to see if i could get a lift or something. My brother came, but he'd had a few bevies during the day so i was still stuck, he had a look at it too, he said that it probably wasn't broken, but seeing as it was on the foot with the plate in it i should go to the hospital and have it checked out as there may be some other form of internal damage. was in and out of hospital in under an hour and a half, pretty bloody quick for the JR! x-rays showed up a fracture to the 5th metatarsel, i'd chipped a little bit off the end of it, near to the plate, so it's possible that the plate did it... anyway, i got plastered up and given crutches and an appointment to go back today.
I've been back there this morning and i'm still on crutches, but they've given me a funky support thing, like the back half and underneath of a welly and a big velcro thing to go inside it... it still hurts, but i've been told that i should be able to start weight bearing through this boot thing in a week or so, and take things from there. Unfortunately this means that i'm going to be on crutches for a while over xmas probably and i'm kinda stuck at my folks place, which also means that i can't finish my xmas shopping without a helping hand from someone who can drive me to the shops and help me with the various stuff that i'll have bought...bugger!
on the up side i've been signed off work for the next 4 weeks and i can return after that on light duties if i can get there. next hospital appointment is in 6 weeks so effectively i could be off work until then, if not longer!
it still hurts a little now, but it's more uncomfortable than anything!
in other news, the site xmas party was a good laugh, me and chunk decided to shock everyone and go suited and booted, although we decided to avoid the ties because they looked too formal... i didn't drink too much as i had to be up early on sunday (yesterday) to get to work and then play football. but it was a good night and we all had a bit of a laugh.
i forgot to mention that the site team came 5th (out of 6) and we drew the game that i got injured 1-1 and then finally the boys done proud against the head office team and drew 0-0 all in all it was cool!
right i'd better be going, still not caught up on my sleep since thursday's managers do :)
take care peeps and get in touch, it's not like i've got much else to do at the moment now that i'm off sick
laters peeps

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