Friday 10 December 2004

fuff as ruck...
actually enjoyed myself last night
got rather pissed, but not totally wasted
nearly crashed at the hotel overnight...even though i didn't have a room
eventually got in at 3.45am
it's now a little after 9am and i got up at 8.30
don't think i made a tit out of myself, certainly didn't do any dancing...good thing!
feeling not too bad this morning...surprisingly!
didn't pull anyone from head office or any of the sites...good thing! although it's a christmas party and i was told you're supposed to...
had a long drawn out chat with one of the senior management team from head office...probably not a good thing, but you never know, although i did tell him that i wanted his job within 5 years
feeling really tired and hot, might consider returning to my pit in a minute...good thing!
phone battery died so i couldn't be bad last night...very good thing!!!
couldn't find the charger when i got in...even better thing!!!!
couldn't find the charger when i woke up...not too good, but i've found it now so it's ok, but i don't need to do any apologising anyway so it's ok
right think i'm going to go back to bed shortly, or i might get in the bath and have a prolonged soak
laters people


Jen said...

Pisshead ;)

the youth of today...

Px said...

you knows it...

and i'm proud too