Thursday 9 December 2004

everyone tells me i'm closed minded - Vision
and by vision i don't mean the crappy band that were around when we were at school...i mean a cool punk group from somewhere in california (i think)
so it's thursday...and i'm supposed to be going to the "corporate team building event" which will consist of a meeting this afternoon, followed by dinner this evening and some dodgy abba tribute band after that...i'm really looking forward to it...honest i am!
went to the cinema last night, saw christmas with the kranks, wasn't as bad as i was excpeting, actually surprised that it's based on a john grisham novel called skipping christmas, which was a term that was possibly a little over used during the film. the idea of seeing it was to give me a christmas spirit injection, but it failed...
the actual christmas shopping thing isn't going too badly, but i'm getting tired of people telling me to use my imagination and the like, if i hear that once more i'm going to shit in a box and give it to them...HINT HINT!
not feeling as stressed at the moment, but then i've not got a lot to be stressed about, i guess...have turned down my mates offer of his spare room for the time being, going to look for my own place in about 6 months after i've had time to save up some cash and get a few things sorted in my head and that, besides i don't know where i'll be in 6 months time so i'm thinking logically here, kinda anyway
have given up on the idea of a digital camera for christmas, just going to hunt a decent one down in the sales ;) preferable around the 4MP mark and with pictbridge and then i'll look at getting the printer thing at some point too...but we'll see, got to look for a laptop too
i'm sure there was something i wanted to whinge about, but i can't remember what it was now memory's going now that i'm getting old! or maybe i'm just all whinged out...nah, that's not it!
ate a dodgy cheese and onion roll...sausage roll type thing, only with out the sausage...nasty...i suddenly remembered why my dad buys them...because he likes them and i don't... bastard! anyway i'm going to eat all the pate because i like that, but he likes it more than me ;)
been told that i need a haircut, can't be bothered at the moment, told my mother dear that i was going to wait until february until i was going to get it done again...not sure if i'll be able to wait that long, but i'm going to give it a try...
got to wear a shirt and tie tonight :( decided again wearing a suit though because i'll probably lose the jacket! supposed to be wearing something smart/casual this afternoon, not sure what yet though, might just put a jumper on over my shirt, if only i still had a leisure connection shirt ;) supposed to be wearing my name badge too, but i have a sinking feeling that it went to ireland with us and stayed there as i've not seen it since :( i know my whistle made it safely there and back again, but sadly the name badge didn't...there's probably someone over in dublin wandering around with my name badge on, trying to steal my identity... maybe i should just turn up in ripped and diry jeans, a rude t-shirt and my FM beanie, i'm sure that would go down a storm! they don't like the fact that i've got an earring, but they haven't told me to take it out yet so balls to them! although i'm going to stick with a subtle one for tonight and stretch it back up again over christmas i think
monday is the day of all the meetings starting at 8.30 am through to i think about 12, then i'm supposed to be on shift from 3 to 10.30...bugger that i've said i'll work to 6 then one of the lifeguards can cover DM for the evening, it's not like it's going to be busy, it's never busy over xmas
still sat in my pj's at the moment...can't be bothered to get dressed yet, need to have a shower after lunch so i haven't bothered getting dressed yet...
was reading back through my old blogs the other day...i talk to much, but then looking at the size of this post you knew that already!
btw, if you know woja and read his blog, the very last pic on the dublin post...the one of me...the reason for the dodgy face is because someone (woja) had just let one rip and i felt the need to drink up and escape before the ceiling melted!!!
right i guess i'd beter head off and finish losing to woja at minesweeper flags or whatever it's called

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