Tuesday 30 May 2006

i want, i need, i have
i want:
my car back
to see x-men 3 - going tomorrow night
to see davinci code
something to eat
an evil bendy

i need:
more money from my job
a new job
a cuddle

i have:
a new piercing
somewhere to live for the next year (renting a flat)
a secret



berly02 said...

Why must you tease with the seceret thing. It kills me so.

Natalia said...

Hope that helps.


Akanksha said...

i want to kno the secret too..

Px said...

the secret is not really a secret, i've leaked it somewhere already, it's not a major secret either... but it's still a secret for now

and thanks for the cuddle Natalia

rawbean said...

I want to know the secret too!

Lindsey said...

You can't say you have a secret and then not give it up. That's totally cheating! :o(