Tuesday 2 May 2006

2 posts in 3 weeks???
damn i've been slack
but there were reasons
- initially i was feeling under the weather and as a result didn't have much to blog about
- issues with blogging
- lack of inspiration
- week off work

anyway i think i'm pretty much back to normal at the moment, things seem to have settled down a little, well i've settled down a little, however, i'm still more than a little miffed with work and my job, but as has been documented, i'm searching for a new one. more in a bit

ok so after being ill for a while, nasty cough and head cold thing that's been going around, i decided that i was having issues with blogging, mainly due to lack of inspiration, too much going on that i didn't really feel the need to share and other things. i've still got the cough though :o(

on the day when i stopped HNT (2 posts ago) i also put my wheels in for it's regular service (can't believe i've done over 12000 miles since july!). thinking it would be fairly in expensive, i was shocked and stunned and many other things when i got a call half way through the day to tell me it'd be a little under £850, and that only covered the essential things that NEEDED doing!!! i could've doubled that by getting them to do everything...so there went my salary for the month! i was none too impressed, to say the least, but it needed doing

easter was pretty crap, with my parents arguing over lunch, thankfully we don't seem to go in for the big family lunch thing very often. although i got one easter egg, which i ate the next day. Also saw my friend Kat for the first time in a LONG time, i used to baby sit for her...it's funny!

the following week i was supposed to be having a chat to my boss about things work related, but even though he asked for the meeting, he forgot it, because he's got a memory like a sieve... that made me feel like a valued member of the team! so on wednesday i decided to book the next week (last week) off, to give myself some time to re-assess things...i've been re-assessing a lot of things recently i know...anyway the remains of the week proceeded to piss me off more so i spent some time each day looking for a new job. i think i sent out my CV 20 odd times!

so the week off...
monday, i went to the cinema with Kat, and the quiz in the evening, she joined me and the bar staff, we still didn't win, but we had a good time. even if one of the other teams mistakenly identified Kat as my new girlfriend who i was flaunting in the pub while my ex was behind the bar...i must re-iterate, Kat is a friend from way back and lovely as she is, she's not my girlfriend and unlikely to ever be...
tuesday, i took kat back to uni, comedy ensued in the local news agents in which we implied that i liked it when she hit me, but only when she's naked...needless to say we got some interesting looks from the other patrons... in the evening i went to see the lady (aforementioned ex) and we sat and watched night watch, a totally brilliant russian film which i recommend to anyone who liked things like the matrix, underworld and that kind of thing...
wednesday, i caught up with the old flame, she came down to oxford for a few hours and we chatted and all that, it was cool to see her again, and although she'll disagree, i don't think she's changed that much in the 7 years since i last saw her. but it was great to see her and i'd like to see again sometime...
thursday, i had an interview, first round one only, but it seemed to go really well, i'm not going to get my hopes up about it though as i don't want to be thinking about it too much if i don't get a call back for it. thursday night i worked in the pub, i enjoy that more than working here so i didn't feel like i needed to take the time off from there...
friday, i did nothing, nothing at all

Myspace...some of you know i had a myspace thing...note had. during the week i was trying to sort out all the settings and stuff on it, but everytime i logged in and went to do something it told me i had to be logged in to do it, so i logged in again...and the circle continued for over an hour until i found the only link i could get at was the cancel me link, so i did after much frustration and trying to work out if i wanted to cancel it, i guess i'd just had enough. so sadly my myspace no longer exists
sorry for worrying you K8, but thanks for the call to check up on me ;o)

so you can see that i've not been around to whatever reason
and now i think you're pretty much up to date with things, so it's all good :o)
last night i guest hosted the music round at the quiz, it went down a storm with most teams getting 26 or more from 30, i would give you the track listing, but i can't remember it all. DJ dave that runs the quiz has been using it in other pubs though and they've all liked it too, so much so that i might sort out another one for him at some point, we'll see

right, i think that's more than enough, one last ting is that i'm apologising, having a week off i've not really kept up to date with everyone's blogs, i've tried, and commented on some posts, but not on everyone's.
take care peeps


berly02 said...

No myspace? That's sad. Hopefully you are back in your blogging groove.

Jennifer said...

Welcome back!

Roxi said...

good god.. talk about an update.. yeah you were gone for awhile werent you..


Miss Ash said...

Good luck on the job search!! Strange that you hang out with your ex's, i've never spoken to any of mine since. I see no point.

Natalia said...

Wow... holy update batman. I am glad you are back though. Cause I hated coming back to that question of whether you were back or not...as if you might not come back. :(


Kate said...

S'okay, someone's gotta look after you ;-)

Good luck with the job interviews, let me know how it goes!


Lindsey said...

don't feel bad...I've been broken for nearly a week and haven't written squat. At least you've got good excuses.

Px said...

berly...i know, but i was having issues with it, so it had to go. as for the blogging groove, i'm still finding it difficult at the moment


roxi...i was gone a while, not sure if i'm all back yet either

ash...thanks for the luck, we shall see if it works :) i only hang out with one and i couldn't not hang out with her

natalia...yeah, sorry about that, like i said to berly though i'm not 100% sure i'm back at the moment, i will be back though, jus not sure when properly

K8...yeah, big thanks for that. interviews are not going great, but we'll see

linny...being broken is no fun, and i saw your post, you shouldn't let people badger you into blogging, it's not fair