Friday 5 May 2006

so i replied
thanks for all your comments on the last post, i know it was a bit of a mission reading it all, so thanks for stucking with it, it meant quite a bit to know that even though i've not been nekkid for you guys for a few weeks now and i've not even posted something vaguely interesting that you guys are still out there and reading on occasion.
i was thinking about what i could put in this post, and i've been struggling, i want to be positive and bubbly and all that stuff, but recently i've been feeling physically ill and emotionally drained, so being positive is kinda hard at the moment.
people have been asking what's wrong, and i wish i could help them out and give them a decent answer, but there is no one defining thing that's wrong, there's not ten things, hell there's not one hundred things wrong...there's so many things that just feel wrong at the moment i wouldn't know where to start
so i'm struggling with positive
however i am carrying on and putting a brave face on things, i don't want my nearest and dearest at home realising that i'm not overly joyous at the moment because i fear that it will make things worse...they worry enough as it is.
it's my dad's birthday party on sunday, i think i remember mentioning it once or twice before on the basis that i'm not looking forward to it and that i think it will be either a complete balls up or i'll jst end up sitting at the bar while everyone has a go at everyone else and their dog in the pub where i work. i'm tempted to just sit there and watch it all fall apart as both me and my mum know will happen. tragic i know, but sadly it's true.
anyway it's friday night here and i'm currently blogging! that tells you quite a bit about my current social life...i guess i could go out to the pub, but i'm not really in the mood for it at the moment, i'm fairly tired too, so i might just hit the sack and hope that everything will pass me by for a day or two.
work wise, things are a bit crap at the moment, although i'm not getting all the shitty quotes i am still getting all the crap, we missed a deadline today, something needed to be with the client by 2pm, the people in germany told us it would be another 2-3 weeks before they can complete the special articles that are required in the specification, needless to say the sales manager was less than impressed and initially took this out on me, however when i pointed out that it was germany and not me that was holding things up, she calmed down and realised that it wasn't my fault and things were ok then...well as ok as things can be when you're watching a €200k quote disappear down the shitter. still i got her other quote done this morning and posted today (i hope, i left before the post went) that's for €85k which should soften the blow a little (she thought that was expensive for 8 fume cupboards, but i reminded her that they were all special because of the additional €3k for each FC to have a steel liner rather than a stardard liner).
on the job hunt, i got cold called yesterday by a recruitment firm who wanted to put me forward for a position, the ugy guaranteed i'd hear from him within 24 hours, but it's been more than that and i've not heard anything from him, so now i don't care about that position very much. also got told that an interview i had that i was one of four candidates, so a good chance of getting the position, but i didn't like the centre or the manager there so i'll not be looking too hard at that one either, however if they offer me the position i'll consider it for a little while, it's all about the monetary motivation now...
starting to lose interest in a lot of things at the moment
so really i guess that's as good a point as any to sign off, go check the comments from the last post as i replied to you all...


Jennifer said...

It's OK to blog about being miserable.
I wrote a sad sack post a couple of weeks ago and a friend who had been avoiding emailing me because she was having a shit time, came out of the woodwork to commiserate.
Misery loves company.

Lindsey said...

We can all empathize. Everyone seems to be having a hell of a time the last few weeks. (Myself included.)

Fuckkit said...

Part of the joy of blogging means you get to be miserable at will for the whole internet to read.

A problem shared and all that...

Akanksha said...

awww px.. i hav been havin a bad time too so i havent been postin either.. i just want to eat and curl up in my bed and sleep . :(

Px said...

i know, but i don't want to keep blogging sad posts

it's not cool is it :(
i think we should all haver like one huge group therapy session and talk it all out :o)

how true your words are, although i'm not sure how joyous i'll make the world with moaning
however the continuous banter with my friends (like you and everyone else on here) does help

same as me cream, a duvet and a long chat anyone?

Natalia said...

Awww darling...crap is crap...we all have it and we are here to hear you out. All will be well. Breathe in and breathe out. If all else fails, have a few pints.



Autumn Storm said...

Yup. Feeling like crap seems to be in the air. Hope you feel better!

berly02 said...

I would blog on friday nights, if I weren't to lazy to get off the couch. How's that for a social life?