Friday 23 June 2006

don't be mad

it's boring at work today
and i'm still not feeling great
i can't be bothered at the moment
it's been suggested that i run away
place mentioned was france, but my french is rusty at best
have the fear at the moment
will let you in on it if your PROMISE not to get angry or take the moral high ground or anything like that
have the fear because i was tempted to cut myself again
for the first time in 2 years i wanted to do it
but i didn't
please don't sit there thinking bad things about me
i'm trying to deal with a lot of things at the moment
all of which are small and insignificant
but piled together are not cool
the sum of the whole is greater that the sum of the individual parts and all that kinda thing
i know there are people out there worse off than me
i know that i've got it good at the moment
but there are so many little things that are causing me stress
they say that moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do
i'm already stressed and i'm not moving for like 7 weeks
reasons for stress:
too many jobs
not enough money (hence the 3 jobs)
no free time
being sick
moving house
my parents impending divorce
and subsequent issues like selling a house, helping mum get a new one, moving her...other settlement related issues
my IBS (which hasn't properly flared up yet, but it's only a matter of time)
my car (which although is ok at the moment, needs an MOT and tax disc soon)
not enough sleep (which leads to me getting more stressed which leads to even less sleep)
my proper job...well documented fact that i don't really enjoy it
general feeling of not belonging
fear that i'm going to cut myself again

lots of little things that combined make a big ugly monster

i want to go home
i want to go to sleep
i want to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and with out any of the above hassles
i wish i could


rawbean said...

Sorry to hear that you are feeling down. It will get better and you will be stronger for it.

Sometimes it helps just to tackle on problem at a time and try not to think of the whole because that's just overwhelming.

berly02 said...

{{big hug}}
If I were a rich woman I would send you a plane ticket to Texas and you could come chill in my brand new house for a week or two.
Hope you feel better soon dear.

Lindsey said...

I don't think bad things of you. I think the fact that you're able to acknowledge the desire and why you have the desire is HUGE.

I'm very proud of you. Hang in there dear Pete. I send you lots of hugs!!! (and some of my naughty dreams.) :o)

Miss Ash said...

Stay strong my darling.

Natalia said...

I wish I could reach through the computer and hug you. You need a good long hug. Darling, I know right now it all seems complete shite and you feel it's never ending. But, the things is, what doesn't kill you does make you stronger and you will come out of the other end of this and you will have happiness again.

Look, I have never cut myself. I can't relate to that. But I do tend to either want to eat or have a fag when I can't stand things. I can understand the need for release. But think about the fact that cutting won't actually help, It will only feel like relief but all in all you are adding another issue.

Let me know if you need to talk.

Love ya, darling.


Roxi said...

Love you

Px said...

thanks people
i've not cut myself
and i have no intention of doing so
i am pretty tired still though, and as much as i tried to chill over the weekend i wasn't feeling too well either.
I've been back to the doc's and i've got to have some blood tests and a scan as they're not 100% sure what's wrong

Fuckkit said...

Three jobs? When did that happen? What else have I missed? Bugger, I'm on limited net time and can't read everything, email me with stuff k?