Friday 16 June 2006

I didn't get tagged, but wanted to do it anyway

6 weird things about me

i can't remember if i've done this or not, but if i have i'll do it again because i'm sure there's more than just 6 weird things about me...

1. at the age of 27 i'm still a big wrestling fan, i don't know what it is about it, but i think now that i'm older i can appreciate the skill that these "atheletes" have not to hurt each other seriously (if at all)

2. i bite the nails on my right hand, although i use scissors or nail clippers on my left hand, i know it's because i'm right handed and can't cut them on my right hand with the scissors, but i could do it with the clippers

3. i can talk to anyone when i'm behind the bar in the pub where i work, but put me the other side of the bar and i'm not keen on talking to anyone

4. i've been know to fall asleep in the bath, with or without water in there. if there is water in there i usually put my book down in my sleep (not in the water though)

5. i cut my own hair, i know it's not weird, but sometimes you should see what i end up with, as i usually miss a little bit and then refuse to trim it until the next time i cut my hair

6. when ever i sit down to eat a meal, especially sunday roast, i have to get up and go to the loo within 5 minutes of starting to eat

apparently i'm supposed to tag 6 people, but i'm only going to tag 3, woja, PP and akanksha, anyone else is welcome to do it if they want

(still working on the 100 things...)



Miss Ash said...

Why are you in the tub if there is no water in there?

Natalia said...

Looking forward to the 100 things.

Falling asleep in the bath...mmmm cozy. Just make sure you do not drown.


Summer said...

Thanks for doing the tag. :) Let me know if you want me to send you the email "surprise" that the others are getting.

How in the world can you fall asleep in a tub with no water?

Princess Pessimism said...

TAGS???? Whatever....I have posted everything there is to know about me. Im a very easy person to get to know, and you have been told it all. LOL!!!

ALTHOUGH. I will keep this tag under serious consideration, and if something should change in the next little while, and I develop a new habit, you'll be the first to hear it.

Lindsey said...

I have this irrational fear that I will fall asleep in the bath and wind up drowning myself. :o(

Glad you're still alive though.

Akanksha said...

i hav already treind to put up 5 weird things abt me and i couldnt come up with much so .. yipee! saved frm the tag!!

Px said... idea, i was drunk :)'s taking forever to do :( as for not drowning, i won't the bath's too small!

recon...slept in the bath because i was drunk promised me that the next time i got a tag and tagged'd do come on!

linny...i don't worry about that, because if i fall asleep in the bath i'm that tall that my head never makes it under the water

akanksha...only tagged you because you "enjoy" being tagged and i'm sure 5 would be fine :)

Princess Pessimism said...

Ugh...Ya Ya....i'll get around to it.

berly02 said...

I can't see you not being able to talk to anyone, anywhere. Do you get nervous when your not serving the drinks?

Px said...

woja...oh yeah, i's about time you updated though money's on you not doing it's true, i can get very shy and nervous

slop...ain't that always the way?