Tuesday 27 June 2006

vampire visit

i've got to to go and see the vampire under doctors orders (by vampire i mean phlebotomist, but the inferrence is the same) i'm to have some blood tests and stuff like that. meanwhile i'm back on the dom peridone (anti emetics) but none of the other tablets which is ok, but all they are doing is stopping me from being sick and not actually treating the cause...
also having some kind of scan done at some point...sounds like fun...think it's an ultra sound scan, so all easy stuff there (still looking like i could be pregnant though what with the throwing up in the morning, i had swollen ankles for a while [but that was sunburn] and now an ultra sound)
i don't like needles
i know that sounds weird considering i've had 11 piercings and 10 tattoos and they are all needles
but i'm just not a needles fan medically
still i'll be alright when it comes to the bloods, nervous, but alright
and i've had an ultra sound before back when i first got my ibs diagnosed, then it was to look for my appendix. this time round though they're looking for gall stones, even though the doc thinks i'm too young for them...
so far it's been:
some virus thing...nah
excess stomach acid...nah
now it's gall stones...nah
what next? stomach ulcer? worse?
i'm not thinking about the worse thing's it could be, i'm thinking it's just me being sick
and now i'm sick of being sick
if i could just stop it, i would...wouldn't that be great? just being able to stop being ill. like a switch kinda thing inside your head that controls it all...
i'm sure it'll clear up in the end, just hope i'm not sick again...
laters peeps
and i promise something a little more entertaining soon


rawbean said...

I had to look up ibs to see what it was...doesn't sound pleasant.

Hope you're feeling better soon!

berly02 said...

It just sucks that they can't get you the right meds to make it all go away.
But you do sound pregnant.
You think it is going to be a boy or a girl? ;)

Px said...

bean...it's not comfortable to say the least! but it's not really acting up at the moment (thankfully)
berly...i think i'd have a little boy, no idea why i think that lol

Natalia said...

*fingers crossed* hope it's nothing big and that you are feeling better in no time at all, darling.

We don't care about entertaining... we care that you are ok :)



Miss Ash said...

I wonder why they don't think it could be gall stones because of your age. I have a friend who has them, she wasn't vomitting but she was often bent over in pain with tears in her eyes. Apparently they are horribly painful.

Px said...

natalia...well i think i'm ok at the moment, but i guess we'll have to see, it's been a few days since i was last sick or attepmted to be sick, so fingers crossed

ash...i've no idea, the doc just thinks i'm too young to have them

Lindsey said...

Poor Px.

You've been put through the ringer. I hope you feel better soon. I need you in top form for my visit.

Px said...

linny, don't you worry, i'll be up and fighting fit by then (i hope)