Wednesday 21 June 2006


lots of stuff that i want to talk about at the moment all a bit disjointed though, so be warned

house stuff:
mild concern that we're not going to afford the place along with a few other minor concerns like how well will we get on when we're living together etc etc etc...all of which i'm sure are nonsense and will be fine.
tenancy agreement has been drawn up, but i've not had chance to read it yet, should be ok though, and as long as they sort out a few things for us before we move (like the aussie heating's off in the winter and on in the summer) then it'll all be good

comfort zone stuff:
now i'm all for exploring your comfort zones and all that, but pushing things too far too quickly is not cool. last week i did the quiz, and i was ok with it, even though i was very nervous before starting, this week i'm worse than i was last week. if my comfort zone were to be represented by a single sheet of a4 paper sitting on my desk here at work, then doing the quiz not only puts me off the paper, but i'm off the desk and out the office. i can't explain it, i'm just not happy doing it and although i settle into it while i'm there, i just don't want to do it. i need the money, but do i need the money that much? i don't think i do

sleep stuff:
i'm not sleeping very well
by that i mean i'm lucky if i'm getting 4 or 5 hours a night
last night i went to bed before 11, i didn't get to sleep until after 12 and was awake before 6 and i woke up several times in the night too
it's bugging me out
and probably not helping with the comfort zone stuff either

work stuff:
don't you hate it when you know you've got things to do...but you can't do them because someone else is holding up the chain?
at the moment i've got 2 quotes open, one is waiting for some steel prices, the other is for gas regulators...the trouble is we have no idea which regulators they are, where they came from or anything...which is really unhelpful
the pub work is fine though and the dj/quiz host has been mentioned before as being uncomfortable

people stuff:
i've been a bit crap again in keeping in touch with people and i'm sorry, there has been a lot going on, nothing interesting, but enough to keep my mind overly pre-occupied with stuff. but then i guess it's a two way thing and i can't take all the blame can i!

game stuff:
remember me talking before about n-game? well i found a version that can be downloaded...this is very cool, but it has meant that there has been an added distraction to my work load (such as it is) also been playing a variety of online games. Desperately trying to find someone to play dots and boxes with though

did you know stuff:
did you know the daggett in the original series of battlestar galactica was played by a chimpanzee called eve? a daggetts are the BSG name for dogs this robo-daggett was called muffy...
apparently it was rather off putting to hear the chimp noises during a take, even though she was better at hitting her marks that half the cast!!!

June is a GOOD month on my calendar...for those of you not in the know, i've got a bath university cheerleaders lingerie calendar

the spell checker doesn't recognise battlestar and comes out with fatalistic...dodgy!

i'm having a thrilling day at work

animal stuff:
in the last couple of weeks i've had some random creatures run out in front of my car, i've not hit any of them (i'm a good driver contrary to popular belief)
the count is at
2 rabbits
a squirrel
a pheasant
2 crows
a magpie
and a mole...a proper little black mole, i wasn't sure what it was to start with, it looked like something rolling across the road, but it had direction. moles are supposed to live underground, not practise jay-walking on busy roads

more sleep stuff:
why is it that when you sleep with a woman (as in actually sleep, not sex) they take up so much of the bed? i'm referring to an ex from a while ago who used to sleep with her head as far across the bed away from me as possible, but her backside was almost pushing me out of mater what size of bed we were in she's sleep like this. on top of it she'd expect to be cuddled until she fell asleep, by which point she'd usually manipulated me into an uncomfortable position from which if i moved i'd wake her up, thus unleashing her wrath in all it's glory because i'd woken her up! i was going to post some pics with this, but for some reason, blogger isn't letting me today!

i think that's enough stuff for today


berly02 said...

I don't think I have ever seen a mole in my entire life. Do you live in the country?
Sorry your not sleeping well. That can throw off everything else in your life.

Miss Ash said...

Who are you moving in with? I think i missed that part. If you dislike doing the quiz so much then find another alternative job that you enjoy :)