Wednesday 2 August 2006

if his phone rings again with that bloody "blue is the colour football is the game" tune one more time i'm going to flush it!

with the exception of having to be at work, i'm in a good mood today :)
and the "blue is the colour, football is the game" song is the ringtone for one of the sales gimps...and it's really starting to get irritating!
so anyway i'm having a good day
i've not done anything yet today at work either because i'm waiting on special prices from the german office for 3 quotes and i've been told not to expect them until the end of the week
think i'm going to ikea tonight...not sure yet though, could do with getting one or two things for the new place, nothing major though as we've got double of the essential things
i was going to blog about something earlier and now i've forgotten what
not done anything on my 100 things about pete for a while, but i fully intend to do some more today
was supposed to have a meeting with my boss over an hour ago about the H&S policy for the company...but nothing has happened yet (again i find this typical) guess i should have a look at that too before the meeting!
right i think i've just talked myself into doing things
laters peeps


Natalia said...

I am happy you are having a good day. It's just proof that there is light at the other end, no matter how dark the tunnel gets, right? Some of my office mates have some interesting choices in music for their phones. And yes it can get annoying. But mostly you sound happy and that is good.


Lindsey said...

I have no idea what song that is...

but it sounds weird as hell.

Px said...

it was a good day, right up to the point where i went home sick (but then i guess that's not all bad, i got to send the rest of the day in bed :))

it's a football song (as in proper football, not that game you play and call football) and it's really irritating!

Princess Pessimism said...

You make sure that one of those things on your 100 list is "Takes an exceptionally long time to make lists"

Roxi said...

oh my god ikea is the shit!!!!

we just got one here.. Its friggin awsome.. I think I could furnish anything there!!

Lindsey said...

2 1/2 more weeks Px!!! Cathy and I have decided that we're going to spend about 3 days in Dublin (we're going to take a Ferry) and then 2 in London. I can't wait!

Px said...

PP, i might just have to do that, i could do with a filler or 50

Roxi, it is, but i didn't make it, i was sick as a dog on wednesday last week (again)

Linny, dublin rawks...although it's a bit expensive (especially if you drink like a fish) while you're there though, be sure and check out the guinness storehouse and see if you can find peter's pub(it's just outside the temple bar area) and the temple bar (it's a pub in the temple bar area and it's awesome)