Sunday 17 June 2007

and so it's done

ok well honestly nothing's been done for a while
in fact i've done next to nothing all weekend...and that's just how it should be!

yesterday i went searching for a skateboard, no major reason apart from wanting one and thinking that it would be an easier way of getting round than walking everywhere...yes i am that lazy! but i couldn't find one, i found a shop that sold decks, trucks and wheels and all that, but being the lazy sod that i am i didn't get all the parts
i nearly bought a nintendo Wii...thought it would be fun, but didn't thought that i should save my money, but it's still there in my mind :)
also was debating on getting guitar hero 2 for the PS2 with the guitar thing as well, but once again decided not to...
in the end i bought a drink and a

last night i was going to stop in with jenfer, watch a film and just chill...which we did, then i went out with chunk, who i've not seen for months and we had a really good night out, i got drunk, but not wasted which is always a bonus. and for the first time in ages i actually just switched off and enjoyed myself

so yeah :)
it's better than it has been
part of my wishes i'd got a wii
part of me wishes i'd got guitar hero
all of me knows that saving money was the sensible option!

btw hi to the peeps sneaking in from know who you are :)
and hi to the person from bedfordshire who checks in fairly regularly...

laters peeps


Miss Ash said...

I've played guitar hero, the fans booed me haha

Pink Is Neat said...

Ok, i think we need to hang out a lot.

First, you mention guitar hero 2.
Then you mention drinking.
Then you mention wii.

Seriously. This needs to happen soon.

Lindsey said...

Glad you had a good time last night. Just don't ditch us for facebook like FU! Might be crushed. :o)