Sunday 24 June 2007

a whole big pile of randomness

i've got half hour before i need to leave to go to the pub for work...

anyway, that aside, i've got to air a few things
on thursday i went to work...the white van job...only to find that the lorry that delivers to us was running late, i normally leave the depot around half 5 in the morning, that day i left 2 hours late because after the lorry. and the fact that mine was one of the last on the lorry...partly because i'd hepled everyone else ot load up their vans and they'd all buggered off without helping anyone else! so i get to what would be my usual first drop 3 hours after i normally do...i spent the rest of the day trying to catch up with myself so that all the normal stores got their drops when they usually do...i managed it, but i skipped every store that didn't have a delivery. then on friday, breakfast was late as usual, i'm getting fed up with that, but when i went down to my van, the tyre had gone down overnight! i kicked the wheel out of frustration. i found the jack from in the van and the spare tyre (the jack wasn't big enough, the spare is going bald) not that it mattered because once i'd undone all the wheel nuts, i still couldn't get the wheel off the van. i had to call my boss to get someone out to me to help me to take the wheel off...when that bloke eventually got to me i was already 90 minutes late again!! and i'd wrecked my jeans because the jack was covered in oil and it was raining.
enough said!

pub work:
it's going ok...
but only ok
i was late on friday because of the other job
but it wasn't that busy

it's going still running
which is a good thing

i bought guitar hero 2 the other day :)
i've not had chance to play it yet though

i also bought a few dvds, not had time to watch them yet either...

i had a long chat with linny last night
that was awesome :)
and she's finally signed up to facebook too...

getting quite a few people chatting to me on facebook, it's great because some i've not spoken to since 2000 or there abouts

anyway it's nearly time for me to head to work, i need a shave and a wash before i head off too
so laters peeps


Lindsey said...

It was great. :o)

I still don't know what I'm doing with Facebook.

Maybe you'll hold my hand through that as well?

Natalia said...

Yaay for pillow talk with girl you kissed :)

And sorry that other stuff is kinda sucky.

It will pass.


Miss Ash said...

Sucks about being late and such, but at least you were able to catch up a bit and continue on with your day.

NotCarrie said...

I hate days at work when I have to play catch up. And at least you know how to change a tire, I just have to call people and beg them to help.