Tuesday 5 June 2007


ok first things first...the image of me in the previous post (my HNT) is NOT my ass/fanny/behind/hinney/butt/arse/backside/bum...it's the crook of my elbow...
it just goes to show that you people are all a little pervy!!!

not doing too great at the moment
in fact i'm really pissed off with a lot of things
my car...not only have i spent over £1000 in the past month trying to get it sorted, but now the battery is completely flat and the alternator is buggered...i broke down twice today trying to get home from work...a journey that is only about 5 miles...if that. the battery was so flat that i couldn't even put on my hazard warning lights...
i am truly pissed off with the fucking machine
so this leads me to my next thing to be pissed off with...
i go back to my mum's to collect my bike, thinking that in the meantime i can use this to get me around...only to find the fucking thing has a puncture...how fucking typical is that?
bastard thing
i'm pissed off with the traffic warden who gave me a ticket this morning for being parked in a taxi rank but let 3 other vehicles off for delivering to shops in a pedestrianised zone out of the regulated hours (i.e. after 10am), in fairness i shouldn't have parked in the taxi rank and paid the ticket without worrying about it
i'm pissed off with my job and working all the hours that which ever god i've pissed off this time is sending...at last count i'm averaging 70 hours a week, at least 2 nights a week i get about 5 hours sleep before i'm up again and struggling to get ready for the next job. factor into this that i'm away with work 2 nights a week too, i rarely spent anytime at my home...and pretty much the only time i see my housemate is during our weekly salsa class...yes i am finally learning to dance the salsa, no it's not the tango that i thought i might be learning at the start of the year, no it's not with tango girl, yes i've not mentioned her in a while, no i'm not interested there anymore

there's a shit load of other little things that are pissing me off no end too...but they're all trivial little things, like the people who drive along in the middle lane of the motorway all the time, regardless of the fact that they're not overtaking anything and refuse to move across into the outside lane (fast lane) when i want to pull out to overtake something in my van, even though that lane is clear

generally not having a good time at the moment
would love dearly to just run away
far away
but i can't
i have responsibilities

by the way, i've been tagged in a couple of pics on facebook (for those of you with it) they're pics of me with jay and silent bob...my dragons, not the kevin smith creations...so you can see them up there.

whinge over


Lisa said...

We definitely need that beer

and i didnt think it was your ass - I'm a good girl me ....

Px said...

i'm trying to avoid drinking at the moment...don't really want to make things worse
but that's never really stopped me in the past!

and well done for being a good girl :)

Natalia said...

I know exactly how you feel darling. I just posted about needing time off being strong.

*many cuddles*


Jo said...

Life is certainly a drag at times - like now :-(
Are there any bright spots at all?

more hugs... o o o

Miss Ash said...

When it rains it pours.....things will sort themselves out eventually.

Px said...

life is weird isn't it...at times it's the best thing out there, other times, it just plain sucks the big one

there's one bright spot, but that's not being talked about because i don't want to think of all this rubbish while i think about the bright spot

"into everylife a little rain must fall" at the moment my life is suffering from a monsoon season

thanks to everyone for the hugs though.

car update:
the man from the garage came to get it earlier, i drove it about a mile before the engine just died again. so he re-started it using the power pack thing he had with him, this time leaving it connected and under the bonnet while he drove my car and i drove his van. all was fine until he went round a corner and the wind froma passing car caught under the bonnet and flipped it open, denting the bonnet on the window, and creasing it around the hinges too... whihc he's going to sort out for me (damned straight i thought, it wasn't my fault after all)
but anyway, apparently there are certain parts of the car that require 12v and others that need 5v (with me so far?) well if the alternator doesn't charge the car to the right level (about 12v) then the ECU cuts everything, mine was charging the battery to just over 9v so everything was cutting out again and again.
they've given me another car until they can sort mine out...hopefully getting it back before the weekend, but i might have a different coloured bonnet because of some numpty

Alicia said...

Feel better, lovie.

Lindsey said...

Bad days...So sorry sweetie. Hope things are going better today.

You just need a good cuddle and all will be well again.

tkkerouac said...

just found your blog, looks great!

Miss Scarlet said...

Things can only go up!