Thursday 9 February 2006

it just goes to show (if you're here for HNT it's below this post)
if you start the day in a positive way
you set yourself up for a fall
i was happy this morning
i'd had a good night out last night and was on a positive high for the day
but gradually work has dragged me down and down and down
i'm now so deep down that i can't see the light for the piles of shite work that i have on my desk
stupid proposals that are worthless and meaningless and generally realy crappy
projects that want the smallest of details changed which involved re-pricing everything, adjusting the figures to suit the sales team, the MD and the client, re issuing the document to the right people, once you've found out who the right people are that is, then there's the back log of tidying things up afterwards, copying files onto different servers so different people can find them, printing off hard copies of EVERYTHING used to make the quote up and then filing it all in the temperamental (emphasise mental when you read that back again later) filing cupboard in files that are too big to fit inside the hangers.
it's all crap
and i want to go home
but i can't because tonight i'm working in the pub!!!
i knew i should've brought my laptop with me, i could've done something useful while i was at the pub tonight, serving the 0 customers we have on a thursday (last week there were 3 people in and 5 staff, which gradually declined to the point of there being no customers and 5 staff)
somebody please take me away from all this
i'm begging you
rant over

for now


Katie said...

Smile will get better in time..:o)

The Middle Child said...

I hear ya there! I feel the same way!

berly02 said...

Sorry your day has gone to crap, so to speak. Perhaps you should have a few beers at work ;)

Autumn Storm said...

I'm thinking about emigrating (again!) - wanna come?
Hope tomorrow is a better day, x

Lindsey said...

Poor Px. You could come work in the states and make loads of money with your sexy British accent.

Akanksha said...

hi px.. me is in the same boat.. i hav like this one issue assigned to me that is just not getting fixed.. i hav been staying back in office fr more than 15 days trying to talk our people in states.. no much help frm there either.. i wish the earth would just open up.. and i would just go sleep in mother earths lap and finally get some rest.. actually eternal rest .. life sucks bigtime right now :`(

Px said...

i've tried smiling, i've tried pretending none of it is real, it doesn't work anymore

hi! feeling like this is not cool is it :(

i managed a pint, but legally i'm not allowed to drink alcohol while and serve it too, so i had to sneak around the bar, but thursdays are dead so i can do that :)

where we going then?

you offering me a job then?

i hear you, lets all run away together!

Autumn Storm said...

Well, first I was thinking Australia or New Zealand, then I thought South America, then I thought a nice little tropical island, but I've settled on the US, at least for a year or two :-)