Friday 24 February 2006

song for the saturday
right people i've had a pityful response on the bio's from you guys, i've had one and i've got to say it was perfect and just what i was thank you jennifer! the rest of you motley crew, all i'm asking is for a paragraph, something witty and inciteful about you and a pic. I know you're all busy (or lazy in some peoples case Akanksha!), but i'd really appriciate it if ou could just spend a few minutes helping me out :)
remember it's for my website
so i have no idea who will see it
but it'll all be good i promise
anyway back to the song for saturday... this weeks choice is something i've listened to a lot this week, especially in the car, tears and rain by james blunt, i'm really liking this song, it's hitting my in many places. it's reminding me of the past, when i've done things which i regret to an extent, choices i've made and things that were just wrong for me at that time. however it's also hitting me with the line "I guess it's time I run far, far away" because although that's not how i'm feeling, it's what i want to do. some of you know what i mean (natalia)
so that's my song for tomorrow, i'll listen to it several times and i intend to put it on while i'm at work as well tomorrow and make the customers in the pub listen to it as well!
anyway, please try and help me out with your bio's or else i'm going to have to utilise my wit and imagination and just make something up about you all and then google search some random picture as well...this pic might not exactly be safe either...if you know what i mean!
laters peeps and enjoy your weekend peeps :)

thanks to Linny who has also provided me with a mini bio and a couple of pics, fear not linny, the nekkid ones will never be seen by anyone else ;o)
Miss ash, all you need to do is write a few sentences about yourself, anything at all, and the email it to me with a pic of you that you don't mind me putting up on the website...simple!

thanks to Miss Ash, although a quote wasn't exactly what i was after, it'll do i guess ;o)


berly02 said...

Are you threatening your readers?? :)

Px said...

that depends on your perception of a threat...
i'm not being menacing, but i am just politely warning you all :)

Katie said...

he is threatening us berly! lol
watch out
but thanks for the warning px! lol

i dont like to talk about myself. i have no clue on what to tell you about me. other then im one of a kind and you like me or you cant fucking stand me! one of the two...i can do the pic..i will send it to you soon....

Fuckkit said...

What you do in private is your own business but unleashing James Blunt onto the poor unsuspecting drinkers is just wrong.

Wrong I tell you ;)

Princess Pessimism said...

i just noticed that you changed your links list, and now have me listed as "P.P - Being naughty and not doing her tags.".

You're a loser...LOL. Tag me with something, I promise, just this once, i'll do it.

Miss Ash said...

How about as an example you show us what Jennifer wrote. And i'm shocked she would give you a photo.

Lindsey said...

Ugh. Jennifer putting us to shame again! I just don't know what to write!!!! Dammit.

Natalia said...

Yes I indeed know what you mean, darling.

And the first time I heard that song and Goodbye My Lover...I cried. So yes those songs can hit hard where it matters.

And what is it exactly that I am supposed to be sending you? Bio? Pics?


Px said...

a little blurb about you and a pic, nothing dodgy, i only want to put them up on my website, that's all

Autumn Storm said...

You're as bad as me, I haven't posted since Friday either, so I guess, I've no right to be equally disappointed each time I stop by :0).
Hope all's well in the land of Pete.
Happy Tuesday, x