Friday 10 February 2006

that friday feeling? (being edited and added to through the day)
this is a warning, this post probably isn't going to be a great read and more than likely will be disjointed and random in places
so i got up and was sick this morning, by 7 am i'd thrown up 3 times :(
but seeing as i hadn't eaten anything since about 7pm the night before there was nothing to come up apart from spit and stomach acid...not cool, very not cool
I'm being moved off of the friday night shift at the pub, for one reason or another, and i'm being switched to a sunday. i think that's going to be better for me because not only am i getting a little more responsibility as i'll be cashing up and locking up at the end of the night, it means i'll not be working back to back long days anymore, 8-5 and then 6-11.30+ on a thursday and then a friday too doing this is not cool...very not cool
work has been a bit pants too as you may have guessed from the previous post! just another thing that's not cool...very not cool

however on the cool side of things, i heard from a mate who i've not seen in over a year, but i'm told that he does pop in here from time to time and check up on me as it were. anyway, he's getting married in a few months and wants me to go, so that's cool...very cool
but it does mean i'll have to hunt out my suit, check it still fits, get it cleaned and all that, but it'll be worth it!

9.30 am
fed up

i've got one quote out this morning already and it's only half 9, add that to the one i got out yesterday, that only leaves me the one i'm working on now, the one that needs to go out on monday and the one that i've just got...well they're are the ones i have right now, but i know there are a couple of others on the horizon :o(

that's another quote done...but think of the trees here, this one was 60 pages long, we keep a hardcopy and send one to the client, except this client has requested multiple copies of the quote (why he can't just print them off himself i'll never know, but hey!)

just had the email for the next one too, this one will be "interesting" as it's the 9th revision to the base quote, i'm sure we should've been charging them for the additional revisions that we've made to this's getting beyond a joke! every couple of weeks the sales manager calls me and says "you'll never guess what...they want another revision done!" this time they want some rear panels, some locks and want some things we added for them last revision, removed for this one!!! can you say "PISS TAKE!!"?

and that is what i spend my day doing...well that and obviously blogging about it too lol

that's the 3rd quote to leave my hands today! that was a little one (the 8th revision though and seemingly pointless)
but i've just been handed a fax, 17 pages in total regarding something i quoted 6 weeks ago and how the QS thinks that i've got the wrong size on the units, trouble is if i have got the wrong sizes it'll be monday before anyone can get me new prices and even then they'll probably take a day or two to get them to me...and the QS is hoping for a letter on monday with the revised price and missing items included...we missed them out because they're non-standard items, things like whiteboards, which i've now sourced and priced, we were €30k - €40k under the others tendering for this project, i've added in the white boards and some sinks i'd missed as well and added €42k, if these units are also going to be special constructions then i'm looking at probably adding to that even further...great, way to be competitive on price!!!
also been chatting to woja, we're thinking of heading to see the wrestling again sometime this year so that'll be cool :D
well best get back to it :(

with just over an hour to go at this job i've finally hit the wall!
i went through the 17 page fax, working out what they wanted and what we'd offered were different things, in so far as what i'd priced was almost what the wanted, except everything was out by 90 degrees, they wanted a 1200mm high unit, i'd offered a 1200 wide unit because that was what made sense, even the sales manager said that she'd have done the same thing, so that's ok :)
throat hurts
didn't do a pub lunch either today...didn't feel like it and wanted to crack on with work
but now i'm at the wall and i'm stuck
can't do anymore

song for saturday...(friday again i know but who cares, so few people visit on a saturday!)
Boys Don't Cry by The Cure it's a cracking song and it's very me at the moment (been listening to the unplugged version today)

i think that'll be the last update for the day, gotta dash off from here and go to my penultimate friday at the pub
laters peeps,


Katie said...

i'm glad you got to see your friend and best wishes to him...

sounds like you have a long day..ot will be over soon..just think you dont have to work till 11:30 will be a lot better on you not working friday night of luck..

Px said...

alas i am working tonight, and next friday, that's the last one though
i'll pass on the best wishes to woja, i've not seen him though, just chatted online

Katie said...

lol...fine,i take back my

Princess Pessimism said...

You're right, I DO love that song.

Miss Ash said...

What does "pants" mean? I also love the Cure, yay for Robert Smith.

Lindsey said...

You've had a freakin' miserable day! I'm so sorry....mine sucked too. We can be miserable together.

berly02 said...

are you feeling better?

I really think you are due some awesome days. I mean, the last few seem horrid.

Akanksha said...

whenver i see that Hell no it reminds me pf that dialog
"Hell No H2O " from Coyote Ugly.. :D
Tough days dnt last .. tough people do!!.. i think i screwed up the saying a lil but what the hell u get my point right!

Px said...

katie...he won't be happy about that!

PP...see i knew you would :)

Ash...pants means bad, and if someting is "big brown y-fronts" then it's really bad

linny...we can be anything you want

berly...yeah i'm starting to feel better today, trying to look on the up side of things and waiting for my sack full of valentines cards that you're all sending me ;o)'s been a long long time since i saw coyote ugly, and i don't remember watching it all the way through either, so your quote is lost on me, sorry. but i'm liking your saying, that's cool :)