Saturday, 31 December 2005
so i'm doing a "quick" review of some of the bigger things that have happened this year, my year in my words. but not everything is as it seems, i've decided thati want to hide some song titles in the text, and i'm challenging all my blogging buddies to find as manay as they can. It's only for fun, so don't get down if you find yourself struggling to spot any. so the rules are simple, i've put in some song titles, you need to find as many as you can and if possible, list the artist/band that did it, now i know that some of these titles have been covered and some of them have the same name as other songs. and i know that i've also probably put in some titles without even realising it. i can be a bit hit or miss like that. so come up with as many as you can. So will you girls and boys play? or do you need some motivation? don't be fooled by the answers other people have given, just remember to take your time, and dont worry if it makes you loco, i went a little crazy myself trying to work it all out. It's just for fun, i can't stress that enough, this is all i want you to do, have fun and comment about it. So follow me people, it doesn't matter how you do, believe me, no-one is a loser, anyway whatever, lets go!
At the start of 2005 i had a broken foot, i was living with my parents and signed off sick from work, which was pretty dull anyway. it was a pretty low start to the year, but things could only get better. back to the injury, it happened in december 2004, while playing football, it was just a clumsy accident, but i often tend to break stuff, i think it was the 5th or 6th different bone that i'd broke. but it was only one week before i was back at work. although soon after starting back i was looking for something new as like i'd said, work was pretty dull.
nothing much happened over the first few months, not sure if that means i had a good time or not though, but tha's not the attitude to take now is it! in april i moved into my brothers recently vacated flat, it was empty because he'd moved in with his lady friend (incidently he's still living there and his flat is empty again...) there had also been a few omen in my life by this point (i thikn it was something like 4 or 5 year to date) but don't get me wrong i didn't do it ALL for the nookie. the flat allowed me to regain some freedom in my life, i was able to do what i wanted, when i wanted and with whom i wanted. and it also meanti was no longer in the middle of my parents, which had unfortunately always been the case in the past. well, without me there all the time things in their house settled down too...a little!
in may, i called it quits on the leisure industry, after over 10 years working in swimming pools i'd had enough and decided that changes were needed. i hung up my lifeguard whistle for the last time with the intention of never ever having to pick it up again. and for the first time in my employment history i was working outside a swimming pool, outside my comfort zone.
the new job started in june, i took a weeks leave to sort things out, but it started in germany of all places, the only german i knew was ich bin ein auschlander and ich bin ein berliner, neither of which were very helpful. obviously starting in germany meant getting on an aeroplane and having to fly away over there on a wing and a prayer, i'd have preferred to have driven as i don't like to fly. i was out there for 4 weeks nearly, and everymorning we were late for our training sessions, not very late, maybe one a few minutes, but we were always late. the training went by really quickly and to be honest the time out there seemed like a holiday, with seven days in the sun, except there were more than just 7 days, it was sunny nearly the whole time we were out there. and yes i got burnt, although everybody's free to wear sunscreen, i neglected to do so and as a result i went pink, then red, then blistered and peeled. but it was cool and i made a few friends out there and had a good time, sampled a few nice beers too, but no women (well i didn't sample any)
when i came back though things took a turn for the worse as i had a crash in my car and wrote it off, meaning i went to hospital, meaning the police got involved and i ended up spending a few days looking at cars until i found one that i wanted, that didn't take too long though. the actual crash caused me to break yet another bone and left me feeling numb and faint, apparently these are side effects of shock. some might consider this to have been a bad day, but to me it was just a day, and although it's been a while, the memory remains.
life plodded onfor a while with very little happening. i was in a relationship with someone who was ok, we got on well, but didn't see each other as often as we'd have liked. while i was with her though i bumped into an ex who i'd not seen for a while, i ended up going round and cooking for her one evening, which then led to us kissing. that kiss started something inside both of us and i realised i was falling in love again. but it wasn't until september thati was able to tell her this when i saw her again. we started seeing each other more and more, but things were complicated, and i knew they would be, with me still kinda with the other girl (but that's all she was by then, just a girl), and her still supposedly with the father of her little one. we both split from them and we're still together now, but things have gotten difficult and there has been a lot of trouble with her ex. it got to the point where we only see each other at the pub where we work because we're both paranoid that he's going to show up it i'm at her house. i need to let her know that i'm here to stay, that in this, the game of love, the is the one for me and that someday, just because it will, everything is going to be alright, i don't know why i know this, but i do. unfortunately at the moment i have little control over things, all i know is that when i'm with her it feels so good and when i'm not it's too bad to describe.
and so ends my review, i know i've missed out loads of things, but i've been trying so hard to fit in song titles everywhere that it's been a priority, but this past year have been done my way, and that's the most important thing. so lose yourself in the words, find the titles, but don't stare at this too long or everything will go blurry and it'll seem lkike a dream.
most of these song titles are singles, maybe not from the last 12 months though and there are probably a few that you american girls and boys (and canadian ones too) might not get as i don't think they crossed the ocean and are truly british.
anyway, i shall probably be spending my new years with my family, just chillin', so i hope you all have a nice day and night, and for those of you going out, party hard, because time is running out on 2005. remember me tonight at midnight as i'l be wishing you all a perfect year next year when my clock strikes 12. i'm with you all in spirit
Take care
the titles run from the first word to the last word, but not in this've been warned...have fun
Thursday, 29 December 2005
it's just too hard to choose, i want to say the sunset that i put up in my second HNT because it's beautiful, but it's not me and it's not nekkid
i want to say my tongue, because it was a weird pic and i just loved it
i want to say the post about me cutting and the pics that went with it, it was hard to post and not many people commented so i think i made people a little uncomfortable with it, but it's not about living in your comfort zone, it's about being honest
but i thikn i'm going to plupm for this's the mirror that does it for me
so here you go, my favourite HNT of the year, hope you like it
in other news i've not managed to start the something special i was going to post, but fearnot it will be up before the end of the year
and my laptop is fixed, although i've lost everything i'd put on it over the last year
take it easy peeps, and for those who are just here for the HNT...happy new year to you all
Saturday, 24 December 2005
it's christmas eve
yesterday i had a really good day, worked both my jobs and had fun at both
today i'm doing nothing :)
absolutely nothing
well i say nothing, i've still got 2 presents to wrap up and i've just updated my storyboards blog with two new bits (i would call them installments, but seeing as there is no storyline what-so-ever over there and they are merely just paragraphs of something that could one day be a bit of a book, but not a whole one...i can't really call them anything)
and well seeing as tomorrow's christmas day, i doubt anyone will be about to read them for a couple of days anyway.
have yourselves a merry little christmas
eat plenty
drink plenty
be nice to each other
love your family
and spare a few thoughts for the loved ones that you don't see as often as you should (loved ones like me)
take care peoples
Thursday, 22 December 2005
ok so the rules are that i've got to think of presents for 3 fellow HNT'ers...but i'm not sure who or what (i'm also doing this for my peeps in my list as well)
so starting with the HNT'ers we have:
Freiya: (because i love the name and you're a fellow brit) i'd get you a mini, a proper one, not one of these big mini's that are about these with a checkered roof
Scotty: (no idea why, but when he comments it makes me smile) dude, i'd get you a pimp suit, not sure why, but i think a crushed velvet and fur lined suit would look cool on you, with a pimping hat and cane and zebra print platform shoes too
awaterpixie: (because i can) you get a snake, so that it can hiss at the people who walk past your desk and save you the breath, you can just look menacingly at them instead
i was thinking, a rare thing, but i'd give EVERYONE some time off...especially over the holiday season, time off from family, time off from work, time off from keeping up appearances, time off from this crazy world, time off from being themselves. everyone needs some time off to relax and enjoy themselves, so that's my gift to everyone who reads today.
ok my list of peeps: (links on the left)
Natalia: you're the first person outside my circle of friends who i started reading and commenting on, so for you i have nothing but love...and a nice new fountain pen so you can sign a copy of your first novel and send it to me
Linny: i told you already that i'd get you laid...question is who do you want?
PP: my lover...i'm buying you a first aid kit, and possibly sending a good looking paramedic for you too...i'm also giving you a morph doll and dvd's
Miss Ash: sweetie, i hardly know you, but i'm still thinking i should get you a little something, thinking maybe a waxing kit, or a set of clippers, to assist you with your landing strip/disco bush quandry
Jennifer: like Ash i hardly know you, but i'm in a giving mood this year, so i'm giving you the Dr Seuss collections, i have no idea why, but i love them
KtMae: my gift for you isn't really for you, i'm giving you a babysitter for whenever you need one
Berly: i'm giving you the little book of insults, so you can have more fun with you pseudo boss at work by insulting him without having him realise
Fu: i'm giving you the Fu-Manchu back catalogue of books and films, by sax rohmer, i might also be tempted to give you the Fu-Manchu (band this time) albums...but i'm not sure you'd like them
Roxi: sweetie, as much as i'd love to give you a good hard going over (as would most people who read your blog) i'm giving you and dan a holiday, to paris, city of romance
Akanksha: not sure what to get you, been thinking about it for a while now and still no idea, so i'm thinking something fun and stupid (bit like me) so i'm getting you a naked mole rat
Autumn: my singing blog-buddy, i'm getting you a karaoke machine loaded with our favourite tunes
Nanette: i haven't got the faintest idea what to get you, so i'm thinking i'd cook for you and as many house guests as you want
Osbasso: the HNT man...i'm getting you pipe-cleaners and things to pour into your 'bone so that you don't find half decomposed moths down there again (that's trombone for those of you sick puppies who thought i might be referring to something else)
Daisy: i'm getting you a fella...anyone you want in particular?
Woja: dude, i know you've been busy with moving and all, and i know it's also your birthday soon, so let me know when you've moved if there is anything you need that i can get
Kate: i'm not getting you addict perfume, that's for sure! sweetie, i'm thinking you need tickets to see maddy prior as she's on tour again
Jenfer: i'm getting you a skiing holiday so you can go away with the nameless chappie and not have to worry about him leaving his phone behind
right peeps, in other health seems to be marginally improving, i've not had any pains for at least 36 hours, so i'm thinking the colofac tablets may be working now (although i think part of it is psycho-semantic and i believe that i should be getting better because i'm on meds now...) also the personal life is calming down a little, it's still not how i want it to be, but i'm in a better place now
in other news i think i's acquired myself a weirdo stalker, PP and Ash both already know this story, and i'll post about it maybe tomorrow properly...needless to say it's funny in a weird way...bit like PP's bloke from the other day who after striking out told her that jesus loved her!
finally...i've broken my laptop...proper style! it's got to go and see the computer doctor soon so i can get it fixed, but alas that means that the home computer i'll be using over christmas will be a 5 year old desktop jobbie which crashes everytime my dad touches it...great fun :(
laters peeps (and for those who don't pop back between now and the new year) merry christmas and happy new year, i hope that the holidays bring you joy and happiness and everything else your heart desires
Tuesday, 20 December 2005
i'm feeling more upbeat this week, even though the tablets are failing at the moment, which is causing me some discomfort, but life goes on and it's nearly christmas as well, although i'm still feeling a little grinchy... i've got most everything now though, just need to spend some time wrapping it all up (think that's tonight's job though)
in other news, i'm planning something special for a coming post, bit of a challenge for everyone who wants to participate, bit of fun for me too :)
as advertised on Osbasso's blog there has been a change to the HNT for this week, so i'll not be posting a picture of me being half nekkid (because it's too cold) but i will be posting something about what i'd get people...(i think that's the idea this week)
so basically yeah!
Saturday, 17 December 2005
so this is the meds that the doc has put me on, it's an anti spasmodic which is supposed to supress the nerves in my large intestine and bowel area thus not causing large amounts of pain when i get even slightly stressed out...and it's supposed to work pretty damned quickly. i'm on 3 tablets a day and i'm just starting my third day of the course of tablets today (had the first one of the day about an hour ago now) and so far they've pretty much done nothing...
i know i need to take them for a while to see if they are going to help me out at all, but at the moment it feels as though they are having the reverse effect. last night for example i took my final pill for the day at about 8, and by 9.30 i was in pain, a lot of pain, and it wasn't good, it wasn't good at all.
various people have suggested that there may be a trigger food for me, and although i know it's stress related and there isn't a known trigger food for me, i'm trying to exclude certain things. not so i can turn round to them and say i told you so, but more because they may actually be right, i may have a trigger food, hitherto unknown to me. so this week i've been excluding carbonated soft drinks (i say soft drinks because i had a pint yesterday lunchtime) a week without coke never did anyone any harm, right? well i can rule out carbonated drinks as being my trigger food as i've been in pain a fair amount this week. someone has suggested that dairy might be my trigger, so i'm thinking that maybe next week i go without dairy, which will be a lot harder than going without carbonate drinks...
i've a little worried to think that maybe it's not ibs at the moment. there are 2 other things floating in my head at the moment, the first being a stomach ulcer, this is being ruled out though by the pain being in my lower abdomen and not heartburn/indigestion type of pain. the second is something that only came to me yesterday and i might suggest it to my doc if these pills carry on not working, this is a gluten allergy (can't spell the proper name for it) i had a work mate who had this and she suffered from similar symptoms as i'm currently having. i'm not sure if you can develop this though or how you get it, but the only food i can think of having every day is bread, and gluten is in, amongst other things, it's a possibility
anyway i'm going to give these pills another few days, if i'm still not feeling good, then i'm hauling myself back to the doc's to try the other meds or suggest the gluten thing (although a gluten free diet is a bit of a nightmare for everyone else i think)
Friday, 16 December 2005
i've left off my word verification for a few days (actually about 2 weeks) and it was going ok for a while, no spam comments...but this week i've had about 10 of them, so i'm thinking that i might have to put it back on, i'm going to give it a few more days and if i get any more then i'm putting it on, if not then we'll leave it a while longer
sound fair?
sorry for not playing along with HNT this week, i was feeling particularly uninspired this week and on top of that i had the doctors yesterday, i'm back on some medication for my IBS, which isn't working yet, but then it's only been a few days and things have been a bit hectic too
that's all for now
Monday, 12 December 2005
Saturday, 10 December 2005
Thursday, 8 December 2005
some more of my ink work for you to have a look at :)
the first pic, of all my back (and shoulders for berly and linny)
this is of the 3 tattos i've got at the top of my back (obviously) and they are all original inks
the chinese down my left shoulder (working down from the slightly obscured one) means love, honour, obey and respect. yes i have the chinese symbol for "and" (it's the one that looks like 2 y's upside down)
ok in this other pic it shows a decent detail of the two other tattoos i've got on my shoulders/ upper back.
both of these are my designs, the one on my shoulder was the very first tattoo i designed (it was about my 3rd or 4th actual time in the chair though) it didn't take very long either
the one down my spine is the newest one i've got, i had it done just over a year ago while i was visiting a friend in sheffield. again it's my design and i was really worried about having it done across my spine because i know how painful it should've been, but it was relatively painless. it's only an outline as i'm still trying to work out what i want to have done to it, i don't really want it all black
well there you go...HNT all the way baby! YEAH!!!
Tuesday, 6 December 2005
Thursday, 1 December 2005
this week i'm giving you a quick double (again it's more than one pic)
this week you're all going to see just what i look like...we have an actual face shot (which took ages to get right with the timer and getting the mirror just right, but when i saw this shot i thought...perfect! but i've since seen just how dirty the mirror check it out!!! i'm even kinda smiling! you can also see my very first tattoo, with just a hint of another one underneath it and my black earring (which i've not changes now for about 18 months) for berly we have a hand in there too and for linny and natalia we're hinting on the beard, but i covered it up a little... and ignore the dust on the mirror!
second pic is of my "washerboard" style abs...and that's definately a tongue in cheek remark before you this shot though you can see that's i'm truly a hairy monster and in need of a trim... also you can see both my nipples are pierced (i told you they were) and that (for once) my belly button is clear of the usual grey/blue fluff specially for you...
hope you enjoyed this weeks HNT..have a good one peeps
and thanks to everyone who left a suppotive comment last week
Tuesday, 29 November 2005
and i just want to say things seem to be looking up
i'm feeling much better health wise
work is going well
and well life isn't going too badly either
there are still things going on which are very not cool and causing problems, but i've come to realise that they are out of my hands and as such i'm not able to do anything about it
other things
like i said health wise things are better, IBS is still playing me about, and i'm not going to the doc's because there is nothing that they can do for me about it anyway without putting me on a course of meds which i'll either have to keep taking or run the risk of getting ill again and again and again
lifeguarding...get this i went in on saturday to hand in my uniform and the dm on duty didn't even know i'd walked out last week...just another reason why i'm happy to be shot of the place! still waiting for the call from the manager there though...doubt i'll be getting one now though, not that i care about it anyway
still like i've said life is getting better and so many people have commented on my face fur that i might actually post a smiley face this HNT...i might even post a pic of all my face...not sure yet though...if there are any requests...let me know and i'll see if there's anything i can do for you...people wanting something "rude" should be very nice to me
laters peeps
Thursday, 24 November 2005
this is a difficult post
as some of you are very aware, i'm having some personal problems at the moment. unfortunately these problems have also manifested themselves in a physical way, starting last night. i suffer from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which cause severe stomach cramps and on occasion vomiting and well you know what i'm getting at... last night was the first major attack i've had in about 5 years, it left me unable to drive, which meant that i and to leave my car at the cinema last night and convince the people i was with that i would be ok. the girl i'm with (the one i want to be with from the previous post) wouldn't leave me and insisted that she either drove me home or to the hospital, home was my choice because i knew that there is very little that can be done at the hospital, apart from pain relief and i don't like needles.
anyway she stayed with me for a while when we got home and eventually i started to feel better. i am ok, but at the same time i'm not well at all. but i'm trying to cope with everything without causing much stress to other people.
anyway my HNT pics follow, the first is me biting my lip, i've been doing that a lot over the last few days to try to hold things together
the next two are difficult for me to post, they are of a time when things weren't so good for me, although they are taken recently (as in yesterday, before i got ill) they both happened in august last year, when i was feeling so low that i wanted something else to think about, the emotional pain i was in was too much so i started cutting myself to give me something more physical and real to concentrate on. all the marks are on my left arm, the first is the worst one i ever did, i used a steak knife and hardly felt it at all, but i needed to go to the hospital for stitches, that was the last time i did it because of the way the nurse looked at me and because i had to tell people that i wasn't coping very well. the second pic is of a series of smaller cuts which were done around the same time, but less severe. i'm sorry if this makes you feel uncomfortable.

Wednesday, 23 November 2005
Tuesday, 22 November 2005
i know i have friends out there that i can turn to when i need you, but for the time being things are just way to hard to talk about them as i'm not 100% sure what's going on so i can't really talk yet
but i've been feeling a little better over the last 24 hours or so...but it's going to be a very long time before i'm happy that things are 100% how they should be
until then you'll get the occasional post from me which will either be completely random (seeing as i am the anthropomorphic personification of random i feel the need to keep up certain appearances) or will be similar to this one and a few other...breif and slightly morose, but at least i'll try and keep you informed
thank you again for your kind words and feel free to comment/email me when ever you want and either cheer me up or slap me down for not blogging...either way i'll deserve it and get you all back
love to you all
Monday, 21 November 2005
this is more of an apologetic post
i don't think i'll be posting much in the coming days/weeks
not until i've managed to sort out a few things
i will still be checking in on people and leaving comments...that includes leaving comments here as well
but for the time being i think i need to take a while and clear my head properly so that i can be the true Px
having said that i probably willl post now more than ever...trying to write things down to get them out of my head works sometimes
i'll also try to carry one playing the HNT game, but you'll have to understand that they will be uninspired and pretty dull
take care peeps
Sunday, 20 November 2005
like you wouldn't believe
so the holiday (NOT vacation) was cool...loved every minute of it, it was so good i wish i'd never came back
things haven't been too great since i came back
and i don't really want to go into too many details about things as i want to check with someone before i post about it...needless to say it's a long story and it's really got to me the last couple of days
to top it all off though i got really pissed off yesterday while i was at my lifeguard much so that i told the DM that i was quitting with immediate effect, seeing as i'd not signed the zero hours contract they'd sent through to me while i was away because it's bullshit, i can't see as i have to give any notice at all and so i checked that i wasn't going to be causing too much of a problem by walking out and then did just that
there are so many things there that i need to be able to change, things that i think are wrong, bad practise or just plain stupid...example...having 8 lifeguards in the building, with only 3 on poolside at any one time, and the ones that are off poolside are off for the better part of 2 hours...not doing very much at all
the staff there are patronizing, i've been qualified as a lifeguard for 11 years now, iive worked as a cleaner, a lifeguard, a teacher, a manager...i think i know a little bit more than the guy who started a month before me, but insists on telling me how to do things, or the camp guy who seems to think that i'm not aware that i'm due back on poolside in 15 minutes and feels the need to remind me every time i'm off poolside, even though i was the only one off poolside
things like that make Px a proper style angerball
things like that make Px walk out
walking out makes Px smile a little, but now i'm waiting to hear back from the ops manager, because i know he's going to call me sometime on monday...that's going to be an entertaining phone call...
"yeah sorry i walked out like i did, but there are so many things that i can see that are wrong there and need to be changed, and i know that there is nothing i can do as a lowly lifeguard, and i know that as soon as i suggest some changes certain people will think that i'm trying to rock the boat, other people will think that i'm too cocky and other people will look at me blankly and say 'what the fuck are you on about...this is how we've always done it there's nothing wrong with there?' so on that note i quit, i don't need the hassle and stress that comes along with the pitance that you call my wages, i'll return my clean uniform some point soon...when it suits me."
things are really fucked up at the moment
i went to speak to woja about things and he helped a little
but i still feel as though my hand is hovering just above the big red self-fucking-destruct button and i'm not sure if i have the energy to hold it up anymore
Monday, 14 November 2005
for those of you who didn't read me way back when...i had a crash in early july, when my poor little rover skidded into the back of a rather expensive mercedes van, killing my poor little car (to be honest it was the best thing that could've happened to it what with rover going out of business and me running it into the ground)
anyway long story short and all that i went to hospital to have a couple of x-rays and that as a precaution...but because i went to hospital the police had to get involved...and an investigation ensued the results of which i got through the post this morning, over 4 months after the original incident...oh well...
the results are basically that i've been given a written warning, and that's it...the police do not see the need to go any further than it's good news for me
FYI...for those who didn't read back here for the details of what happened i wrote it a few days after the accident
but anyway, it's all good
ok birthday was saturday and i know it's now what happened to sunday...right?
well sunday was mostly spent in my roomwatching films and tidying things up, and generally being quiet, had a bit of a monster headache when i woke up, but it passed during the day
so...saturday was nice and quiet...well until the evening
the evening was cool
and drunken
so thanks to the peeps who came out
i would show you pics of the night, but i forgot to take my camera with me and so there's nothing to show...cunning really's monday, i'm going away tomorrow and not back for a few days so i'll not be posting much this week and there is a slim chance that i'll be able to HNT, but i doubt it...we'll see
right...things to do...
laters peeps
Saturday, 12 November 2005
well this is is my birthday
i'm now officially 27
and you know what
it's no different to being 26
i'm spending the day mostly on my own
partly through choice, partly because people are too busy...understandable...parents are out, friends are away/busy
still i'm hoping that i'll be out drinking tonight, although a couple of people have bailed out on that already too...shame as i was hoping they'd make it
i got 5 cards and £90 in cash...that's it really...nothing else...but you know what, i'm cool with that, there's nothing i really want this year and there's certainly nothing i need either so i'm good
right, with that i'm heading back to the film i was watching before i felt the need to blog
laters peeps :)
Thursday, 10 November 2005
ok this week i'm offering a selection of pics due to being away next week and possibly not being able to post anything...not actually sure yet, i guess i'll find out when i get there!
Let me know which one you like the most
so here we go...
Monday, 7 November 2005
that's exactly what it's been today
all i've been able to do is mope about and sigh
and to be honest that's pretty much all i wanted to do today as well
i'm feeling really fed up
it's under a week until my birthday and i really couldn't care less
in fact the biggest reason as to why i've not tried to organise anything to do is because i know that:
a) some of the people i've known longest will have forgotten when my birthday is
b) i can't be dealing with people who will make up some crap excuse as to why they can't make it, or say that they will come out and then either not bother showing up or bail out on me at the last minute
c) as much as i'd like to think that by some miracle that both of the above points are totally made up and won't happen this year, i know deep down that they are true and it just pisses me off too much to want to enjoy myself very much at the moment
i'm looking forward to getting away next week, even if it is only going to be for a couple of nights, anything has got to be better than festering in this hole that has become my life
for all the good things in my life at the moment i can think of at least 2 things thatcome along wiht them that are bad. that take the shine off them. and no matter how good things are when things are good i know that when they stop being good the gleam goes and things are just as bad as they were before, in some cases they are worse
i want to be able to switch everything off...even if it's just for least then maybe i'll be able to get some sleep because right now i'm shattered, i think i got about 4 or 5 hours sleep last night and i'd been up way too long yesterday...right now i've been up about 15 hours, but it feels like a lot longer...and seeing as it's only about 8pm i'm guessing that there'll be at least 3 more hours until i get into bed, let alone get to sleep, wihch will be at least an hour after getting into bed
help me switch off
i've had enough and i was to sleep
as cool and different as the pic is, i'm bored of it now
so this is a mini post to say that i worked all weekend, hardly slept any of it and although that means i've got some money coming in, it also means i'm feeling slightly grouchy and fed up
i've also got the delights of a cold kicking in...just what i need
next week i'm going away for a couple of nights - looking forward to
next week i'm not working at all - looking forward to
this saturday is my birthday - not really bothered about in the slightest
i'm being bugged about doing something on my the moment i'm quite tempted to work
that's all
Thursday, 3 November 2005
Happy HNT!!!
After much discussion with PP last night over what i should post, when i really should've been in bed, we agreed that this would be the most fun and weirdest pic i could post out of the options i gave her.
she's seen far too much of me now...
for today only i've turned the word verification off to make it easier for you lovely people
Tuesday, 1 November 2005
double post today, please read both...
i heard this on a "soap" the other day and i wanted to use it in a post because i thought it was accurate and would make other people laugh after i'd put it in my words...and for those people who recognise where it's come from...yes i am sad, but then so are you!
the principle for this is based on the 7 ages of man, but seeing as i've only just read what that's about and i didn't really pay much attention to it either i'm sticking with the 4 baths of man
the first bath is when we're little...i mean really little...when baths are fun and you can splash around and laugh and giggle get everything wet, including our mum/dad who's bathing us at the time, we'd do anything to get in the bath and just get water and bubbles everywhere. including bubble beards and big bubble hairdos
the second bath is when we're still children, but older, the stage where we want to be as dirty as possible, avoiding getting in the bath for as many days (or weeks if you were lucky) as possible. it wasn't so much about avoiding getting wet, but more about staying dirty. with mud on our knees, jam on our faces and who-know what in our hair.
the third and longest bath is an adult bath, this is the relaxing bath, one where we have it hot, with plenty of bubbles, some have candles, some have wine, some have books, some have other people. these baths have gone beyond just getting clean, these are about unwinding, these are about relaxing, these are about "me time". this stage is about climbing in the bath and not thinking about anything for as long as possible, sometimes these baths can last hours, and we love it
the final bath is the bath for the older person, the bath where we worry about slipping and breaking something, where we no longer enjoy staying in there for hours in case we can't get out again afterwards. where we only get in there to get clean. where we have to use all manner of things to help us get into and out of the tub, from baths with doors to things we sit on which lower us and raise us back up again afterwards.
i'm very glad to say that i'm in the third bath at the moment, i'm happy to sit in there with a good book for a couple of hours, ossacionally topping it up with hot water. sometimes i enjoy a nice cold beer while i'm there, other times it's a glass of wine, always it's hot. and on the odd occasion it's not alone ;)
i love my bathtime, and i'm dreading moving into the final bath.
anyway that's just me...what do you think?
so yesterday was halloween
except over here it's not such a big deal as it in in the USA
there was the party i went to on satuday, but because i've spent all last week working, i didn't get chance to go and get a costume, not that i'd need one (before someone else says it)
and besides last night i was bear sitting again which was cool, except she wouldn't settle for ages, she was up about an hour longer than she normally is, but she eventually went down and then i got to eat and play PS2 :)
i couldn't eat before because she's got into the habit of eating whatever anyone else has got rather than her own food, which is fine, but i had one of my favourite dinners last night and i didn't really want to share...mmmm...crispy chilli beef :)
jenfer's party was good fun, i'm hoping she raised a decent sum, but i ain't got a clue how much, i guess i should give her a call and find out really, but it was good to see her and it was a laugh, it's just a shame the other regulars from our old crowd didn't go...
work is going pretty well at the moment, both jobs, sticking with the lifeguarding at the moment as i'm starting to enjoy it a little at the moment. some of the kids there are a good laugh which makes it more fun i guess
everything else is pretty good too
so in general life is all good :)
Friday, 28 October 2005
Thursday, 27 October 2005
it's about time i did this properly
so here's some flesh, a nipple and specially for those who have been asking,, nay begging for it, a hand too
the piercing was my second nipple ring, the other one is done as day i might show both of them, but for now you'll have to make do with just this one...the piercing is also one of only 4 that i have left in, i had 10 at one point...i might show the scars one HNT as never know
anyway there's no realy story behind the nipple ring apart from i think they look cool and i wanted one since i was 15, i got my first when i was 19 and within about 3 years i had lots...same with my tattoos really, they all appeared around the same time.
so there you have it...
Wednesday, 26 October 2005
10 Favorites:
Favorite Season: winter
Favorite Sport: swimming
Favorite Time: bedtime
Favorite Month: september
Favorite Actor: morgan freeman
Favorite Actress: keira knightley
Favorite Ice Cream: tutti frutti
Favorite Food: italian
Favorite Drink: orange juice
Favorite Place: in my bath
9 Currents:
Current Feeling: pissed off
Current O/S: windows 2000 professional
Current Windows Open: blogger create post, outlook, msn messenger, kalkmc6
Current Drink: coke
Current Time: 14.27
Current Mobile(s) Used: sony ericsson k700i
Current Show on TV: no tv on...i'm at work
Current Thought: pissed off
Current Clothes: socks & pants, trousers, pornstar t-shirt, jumper
8 Firsts:
First Nickname: dad's great (anyone uses this and i will hunt you down and feed you your on genitals)
First Kiss: when i was 13
First Crush: can't remember
First Computer: amstrad cpc6128
First Vehicle I drove: austin maestro
First Job: paper boy
First Movie: can't remember
First Pet: pippy, a yorkshire terrier
First Shave: 12 i think
7 Lasts:
Last Chai (Tea) : months ago
Last Movie: nightmare before christmas (on sunday)
Last Time I Drove: this morning
Last Time Shaved: monday evening
Last Web Site Visited: the one i got this from
Last Software Installed: windows media player
Last Pill I Had: paracetamol on monday
6 Have You Evers:
Have You Ever Broken the Law: speeding
Have You Ever Been Drunk: many many times
Have You Ever Climbed a Tree: yeah, but not very high
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: a few times
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire or Bomb Blast: nope, thankfully
Have You Ever Broken Anyone’s Heart: more than likely
5 Things:
Things You Can Hear Right Now: my boss walking around upstairs
Things on Your Computer Table: remains of my dinner
Things on Your Bed: bedding
Things You Ate Today: chicken curry for lunch, cake, breakfast cereal
Things in Mind: too much to mention
4 Places You Have Been Today:
the office
my car
3 People You Can Tell Anything To:
2. Choices:
Black or White: black
Hot or Cold: cold
1 Thing You Want To Do Before You Die:
swim with sharks
i'm tagging everyone in the sidebar, just do it dammit
sometimes i wonder what it would be like to be:
somewhere else...i don't mean like right now, i mean like if i'd have grown up somewhere else, like in the states of in france or even south africa (i mention these places as they were the first that came to my head, but because i want to be there or anything in particular). i mnea there would be certain cultural differences and languages and things like that, but would i still be the same me as i am now or would i be totally different? maybe i'd have joined the army, maybe i'd be married with kids, maybe i'd have more friends, but less people who really know me...there are some many things that could be different
i like to think i'm a success story where ever i am...;
someone else...i mean actually someone else, like david beckham or steve urwin or sharon osbourne (again names were picked at random, i can't stand beckham) or even if i were chunk or woja or even PP, would i be like them or like me, would i enjoy their life or want to change it, would i moan about it? it'd be nice to sample other peoples lives, but i think i'd prefer to stick to my own sometimes;
something a llama or a tree or the last dodo in existence...
sorry feeling a bit random today
attempted to discuss the idea of leaving the lifeguard job with mother morning, she wasn't too impressed, saying that i needed the second job to clear my debts and that without it i wouldn't cope...even though i've been struggling through the last few months without having the second what's changed? nothing
i don't know what to do, i know what i want to do though and that's not have a second job, it cuts into my spare time and means that i'm working 6 full days a week and an additional evening as well, which is just going to wear me out and i'm going to suffer again health wise like i did just before i left the wave.
but at the same time i need some more money
this whole situation sucks
and to top it all off i've not prepared my HNT yet either and i need to do that tonight when i get in from the stupid lifeguard job...
i'm so fed up with everything now that i want to be a llama living in france thinking that i'm sharon osbourne
(a rather grouchy and tired of it all)
Tuesday, 25 October 2005
ok so this is post number two, and it's going to be a little one
i don't like the lifeguard job, it's crap, but i need the money, do i:
a) stick at it and think of the money
b) call the bloke i spoke to the other day about a job dj-ing at functions
c) quit the job and pull the purse stirngs really tightly
lifeguarding is easy and something i've been doing for nearly 11 years, but it's a job filled with young people, most of my collegues at my new place are under 20 (i say under 20, they are in the 16-18 demographic) therefore only want to get pissed up and talk about their sex lives...or lack thereof (point to remember, i'm nearly 27 and therefore have done everything they are trying to do and didn't brag about it...unlike them) and they have little or no pride in the work that they do, no interest in the job and are only there so that they can go to the pub that night
DJ-ing pays better, but the hours are less sociable, i say pays better, it pays something like 4 or 5 times more than lifeguarding. it does mean that i'm going to have to sit through a lot of songs that i'm not keen on, but it will primarily depend on the demographic of the function as to what is played. there is more opportunity to work...and it's more flexible as in i can work a function if i want to. but then that's a drawback in that if there isn't a function, i can't work...
tightening the purse strings is a good idea, it'll mean i get to save some cash too hopefully, but with crimbo fast approaching i could do with all the additional cash i can get
come on people...i need your views and help
ok, so before Fu moans again about my distinct lack of blogging i'd better post something
i've had a pretty good weekend, apart from throwing up on saturday and still feeling it now, stomach has been dodgy since friday i think, but i'm surviving, and no it wasn't alcohol related, more's the pity. but alas it meant i missed a 21st party on saturday evening and missed work yesterday, got sent home on saturday from my other job too...great way to start my first shift!
other news
well pretty much nothing
really getting fed up though
not even sure why
it's only a couple of weeks now until my birthday :)
it's on a saturday and i feel the need to do something a little special, but as it stands i've got nothing planned...i'm thinking that i should at least go out for either food or a drink, but i can't be bothered to hear the usual excuses from people who can't be bothered to come and see me :(
babysitting last week went fine, it went better than fine, and i really enjoyed it, but the baby is teething and so she's grizzly all the time at the moment, but i can still make her laugh, so that's ok
PARTY...come on people, don't forget, we've got to help jenfer (please note i'm going to push this like you wouldn't believe until the actual event)
if anyone else has got some news, feel free to post it
seeing as none of my UK bloggers are posting anything at the moment (bunch of slackers) although it does waste a few minutes everyday while i check to make sure that they still haven't said anything, even though i'm sure that they've all got news and things happening in their lives, like buying a house or moving to know who you are...and although i'm sure there are reasons for you guys not posting nything for ages, i'm still disappointed
Friday, 21 October 2005
Jenfer is holding a halloween party and needs us to help her raise money to send her away to some tropical place where she's going to be doing a shed load of good things for lots of people. so people dig deep and help her out
right the party is fancy dress if you wanna
it's in Chilton, which is near Didcot for those who don't know
it's in aid of Raleigh International
it's from 8pm on the 29th of October
it's a BYOB affair
tickets are the bargain basement price of £5
bring yourself
bring your friends
bring everybody that you know
this is uber important
but please let me know if you can make it because there is a chance that it might be cancelled if not enough people are going to make it...and if it gets cancelled then jenfer will lose out on some vitally needed dosh
want to know more about why she's having the here
want to help but can't come to the here if you are kind enough to donate to this worthy cause please wish her luck at the same time, funds on this site are looking pretty meagre, but i'm told that she has oodles more money than is indicated here
want to know just who jenfer here although she's been rather slack with her posts recently having moved back up to sheffield and is disticntly lacking in internet access now
i know that the lovely people overseas who regularly check into my life will seriously be unable to make it, but the very least you guys could do is to hop over to one of the 2 blogs above and leave a supportive comment
as for the people in this country...i'll need a very good excuse for you not to make it as i will be seriously unimpressed not to see you there...
yes that does mean you before you ask
no it doesn't matter that you don't know her
yes i get get you directions
no i'm not going to provide you with beer all night, but i might be tempted to give you one
so stop thinking about if you should go and start thinking about what you should wear
Thursday, 20 October 2005
there is only one minor imperfection that i could see on the pic, but from the size of this pic you can't really see it, but there is an aeroplane trail in the sky. someone told me i could photoshop it out, but i think if i leave it in that it's mine all mine, where as it i photoshop it out it could just be a pic i took off the net
Tuesday, 18 October 2005
i read on a random blog the other day something that i disagree with and i was going to leave a comment on said blog, but i didn't want to make a fool of myself for getting what i thought was right, wrong...but i've thought about it more and more, not to the point where it's kept me awake at night, but i've given it some thought
the comment was about never being able to get a triangle with 3 right angles in it, now this i agreed with initially, but then i thought about it more and i realised that whoever it was that made the statement was wrong
you can get a triangle with 3 right angles...just not in the normal 2 dimensions, you have to think in 3 dimensions for's the science bit
think of the globe...think of the equator, this is our base line for our triangle, now you need to take 2 line of longitude which meet at either the north or south pole, at which one they meet is fairly irrelevent as long as where they meet, they meet at a right angle...therefore you have 3 right angles in a triangle
got it?
see this is what i do all day when i'm left to my own devices
FU has told me off for not posting since thursday, but i've been a "busy" bunny
so let me break it down for you
friday i joined the league of the "white van man", a magical realm in which you get superiority over all other road users simply by driving a white van, you get to look down upon the puny people in their cars and smaller vans and you feel like part of a brotherhood with all the other white van men out there. you have to resist the urge to wave at them as you drive past them going the other way. and there was a distinct feeling of being over-dressed and naked at the same time, the nakedness coming from the severe lack of big thick glod chains from elizabeth duke, you know the kind of gold that leaves nice green marks everywhere.
so why do you ask was i doing this...the answer is simple, i was moving a load of my things into my mate vic's flat, killing 2 birds with one stone, not only was i providing her with furniture but i'm saving myself about£650 a year in storage costs by moving the remaining gear into a smaller unit. needless to say we had the bear in tow all day and she appeared to love the idea of travelling around in a big white van, so much so that she didn't sleep at all, even though she usually does in the we had a "white van baby" in the offing
saturday was an early start, started my new job, lifeguard, and i had to shadow some other guy, basically he was there to tell me all about how to be a lifeguard and that kind of stuff, it was cool, but basically he learned more in those 4 hours than i did... at least he wasn't patronising which was great, he understood that i have some 11 years experience in the leisure industry, opposed to his 3 or 4 years and he was happy to listen to me as much as i was happy to listen to him.
the rest of saturday was spent doing very little, so little that i can't actually remember what i did, i think i read for a while then went to see vic in the evening because she wanted a hand moving some things that i'd delivered on friday...
sunday was spent doing some tidying of my room, making it almost inhabitable, but i was so tired from moving things around for 2 days that i fell asleep fairly early on in the evening which was a poor show, i say early, i think i went to bed around 9 or 10
monday (yesterday) i worked...but in the afternoon the main program we use to prepare our quotes crashed so i left early...not being able to do anything means i go home. in the evening i went to the pub quiz, joined the usual team, i'm hoping that soon they will change their name though, i'm not keen on being a lovely lady, although last week i was their pimp apparently... we did ok, we got a decent score in the music round, but not brilliant scores in the others, but hey, it's just for fun
so basically i've not blogged for a litle while because i've been busy...
PP was worried about me too, she'd not seen me all weekend either, she was worried i'd died or something, then that got her on to thinking what if i had died, how would she know, which leads tothe question of how would any of you know...and i guess i just don't know, but i'm sure we'll sort something out...some how...anyone got any ideas?
anyway laters peeps
Thursday, 13 October 2005
so this is my first HNT, nothing really special, most people that know me in person have seen this, but seeing as i've not got a lot of new peeps reading this little thing all about me i thought i'd start with something about me that i really like
this one is special to me because it was the first one i had done which was done completely free hand, the tattoo artist just went straight into it with no marker or outline or anything, a mark of a truly good artist
there are no flaws in this tatt either, a few of the earlier ones have colour fades and bits missing when from where the scab fell off while it was healing, but this one came out perfect
i don't know what made me want this done, but i did
it took about 90 minutes, wasn't overly painful, but hurt like hell after i'd had it done, i was limping for like two weeks, it's one of the two most expensive ones i've had done costing me £120 some 3 years ago
but hey i like it and that's what HNT is all about right?
let me know what you think peeps
Wednesday, 12 October 2005
it's one month until my birthday...interesting
it's under 24 hours until my first HNT post...nerve racking
it's been a few days since i had a decent night's sleep...tiring
right today i'm exactly one month off being 27 and as yet i have NO plans...this time last year i had no plans either though and i ended up getting totally trucked in Dublin's fair city, where the girls really are so i'm not holding out for anything exciting to happen this year, although i can still dream that all my favourite women in the world will converge in one place and put a huge great big smile on my face...
ok things are looking interesting for the HNT post, there have been a few suggestions, listed below, this is the final chance for people to make any suggestions or plump for one of the options already suggested...come on people come up with something entertaining, you tell me the pic i'll tell you a story behind it or a little about me relating to it.
options so far are:
tattoos (x2)
facial hair (this is sadly lacking at the moment though)
in my lifeguard uniform (x2 although i don't apparently have to be wearing it)
"dirty" pic...
so come on people
insomnia sucks
it'd be ok if there was a decent reason for being tired, like i'd been up all night shagging someone, but alas this is not the is genuinely insomnia and that is crazy and i hate it
guess that's all there is to say at the moment though...sorry
do it for FU
finally i decided to do this for FU who's ill and stuff
Name someone with the same birthday as you.
apparently grace kelly was born on the same day as me, as was auguste rodin
Where was your first kiss?
on the lips...
Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property?
nope that i can think of
Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?
not in a malicious way
Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people?
a few times, with school choirs, in school productions and while pissed at uni on the karaoke
What's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex?
everything i can see, so hair, smile, eyes, figure (tits and ass)
What do you order at the Coffee Bean?
i'm guessing it's a coffee shop type place, but seeing as we don't have coffee bean over here and i don't like coffee anyway...i'll be skipping this one
What is your biggest mistake?
see the next question
Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
yeah :(
Say something totally random about yourself.
seeing as FU had to remind me about this i'd better put something down well i'm a pretty random person most of the about i once got a tattoo, and the only reason for this one was to show a mate how little it hurt to get done, she stood and watched while i had it done and then didn't get one herself...shame on her
Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
probably, but i can't remember who though
Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
yeah sometimes
Did you have braces?
not train tracks no, but i had a bite plate and some other sort of brace that i could take out
Are you comfortable with your height?
hell yeah
What is the most romantic thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you?
phoned me from the supermarket and wanted to know if i needed anything, then she bought me some bread, totally out of the blue, i think she was looking for an excuse to see me as we'd not seen each other for a few days and were in the honeymoon period of the relationship
When do you know it's love?
when it feels like it's love
Do you speak any other languages?
a little french, spanish, polish, german and japanese (when i say a little i mean like only a few words)
Have you ever been to a tanning salon?
hell no, i like being a pastie pale face
What magazines do you read?
i only look at the pictures ;)
Have you ever ridden in a limo?
nope, and i have no real desire to either
Has anyone you were really close to passed away?
not recently
Do you watch MTV?
nope...not got the channel
What's something that really annoys you?
people bugging me when i want to be alone
inconsideration (which i do myself)
What's something you really like?
marmite :)
Do you like Michael Jackson?
musically...not overly, he's done some good stuff and some bad
as a
Can you dance?
some people say i can, some say i can't, i'm inclined to go with the latter
What's the latest you have ever stayed up?
dunno, usually too wasted or tired to pay that much attention to the time, flew to san francisco a few years ago, didn't sleep for over 48 hours then...but that's about it
Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?
more than once
Do you actually read these when other people fill them out?
usually yeah
Monday, 10 October 2005
so anyway, i suppose i'd better explain myself a little
right, i went for my pool test and induction to be a lifeguard again and there was two other guys there with me doing it and it was cool, although both of them were younger than me and had only done the course once each i though you know, maybe these kids will know their stuff and i'll be the one who looks bad...yeah right, like that was ever going to happen!
we had to do a written paper, 30 questions, pass mark was 85%, i got 90%, didn't want to show off too much you know, so i managed to get one wrong on each section of the test, not on purpose though, just because i wasn't thinking straight...nerves and all, but the other two didn't manage to get the 85%, i was shocked...
next came CPR, which i breezed through, without making any mistakes, but again the other 2 fluffed it up, i was starting to doubt their abilities...even counting 10 seconds seemed to be a bit of a chore...
ok, final part of the test was the pool work, nice and easy, and we all should have had this nailed, but one pulled up with cramp after only doing the timed swims. which is fair enough, but i was getting the impression that he didn't really want to go any further with the test seeing has he'd already failed the other 2 sections...either way that left just two of knowing that i'd got the experience and knowing that she'd trained me in the past of a few occasions, the trainer made the other guy go first all the time so that he didn't copy the stuff i'd done...fair enough...but when it came to putting the spinal board in, i was told to shut up, even though the errors he was making would reflect badly on me too...but i shut up...for once...and then i got to do it all myself, and although i made one error on the board because i assumed the team would work as they should do rather than waiting for me, i was let off my one minor error...
needless to say after the poor performance from the other two i was the only one who made it through and i was given soem rather tasteful, if somewhat small, uniform and told i start on saturday...and this is where the remaining special treatment kicked in, due to who i am, i've only got to do 1 shadow session, the standard is 3 or more, from there i was given a few other special bits of info and all that kinda stuff, things that i need to know, little bits of info really, but all helpful stuff.
so i've got myself a second job, and i'm getting the special treatment because of who i am, nice!
other stuff...still only one person has come up with a options for my premier HNT post, again thanks berly, so come on people i need to know asap just what you want to see from me or i'll be posting some random image of something really obscure...comments please, come on, you know you want to
in other stuff, i finished everything off at my brothers place and i'm now officially out, my room at my parents house it looking like a bomb site already, and i really should get round to sorting through things so that i can at least see the's that bad, no really it is, there's dvd's and cd's everywhere...hundreds of the things
anyway i should get to work, things to do
laters peeps
Sunday, 9 October 2005
ok after the mammoth amount of rubbish that went on with the comments from the last post i made, which were partly my fault as well as other people who were to blame in varying degrees...but for now it doesn't matter things got overly personal in the last one so with that in mind i want to apologise to everyone for the things that were said, this was a situation between me and clarissa and all other parties who got involved shouldn't have, the things that were said should've been kept between me and her and that's all
anyway enough of that
i've got my induction today for my 2nd job, 4 hours of being at the swimming pool, it's going to be like old times, but at the same time it should be a walk in the park considering i'm only going for a lifeguard position and i am qualified to train people to be lifeguards so i although i'm a little nervous about it, i'm also confident enough to not be worried about it
the HNT voting has begun with a solitary vote for 3 things, berly i think you're being a little greedy myself (lol), but if yours it the only request then i'll have to see what i can do, think i should be able to manage it...just about
but people, remember, i want to hear from you, what do you want to know about me, what do you want to see...and people, please be reasonable, i'm not going to post anything ott for my first HNT...
life in general
i think i'm coming down with a cold or something, my throat is a little sore today, but that could be down to snoring all night, which i may have done if i have a cold.
work is good and no sideshow, i'm not complaining about things being quiet, i'm just saying that things are good and simple for now, alhtough next week i get the impression that things will change
living with the folks has worked out ok this week, we'll have to see how things go from here in though
anyway i'd best be off as i need to eat something fairly soon if i'm going to be getting in the pool this afternoon i dont want to be cramping up because i ate too late
take care peeps
Friday, 7 October 2005
it's friday so i can't do this today, but rest assured i'll post a HNT next week, too many people seem to be doing it for me not to...but before i do i need two things;
1.) a decent free gallery host
2.) suggestions of what people want to see
so with that in mind i'm giving everyone a chance to tell me what they want to see and i will choose the best option, note, that might not be the most popular either...
a really random thing that happened to me this week was that i got an email from a guy called chris who did a search for 5th metatarsel on the 'net and got to my blog, he was looking up ways to break it or something, not sure why, but scarily he broke his 5th met on the same day i did back in freaky is that? i know that there are probably hundreds of people who did the same on that day, but for one to hunt me down and tell me was a little freaky, but kinda chris, if you're reading this...good stuff
things are really quiet at work at the moment, although i know that there is going to be a couple of things heading my way fairly soon...nothing major, but it'll still be on it's way
had a deep and meaningful with my mum of all people last night, told her a couple of things, she said she wasn't surprised and had thought something was going on between me and this girl but didn't want to say anything, anyway, she's told me not to be an idiot this time with her because i won't get another chance with her...i agreed with her
sorted out a load of things to do with my stuff in storage as well and i've started to move the stuff around my room to make it more bearable to live in now, although that has involved moving the girls cage right up next to the head of my bed, but things at home have settled quite nicely for the moment and with sorting the stuff in storage out i'll be able to save some cash
got an induction and pool-test on sunday at the only local pool i've not worked in before, for the only leisure company locally that i've not worked for before, should be fine, should breeze through it without any troubles i hope and that will then give me some extra cash so next year i might actually be able to afford a holiday :)
and finally, this came from spanish, the guy i work with...we all thought it was funny and so it got posted, although he's not sure of the best way to translate cabrones to english, he thinks the closest thing would be assholes or bastards...
In 1981
- Prince Charles got married.
- Liverpool won the Champions league.
- The Pope died.
In 2005
- Prince Charles got married.
- Liverpool won the Champions league.
- The Pope died.
So, if any next year Prince Charles anounce that he is getting married, and Liverpool gets into the final of the Champions league, please don't be 'cabrones' and tell inmediately the Pope.
take caare peeps, laters
Wednesday, 5 October 2005
some excerpts from the edinburgh comedy festival that were emailed to me
* I realised I was dyslexic when I went to a toga party dressed as a goat. - Marcus Brigstocke at theAssembly Rooms
* Cats have nine lives - which makes them ideal for experimentation. - Jimmy Carr
* The right to bear arms is slightly less ludicrous than the right to arm bears. - Chris Addison at thePleasance
* My dad is Irish and my mum is Iranian, which meant that we spent most of our family holidays in Customs.- Patrick Monahan at the Gilded Balloon
* The dodo died. Then Dodi died, Di died and Dando died... Dido must be shitting herself. - Colin & Fergus at the Pleasance
* My parents are from Glasgow which means they're incredibly hard, but I was never smacked as a child... well, maybe one or two grams to get me to sleep at night. - Susan Murray at the Underbelly
* Is it fair to say that there'd be less litter in Britain if blind people were given pointed sticks? -Adam Bloom at the Pleasance
* You have to remember all the trivia that your girlfriend tells you, because eventually you get tested. She'll go: "What's my favourite flower?" And you murmur to yourself: "Shit, I wasn't listening...Self-raising?" - Addy Van-Der-Borgh at the AssemblyRooms
* I saw that show, 50 Things To Do Before You Die. I would have thought the obvious one was "Shout For Help". - Mark Watson, Rhod Gilbert at the Tron
* I went out with an Irish Catholic. Very frustrating.You can take the Girl out of Cork, but... - MarkusBirdman at the Pod Deco
* A dog goes into a hardware store and says: "I'd like a job please". The hardware store owner says: "We don't hire dogs. Why don't you go join the circus?" The dog replies: "What would the circus want with a plumber". - Steven Alan Green at C34
* I like to go into the Body Shop and shout out reallyloud "I've already got one!" - Norman Lovett at TheStand
* If you're being chased by a police dog, try not togo through a tunnel, then on to a little seesaw, then jump through a hoop of fire. They're trained for that.- Milton Jones at the Underbelly.
Sunday, 2 October 2005
people are really starting to bug me in my real life...not my cyberside
there has been various people who i've know for a long time now, some very long, but all of them are starting to bug me in their own special way and i don't want to go into it because if they are reading this i'm sure they'd get narked that i posted it rather than talked with them about with that in mind, if you think that i'm narked at you...think about it and then get intouch, you may be right, you may also be wrong though.
in other things i moved home yesterday, home as in back in with my parents :( the financial situation is looking pretty bleak and as such i'm going to have to take a second job just to start saving money for the future, which looks equally as bleak...going to spend the afternoon cleaning out the flat in which i used to live and moving a few more of the essential things back the cd's, stereo, dvd player and surround system
after much deliberation and seemingly endless rows me and luton have decided that we are incompatible, then we proceeded to talk more in the last week than we have done for a while, it was nice though
i want to spend a shed load of money on cd's this month there are loads of new one out that i really want, so if anyone gets something that they think i might like let me know and i'll poach it, rip it and burn it from you...easier than buying cd's i know, but the question is will anyone actually get hold of something i might like and/or want? doubtful
right mind is wandering and i can smell the roast is coming...
take it easy peeps
Wednesday, 28 September 2005
i'm rapidly running out of decent things to eat in my flat, mainly because i'm getting rid of everything that i've got so that when i move out i'm not taking a shed load of food with me, that and i've not got any money to buy any more food until friday, but at least i've got some beers in the place :)
i've been doing very little this week, very little indeed
although i was pretty late for work on tuesday, a whopping 90 minutes, i couldn't help it i just plain slept through my alarms. speaking of work i've been asked to write the company Health & Safety manual and policy...responsibility or what!!!??? still it'l lbe good to get them to realise that i can do things that they might not think i can do
i've been feeling pretty weird the last couple of days, at work i've been fine, we've been really busy so i've not had much time to think about much while i've been at work and the last few nights i've been out and about, visiting people and drinking. but tonight i just feel as though there's something wrong and i can't put my finger on it, i'm just feeling a bit weird. kinda alone i guess
i've been blogging on he other sites i've got running a little as well recently, it's given me something else to do, although the other posts haven't been all that much to be honest
heh heh something i have been doing is watching my living dead films ready for when i can get to the cinema to see land of the's got to be done...i've been waiting all summer for it to be released and now it has i've got n money to see it, well not until this weekend anyway :D
when i grow up i want to be in a zombie film
there's so much i could say about now, but i have no idea what i want to say anymore, i'm just so tired at the moment
think i'm going to head to the bath and try not to fall asleep in it again, like i did on saturday!!
finished my book the other day will post a review when i get round to it, might be tomorrow depends on work...going to have to read something i've read before now...ah well such is life
by the way roxi...german beer hangovers are easy...i was in germany for a month earlier this year and i'll happily drink many many beers and not suffer much in the morning...proper beers to, from the litre size was ALL good :)
anyway bathtime is calling
laters peeps
Saturday, 24 September 2005
but i have nothing to say
it's too early on a saturday morning for me to be thinking about something new to post about
besides i'm trying to think of a witty and cutting comeback for pp on the other blog and it's just not working for me
supposed to be moving things today, but alas, plans changed last night while out and now i'm stuck moving things on my own again...which to be honest i prefer, because there's less hassle of telling people what's supposed to be where and all that kinda junk...besides some of this shit needs to go into storage
btw roxi...i did a few of the things on your site...
apparently i'm "tin man's johnson silver" as a rejected crayon
i'm an "expert kisser" but that's only according to the thing
the underwear oracle had me spot on
and my porn star name is larry loverod
i'm hungry and i want some breakfast, but i used all the bacon and eggs yesterday and the day before, and that only really leave toast for breakfast this morning and i don't really want toast, i wanted a bacon buttie :(
anyway i'm struggling with things to say now so i'm going to cut an run
take care peeps
Thursday, 22 September 2005
not sure why i'm laughing, or where i'm going, but it might have something to do with listening to running with scissors by weird al yankovic on the way to work today...
so this is 201
it's not going to be very interesting though
been stuck in traffic most of the week
and there has been a shed load of army vehicles on the road, last week there was a convoy of lorries, 12 in total, some with trailers, some with out, all doing about 45-50 on the a34...causing the traffic to back up something chronic, yesterday it was motorbikes, and this morning it was bizarre is that? not sure where they were all going because they were heading in different directions, but heading towards the likely suspect of abingdon
got a big offer quote out on monday, it was big, over half a million again and that was just the furniture...but that's also why i've not had chance to cyber-slack or blog recently, got another project on the go at the moment, fairly small and pretty easy, i'm just waiting for a pile of prices to come through from the delightful people in germany, although i've just priced some sinks up this morning and they've come out as being pretty expensive!!! yesterday it was the taps that were high cost, today it't the sinks...
in other news, i've had various visitors this week and last, including vic and aisha who popped in the other evening on a flying visit so i could give them aisha's birthday card, and dk who popped in last night, after getting lost twice on her way back from swansea, just another flying visit, but it was cool to see her for an hour as i've not seen her for over a year!
other than that things have been pretty quiet, i had a bit of a cold most of last week, but didn't feel that ill that i'd take the day off, but i was ill enough not to make it to offspring gig, was disappointed about that, but i made it all the way to luton, then after sitting in luton's sitting room with her for a while, i decided that i was going to try and get home as i was running a fever and had a thumping head, neck and backache which wasn't cool!
think that's pretty much it though, so take care peeps
Tuesday, 13 September 2005
i'm going to take my time over this post, it's not that i've got a lot to say, although i probably will end up saying loads, but i want to make sure that i get everything down on "paper"
i can't actually remember when i last posted, think it was thursday, how bad is that?!
well since thursday i've not been feeling too great, saturday i hardly ate anything, same sunday and yesterday, been feeling as though i'll throw up if i do, although yesterday i did go for a curry, managed to eat 2/3 of it, but that was pretty much all i ate yesterday.
lemme see
what exciting things have i been up to
well sunday morning i had an audition in London for a new tv game show called Deal Or No Deal, it was pretty cool and if i get to go on it i could win up to £250,000, which would get me a nice house and a dodge viper :) how cool would that be!?!?!
during the audition i had to do a 30 second piece to camera...great i stood there and said "i'm pete and i'm tall and that's about it, i;m heavily into music and films...basically what you see is what you get." which illicited the question "does being tall give you delusions of grandeur?" my response was great and totally off the top of my head " no...everybody already knows i'm great" much laughing was done and that was it my 30 seconds in the spot light were over...i think i may have made an inpression with the last comment
the only bad thing about it was that i had to be in central london for 9.30 on a sunday morning and yes that time really does exist!
luton's been busy the last few days with work, but she's off all week and she's taking me to see Offspring at the weekend, so that's cool, i'm looking forward to that, so's she. nd i'm looking forward to here cooking me dinner sometime soon
THIS IS MY 200TH POST CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? i didn't think it'd make it past about 20! so i wanna thank everyone who reads this thing, i wanna thank everyone who's commented on it and i wanna thank everyone who has given me something to write about. as for starting it, i blame woja as he got me started on it when i read his many moons ago now...
and although i have 3 blogs now, the latest being a new one which hasn't had anything done to it yet because i'm waiting for pp to link herself into it...this one will remain my blog and will have some of the random and personal stuff in it, the storys will continue to be sporadic and when i feel like it and the new one will be completely random stuff that's going to bounce either side of the pond
there's not much i can think of to say at the moment because my brain has turned to jelly and is dribbling out my ears
take care peeps
Px (NOT Pixy...please take note pp)
Monday, 12 September 2005
...but seeing as it's half 10 and i've only just got in from work, admittedly we finished at 6 and went for a couple of pints and a curry, i'm shattered and i want my bed
there is so much that i want to tell though, about the weekend and everything, i'll post it all tomorrow, and i know that it sounds like i'm putting it off...that's because i am!
laters peeps
Friday, 9 September 2005
sorry to put you all through this, blame roxi...i can't believe i'm doing this :(
7 things I want to do before I die....
1. write a book
2. travel the world
3. learn to play the guitar
4. have children
5. be on tv
6. become rich and famous
7. set foot in the squared circle
7 things I can do....
1. save you when you drwon
2. order a beer in polish
3. make fun of myself
4. set off an airport metal detector
5. cook a dinner that will make you want more even though you're full already
6. live hard and drive fast
7. enjoy myself without needing to be drunk
7 things I cant do....
1. budget properly
2. get up in time for work
3. paint in watercolours
4. play the guitar
5. lick my elbow
6. be short
7. the washing up after cooking a nice dinner
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex...
1. Seductive smile
2. Loving eyes
3. long dark hair
4. Inney belly button
6. Long legs
7. Nice T&A
7 celebrity crushes....
1. Kiera Knightley
2. Kate Winslet
3. Kate Beckinsale
4. Charlize Theron
5. Michelle Branch
6. Vanessa Carlton
7. Beyonce Knowles
i'm tired, i shouldn't be, but i am, well, i suppose technically i should be tired seeing as i think i only got about 5 hours sleep, which obviously wasn't good...
work has been a bit odd... i can sit here for ages not doing anything, not because i don't want to, but because i can't, then all of a sudden everything comes in at once and i'm flooded with it again.
for some reason i've been having a few bad days this week and although i think it's down to a mix of being over tired and work is getting a little irritating, i can't think of anything else which would contribute to it
my car decided that it would lock the stereo this morning...that was great, i put the key in, the stereo started, when i turned the ignition, the stereo read "radio locked" brilliant! that means i need to take it over to the garage i got it from, but there's the problem seeing as the "fitters only work monday to friday" and i only work monday to friday, i can't get the car there, especially as they don't have a courtesy car...brilliant, so i'm face with driving around with no tunes for a while or having to bunk off work to try and get the car over to the garage and get the stereo sorted...i know which option i'd choose, but bunking off work is harder than it should be
driving home last night i realised that i now drive to work without really paying much attention to the road and more attention to the other vehicle on the road, and although this sounds ideal, i'm actually referring to the fact that i'm starting to recognise other cars on the road as having seen them the previous day on roughly the same bit of road, example, i pass a Norbert Dentressengle lorry every day on the A34 between abingdon and didcot on the way home, now although i'm pretty sure it's not the same lorry, it's kinda freaky that i pass one every day on the same section of road. for those who don't know, Norbert Dentressengle are a logistics firm that roll around in big red lorries with white writing on them. there's a car i see every few days on the road, there's another lorry firm that i usually see, although this morning i saw a van not a lorry... i usually people watch while i'm driving too, this morning i saw someone putting on their make-up in the car, it's ok we were in a stationary line of traffic when she started, but then we started moving and she was still doing it... there was a nice looking woman the other day with her finger stuck up her nose, that made me chuckle, i have nothing against nose pickers, but to see someone doing it while stuck in traffic and totally oblivious to the fact that everyone else around her was watching...makes me laugh. there are the people who sing along with what ever they are listening to (oh how i envied them this morning) some do it softly, others are really giving to some, there seems to be no happy medium... i do it sometimes, and i do it sometimes when i have people in the car with me, that can be embarressing when you're singing to something cheesy or totally out of character to your persona. it makes me laugh when people realise that they're being watched while singing and try to pretend they weren't doing it, the ingenious ways they come up with is funny, one pretended to swap his "phone" to the other ear last week to i could he was actually talking on it, but seeing as he didn't actually have his hand to his other ear in the first place i couldn't help but laugh.
just realised i'm talking balls again so i'm going to go back to my little quote that i'm working on and see if i can finish off the packet of Haribo sweets i've just pulled out of my secret stash draw before anyone else pinches one
take it easy peeps
Wednesday, 7 September 2005
just feeling a little pee'd off today...
i say a little, i mean a lot
and i don't know why
anyway my heads not really into the whole blogging thing too much today so i'm just going to prattle on about something or other and see where the random stream takes me
i've turned into a bit of a phantom comment leaver type person at the moment...i keep clicking on the "next blog" button and reading things and from there i sometimes leave a comment and other times i don't...and if i really like the blog i go back and look again, and maybe leave another's all good though
there are a few people at the moment who have a lot to answer for...
woja...for sending me a link to a stupid burger game which i get stuck on level 4, that's if i make it to level 4 that is...once i managed to get to level 5...but it was way too scary and i ended up dying very quickly
Evel...for getting me into Su Doku...number are now evil
am really bored again today at work, sometimes i wonder why i do this job, other times i realise without it i wouldn't have so much time to surf the internet :) although i definately need more money so i might have to take a second job, not sure what though...suggestions please?
just had my lunch...smoked salmon sandwich and then a cheese and bacon one as well, think i preferred the latter one, not sure why though... still hungry though, might have to head off and raid the local shop for more food at this rate...
apparently the lunch time hacky sack session is calling for me...i'll be back
right that's the post lunch session out of the way...spanish wanted to name all the different kicks that we use, but no-one could actually be that bothered to do it...and everytime we got a double and were heading for the triple someone would say "that's the double" (usually spanish) and then we'd fluff it before we made the next full loop
the 34 effing fume cupboards are being changed again so i'm stuck not being able to work on them...which is fine with me at the moment, but seeing as i've got 4 days before the quote is due, i hope that the problems get sorted out...
i'm so bored at the moment
and i've got a headache coming on now too
great :(
still not sure what i'm pee'd off about, but i feel better now after the lunchtime hack...bizarre huh!
right to clarify...bobbins means "of no conceivable use" from the ever useful woja, so i hope that helps you linny...ain't english great?
i guess i should get back to work, but i still have nothing to do...ho-hum
guess i could go back to randomly reading other peoples blogs and leaving little comments on them
laters peeps, take care now