Thursday, 16 October 2003

"bullets and bombs might break his bones or even vapourise him completely, but vern could do him a nasty injury"
taken from Valhalla by Tom Holt

that's what i've been reading at the moment, reading it like mad because i've got the new terry pratchett book sitting on my desk glaring at me, darig me to start reading it before i finish the book i'm on

things are going fairly well at the moment, although i'm feeling fuff as ruck, i think i'm coming down with a cold...throat's very sore, feeling cold and i ache all over...still not calling in sick though because if i call in sick there's no-one to cover me, might have to call it in tomorrow though if i don't get better today

other than that, like i said, things are going well, looked in the argos book last night for the essentials and i've picked out a few things that i'll need that are reasonably priced, migt start getting them at the weekend, but might be better to leave some of it until after i've made the move, that way i won't have to move it twice

take care peoples

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