Thursday, 23 October 2003

wow...that was good!!!
i'm not talking about anything dirty people...i am in fact referring to a "really interesting" seminar i attended today on Health & Safety, still as boring as it was, at least i didn't have to go to work in the normal sense of the word...

tenancy agreement arrived today, need to look through it at some point before tomorrow when i should go down and hand it in signed and with the balance on the account, which i mentioned yesterday was totalling £1441.13 which had better be in my account tomorrow seeing as i get paid at some point between now and when i get to the bank

everything else is ok, i'm tired, still not sleeping very well, i'm still not feeling very well either, but i really can't be bothered to see the doctor about it, it's nothing major after all. my teeth hurt, i think that i've got one cutting through, and it's not the most comfortable of things.

general feeling for the day is ambivalent

take care peoples

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