Tuesday 14 September 2004

multi pointed blog again today

1. aol again
i hate it...it's a crap system that never seems to let me stay online for more than about 10 minutes at a time...it either boots me or freezes the computer up and forces it to re-start... it's crap

2. the tp front
as you're probably aware i don't live with my folks at the moment...but i do come back, primarily when i want feeding or the use of a "decent" computer, i use the term decent with an edge of caution as it'll probably boot me again in a minute... but recently the toilet paper situation has been comical at home, with the tp not standing up to the expectations that i have come to expect from, not only my house proud parents, but from the bog paper that they choose to buy, recently it has been of a very sub-standard quality and might i add not very soft... however i am glad to report that the situation appears to have been rectified for the time being and the usual soft, nice and sensible tp has made a most welcome return

3. the job front
nothing's happened yet, but then i'm not expecting anything to just yet

4. the home front
again nothing's happened here either, but i was told that some people came and had a look around the bombsite that is my home at the moment, i did try and tidy it up a little, but i couldn't be that bothered, so mainly i moved stuff into places that they shouldn't be looking anyway

5. the western front
all's quiet here

6. the preston front
nothing ever happens here either

7. work
work is work is work...it's usually really pants, but it can range anywhere on the scale from bearable, right through my pants, to "oh my god that was really worth me turning up to this shit hole again today, why the fuck do i bother?" which can generally be seen as a rather boring, dull, meaningless and on the whole pointless endeavour for the day, supposed to be in a meeting tonight, followed by lifeguard training, i don't know if i can be bothered to turn up to either, but i should really, i'd much rather be in the pub or at home, or anywhere to be honest

8. drunk people
should be shot if they think that calling me at half 3 in the morning is ever going to illicit a response that isn't going to end up in physical harm the next time i catch up with them...you've been warned

9. me in general
feeling a little hacked off in general at the moment... never sure why, but hey, it can't be that bad...can it? sleeping better than i have for a little while. moods are slowly levelling out to their usual balance of walking that tightrope between insanity and mediocrity...either way i'm damned, just kidding people

that's it for now...i'll keep you posted on the tp front and job front, just in case anything changes

laters peeps

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