Wednesday 13 September 2006

DON'T ask me

i've deleted this post because it was too sad and depressing

and i'm too tired to be like that


Lindsey said...

Pete! Don't be down. You're right, you're just all out of whack because you're tired.

You're almost through with this job and you're going to go onto one that you really enjoy. Plus you have so many people that care about you and we're all here for you. We're only a text message/email/post away. :o)

Lindsey said...

See..I want to hear no more complaining. You've got someone to go home and cuddle up to and she loves you. Give her a call.

Princess Pessimism said...

Look at that, supportive and comforting comments from linny!

How many days left until you're done, and move on to bigger and better things??

onan the bavarian said...

If you've deletd this post, how come I'm reading it and commenting on it?
