Friday 22 September 2006

one week on

well i started my new job
and i love it
it's so nice and i've really enjoyed working there this week.
so far i've played tennis, had my gym induction, got shown how to make coffee and had a jolly off
to nottingham
worst day so far though was the day when i put my shoes on top of the car and got in, leaving them on top, i then drove off and forgot all about them until i got to within 5 miuntes of work and realised what i'd done...someone somewhere had a nice new pair of shoes and i had to go and buy a nicer newer pair...bloody typical
see it really does happen to people!
anyway i've managed to come down with a cold in the last couple of days which sucks! bu i've got today off (because i'm working tomorrow)
sorry i've not played this week, not TMI or HNT...i've still not sorted out getting a phone line, let alone b/band at the flat, but once i've finished this i will be taking the computer there, so slowly i'll be sorting it out!
laters peeps


Lindsey said...

Glad you're loving your job. This will hopefully make a happier Px!

Princess Pessimism said... and Linny were wondering how you were doing. Glad to see you're surviving.

I start my new job on monday. im very excited.

Oh ya...What the fuck does this mean "had a jolly off to nottingham".

Autumn Storm said...

Great! Glad you are enjoying the new job.

Bummer on the cold, feel better, x

Tara Tainton said...

Glad to hear about the new job! Sorry to hear about the sickness, but the seasons are changing and everyone will go through it. At least you have yours out of the way! ;)


Natalia said...

Yaay for job. I have not forgotten your postcards. I have just been madly busy. How are things with the woman and the kid? Updates, love, updates!


FU said...

i bot your postcard ages ago. and now i finally filled it out.

your british addresses have too many lines.

i hope to go to the post office one day and send it to you

if only postman pat and his black and white cat lived close by.

Lindsey said...

The address really is long isn't it FU? Geez...I think I had to make extra lines on my card.

Roxi said...

I left a 500 dollar camera on top of my car once..

that sucked ass

Natalia said...

Hmmm are you coming back?


NotCarrie said...

Yay for the good new job:)

Roxi said...
