Friday 15 September 2006

friday fun

it's friday
it's my last day
which means i doubt i'll be able to update as often when i start my new job, which means i'll need to get a phone line and then the broadband linked to our flat
actually that's something i could do now...cunning!
felling pretty tired at the moment (and hungry) got up and was in work this morning about half 6 this morning because i needed to get some work done...means i might be able to leave early...seeing as it's my last day i don't think they'll fire me for it!
i've found all my leads and camera, so i'll be able to upload some pics...not that i'll be able to blog them though lol ho-hum
interesting comments on yesterday's HNT (linny apparently we're a couple)
found my BMG beanie yesterday, so because it was cold this morning and it was way to early to sort my hair out i've got it on...i like my beanie :)
speaking of hair, i need mine cut sometime soon, thinking of shaving it all down short, not sure yet though...we shall see
was sick last night...first time in ages, the lady thinks it's down to stress (this last week at work has been hell because the spanish guy left me a pile of large quotes that should've been done in germany and or that he's had them for a couple of weeks before handing them over to me, so i've been getting in the shit as a result...wanker!
anyway it's my last day today, so it doesn't matter
need to make sure that i've got rid of everything of my computer later. and that i've got everything out of my drawers too...don't want to be leaving anything behind really!
guess i should crack on... :o(
but before i go...a postcard update:
got 4 now, got my 2nd one from woja yesterday

until next time peeps take care


Princess Pessimism said...

OHHH your last day!!! Make sure you steal up all the good things that you dont want to buy yourself...

Natalia said...

Ummm how do we know where to send you postcards? I can send you some from Florida.


Lindsey said...

I'm glad you'll start the new job soon...THEN you'll cheer up and be able to post that HNT Miss Ash is dying to see.

FU said...

i was supposed to go and get postcards for u and sara this weekend.. but i decided to stay on the couch and recover from my cold... so now u will have to wait until next weekend when i venture into the malls.

Kate said...

