Thursday, 28 August 2003

so tired
i've been up since 5 again this morning, things would've been ok except that i was woken up late last night so that my mum could show me Mars, as in the planet not the bar... it was red, it was a dot, it was whole un impressive, but i guess at least i have seen it!
work was easy today though, i didn't have anyone phone in sick, or have to cover any other departments first thing this morning which meant that i could actually do my own work for once and i had a man phone me about my cv which took me ages to write yesterday, but that's a whole different story, he seemed pleased with what i sent him so hopefully i'll get an interview with them and then a job too... now that would be sweet!

anyway no other news really, i guess i should mention that i crashed the computer several times while i was trying to write my cv yesterday and i very annoyed and pissed off because the first time it was just winword that crashed and as such it didn't register the timesave document that was my first cv, so i wrote it again and as i was writing it the whole thing froze me out...stupid computer!

anyway take care peoples

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