Sunday, 17 August 2003

Waiting At The Bus Stop Of Life

Today is going to be a good day, i can feel it, i've been up about 2, maybe 3 hours, 2 and a half if i'm honest!!! and so far i'm feeling good, i've got a few things to sort out about tonight and next week, but it's nothing that's going to ruin my day.

I've still not got rid of my cold, which is getting mildly irritating now, on the upside though i can't smell anything and taste very little, which isn't all good, but it's not bad either...

i've been looking at the template thing thinking of ways that i might be able to change it, but i know very little about the thing and therefore i'm not going to try too much yet, because i can't more than anything.

AOL is starting to annoy m, i keep getting IM's from people offering me to see their webcam know te one's i'm on about!!! apparently it's not just me though, dave's getting them too

I've given up trying to sort out women, it's probably the best decision i've ever made (again), and i'm not going to go back on it (this time), no really i mean it (until the next woman comes alone).
Speaking of women, or partners in general, has anyone else noticed that they're like buses (careful what you say here), i don't mean that they are big and red, although i've met a few that are...i'm so glad that i no longer have anything to do with her. what i mean is that you wait ages for one and then three turn up at once, i'm sure i'm not the first to say that though. anyway i'm still in the waiting phase, hence the title. if anyone can point me in the right direction, or at least give me a timetable i'd appriciate it.

I've not played age of mythology for a while, might have a game later, it's been a while since i felt the godly power of running around sending minotaurs and gorgons to annihilate the sworn enemy and infidels that are messing up my utopia.

anyway, i've not got much planned at the moment so i'm thinking that i could go back to bed.

take care peoples

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