Sunday 26 November 2006

good news

well i went and had a chat with the bloke on friday about working for him and he's going to give me a week's trail starting tomorrow morning at 7.30 (i now, it's proper early, ubt you know what, i'm hardcore (jut ask linny) and i can cope with that :D)

yesterday i went out and spent money on things
it was good
btw peeps if you get a chance, hunt out get cape, wear cape, fly. they are awesome and i am really enjoying their album at the moment
also got series 4 of scrubs, not had chance to watch it yet as i got a pile of other dvd's at the same time
speaking of which i'm off to watch kate beckinsale in PVC again (underworld evolution)

well this evening i'm working in the pub again, it's been proper dead the last few times that i've worked, end of the month, xmas coming and stuff like that, but i've got a few extra shifts coming up through december and that should generate some extra cash this month.

right it was only going to be a little entry today because i'm hungry and i wanna go drool over ms beckinsale
ttfn peeps


Lindsey said...

*Blushing fiercely*

Congrats on the job!!!

Jen said...

alright darling, sorry I didn't come to the pub last night, I fell asleep on the sofa after not having slept at all the previous night (for obvious reasons)...

anyway, would be wicked to catch up so let me know when you're about and we can go and get sloshed somewhere, sound good?

Anonymous said...

Kate Beckinsale is hot...but hardly hot enough to subject meyself to Underworld Evolution again. ;)


Px said...

not sure if congrats are in order, a job was needed and this one came up, it's not great, ubt it's easier to find a new job when you've got one

no worries about the pub, it was rather dead in there though. and bizarrely i spent an hour or more in the company of my ex-fiancee's dad and brother! that was a laugh though because i always got on well with them

welcome back
you're right about underworld evolution, it's not worth wading through again just to see kate beckinsale in pvc...although she does get out of it too (which i never realised)

Px said...

btw peeps
i just googled shadowfish because i needed to know, and this blog site is #5 on the google list how funny is that?!

FU said...

i think beckinsale is ugly.


she has a very ugly mug.

maybe her body is hot.. but her face is not.

congrats on the job!!!