Monday 13 November 2006

Humie dogs

humie dogs indeed..sorry i just wanted to get that out of my system before i got into anything. it comes froma book that i've just finished reading called before & after and it's a funny view on armageddon in which the forces of evil and good do battle in a small welsh village which has suffered a recent spate of exploding sheep...anyway both sides refer to us mere mortals at some point in the book as Humie Dogs and it made me laugh
yes i know i'm weird
i don't care

so i'm no longer the birthday boy
and you know what, it feels no different
i'm tired today though
after the festivities of the WWE last night (yes i did take a few pictures...some have come out really well, some are just plain shit) [pictures pending] i didn't get to bed until about half 1 this morning. and i got called at 8 this morning with an offer of a day's work...couldn't turn it down really, so i got up and bleary eyed, i drove to a small place where i found out that i wasn't going to be picking and packing as i was originally told, but i was going to be the drivers mate for teh day. i have never done this work before, so had no idea what it entailed...and i was pleasantly surprised at just how damned easy it was. we did 2 drops, the first was a head board (that was all) and the second was some small items of furniture...and that was it, for the whole day...and i got paid a days wages for this and sitting in a van all day (that wasn't as fun as the guy driving was a bit of an arse to be honest...)
on thursday i'm heading off for the interview on friday morning. thought it might be a good idea to travel down the night before rather than the morning of the interview, that way i don't have to rush or anything in the morning, seeing as this place is about 2 hours away from my home town (maybe more). got to sort out what i want to wear too...think it'll end up being the same old suit and tie, but i've got a few other options now as to which tie and shirt i wear...
also wondering about getting rid of the beard...what do you peeps think, beard or no beard?


FU said...

i grew the shag.. u should shave.


FU said...

oh ya.. temp work sucks.. but its fun coz u can mess up and u dont care about getting fired!

Lindsey said...

Oh dear lord. I had the worst thoughts in my head when I read your title. I thought you were going to talk about something really dirty. In the U.S. we refer to blow jobs (that are given while riding in a car) as Hummers. So I thought this was some wierd name you guys had for this. Apparently not.

Oh well.

Hmmm. I liked the beard, it suited you. But it all depends on the type of job you're going for too. If it's a really professional setting then sometimes clean shaven is preferred.

We've already discussed this but I really am glad to hear you had a blast last night.

Px said...

vote 1:1

youre right, i didn't care, besides is was easy work and i got paid for it

mind out of the gutter woman!

Natalia said...

Hmmm I would have to see side by side pictures of said beard before I can vote. Peter (mine, not you) and I have a deal, he won't shave and I won't cut my hair. It's fair. I rhymed :), please.
