Tuesday 28 November 2006

news type stuff

warning there are 3 posts for the day
please read them all if you want but fair warning is given that post 2 is TMI tuesday!

news type stuff
last night went to the quiz for the first time since before me and my ex lovely lady split up. i created a new team with my mate jenfer...we were called sax and violins (an obvious pun there, but it was all good and people enjoyed it) and we stuffed the ex's team by coming 2nd for the whole thing by 1/2 a point
although we didn't win an individual round or anything else for that matter :(

the new work is a bit naff, but i've got an interview on thursday evening, which is promising, and one next tuesday, so i'm keeping my options open!
work is a bot naff because i only get 15 minutes break during an 8 hour shift (which i think is illegal, must check that before i go in tomorrow), i don't know how much i'm being paid, or what my job title is. and i'm on my feet all day (not a good thing considering one of my feet was buggered up years ago and now has metal in it...same one i broke about 2 years back now)

social life is a bit quiet again at the moment, someone new is on tour with a panto, which is a shame, but it's her first show tonight, so she's in my thoughts, although i'm sure it'll be awesome and things will go very well
not sure if i'm going to see her until the 21st of december...she's that busy at the moment. but it's good although i do miss chatting to her.

i googled shadowfish the other day (this is for those who haven't read the comments from sunday) and this blog site is number 5 in the list out of 521 (i think...it was yesterday after all)

think that's about it
post #2 is my TMI for this week
post #3 is a dodgy meme thing which you're all welcome to have a go at if you want...if you don't know the answers have a guess...its a chance to make fun of me :)

laters peeps


Princess Pessimism said...

Wow I havent read your blog in a long time.

Im glad you got a new job. VERY exciting, and you know what? It doesnt matter if you dont like it....its money right now, thats all that matters. Plus, its always easier to find a job when you already have one.

Good luck on your Thursday interview

Miss Ash said...

What's a panto?

Px said...

you're so right, i've got a job and money is more important than finding a proper job...besides like you said it's easier to get work when you've got work

a panto is a christmas play, ubt not the nativity (very british i fear) usually something like puss in boots or robin hood